Posts with term TerraCycle X

Our hat's off to...

• Bad Axe Elementary, Owendale-Gagetown Area Schools and Our Lady of Lake Huron Catholic School for taking part in the TerraCycle Brigade program, which recycles many different food packaging items used by students and helps keep trash out of landfills.

BOO! It’s Your Trash, In Disguise (by Tom Szaky)

Halloween is about disguise, and a lot of what we do here at TerraCycle deals with disguising trash, making it more appealing and actually useful! Halloween, and the following holiday season, are great times to really rethink what we do with our trash. Halloween provides the incentive and some extra encouragement to start getting creative with your trash. It’s always exciting to see what kids come up with when they use their creativity – we just held a “Box That Rocks” contest, in which participants designed TerraCycle collection boxes. I saw monsters, trains, robots – everything! Students did a great job of disguising ugly bins into something cool for the cafeteria or school hallway, which reminded me of when TerraCycle was just getting started and I was able to go to school and work hands on with kids, teaching them how to upcycle.

Greetings from the New Recycling Coordinator!

Hello Green Thinking Blog readers! I am Kelly Drummond and I am the new president of Recycling Club and the recycling coordinator for the campus. I have been a member of the club for a year now and have an active interest in the environment, recycling, and sustainability. I am working towards making positive changes on this campus and I am very excited to be the new recycling coordinator. This semester I have already begun with evaluating the recycling rooms in all of the residence halls on campus. I plan to have each one contain important and easy to read recycling instructions and make sure each bin is properly labeled. Recycling Club and I have also started a Terracycle program and will be distributing collection boxes in Hasbrouck dining hall, the Student Union building, and Backstage Cafe at Parker Theatre within the next two weeks. We are thrilled to start this program because we will be collecting chip bags which are normally just thrown away. We collect the chip bags and send them off to Terracycle where they will become handbags, backpacks, binders, picture frames, and more! By collecting these bags we will both be reducing the waste produced on campus and putting that material to good use. To learn more about Terracycle please go to: www.terracycle.net to read all about it!

Entrevista a Tom Szaky, fundador y presidente de TerraCycle

Que una empresa del renombre de BIC se embarque en un proyecto de reciclaje de sus productos plásticos es más que reconfortante. Si bien la marca, buque insignia de casi toda una generación, ha sabido proyectarse en todo el mundo gracias a sus productos, ahora también pone de manifiesto su compromiso con el medioambiente y el desarrollo sostenible, a través del ecodiseño y midiendo el desarrollo ecológico en la fabricación y el transporte. Uno de los proyectos en los que se halla inmersa la firma de los populares ‘BIC naranja’ y ‘BIC cristal’, junto a la empresa TerraCycle es el programa de recogida y reciclaje de instrumentos de escritura en España, una campaña que también ayudará a recaudar dinero para asociaciones y escuelas. Desde TerraCycle nos hablan de este interesante proyecto.

Turning Garbage Into Gold

Last month my fascination with how values and purpose can drive corporate culture, products and brand took me to Trenton, New Jersey to visit a company called Terracycle [www.terracycle.net ]. Terracycle, it turns out, is an incredible example of how staying true to your values and purpose can translate into a robust business. Terracycle has pioneered a business model that is not only helping solve our garbage crisis; it's also fueled their exponential growth over the last several years. Now with revenues of $20 million a year, they are rapidly creating a new asset class—garbage.

Monster Mash your Trash Costume Contest by TerraCycle 11/4

The Monster Mash your Trash Costume Contest is a way for TerraCycle Brigade participants to learn how every day waste can be reused into unique products. The Monster Mash your Trash Costume Contest is open to all TerraCycle Brigade participants. Costumes must be original designs created from at least two-thirds upcycled waste materials, such as candy and cookie wrappers, or drink pouches.