Posts with term TerraCycle X

Lancement de l'opération de recyclage des outils d'écriture usagés avec l'école de Rédange

Dès leur plus jeune âge, les enfants sont concernés par le recyclage des déchets : le tri fait partie des gestes du quotidien qu’ils ont à imiter et à comprendre. (...) Ces déchets seront ensuite récupérés par Terracycle, entreprise pionnière en matière de réutilisation de déchets non recyclables (www.terracycle.fr) à l’initiative du projet de collecte, pour fabriquer de nouveaux produits d’usage courant (tels que des pots à crayons, des corbeilles à papier ou des arrosoirs...)

Opbrug er det nye grønt

Upcycling. Et opgør med »brug og smid væk«-samfundet er nært forestående. Opbrug hedder konceptet, der ikke alene handler om at genbruge affald, men også om at forvandle det til helt nye produkter. Værdien i skrald tiltrækker nu internationale aktører, der vil have en bid af kagen. ... En af de store internationale spillere er Terracycle, der i disse dage er ved at finde et ståsted på det veludviklede danske marked for sortering af affald.

School in recycling competition finals

Dinosaurs Rex and Rita get their fill of recycled bags at Madison Avenue Elementary. Now they're looking for their fill of votes to win a recycling contest. The school's bins used to accept chip and drink pouches during lunch period are among the 10 finalists in TerraCycle's The Box that Rocks Contest. The winner gets 100,000 points - which translates into $1,000 - from the the New Jersey business that "upcycles" or turns typically non-recyclable materials into new products.

Oakwood Elementary participates in national recycling program

In order to teach students a fun way to protect the Earth and earn money for their school, Oakwood Elementary is participating in a national recycling program. TerraCycle Inc. has partnered with brands including Kraft, Nabisco and Frito-Lay to recycle and “upcycle” packaging including Capri Sun juice pouches, Lunchables containers, chip bags, and more. The items can be used to make products including notebook covers, backpacks and pencil cases. Through TerraCycle, Inc., the school is able to collect food packaging which is difficult to recycle, ship the items at no cost to various warehouses across the country, and receive points. The points can be used toward buying a charity gift or be converted to money for a charity or the school itself.

12 organic Halloween treats

Check out these picks for organic Halloween goodies from Corey Colwell-Lipson, founder of Green Halloween. “My favorites meet at least one, and ideally all three, of our “3-G” criteria: good for people, good for planet, good for communities. There's also a fourth “G”: good for animals and habitat.” That translates into products that are organic; contain no GMOs, preservatives, artificial colors/flavors, palm oil, or corn syrup; are fair trade (especially important for chocolate, she says); and are made with whole, real foods. Honest Kids drink pouches. All-fruit drinks that are perfect for a party or if you get only a few trick-or-treaters. The packs are recyclable through a partnership with TerraCycle.