Posts with term TerraCycle X

Projet de solidarité CRCLSH - Accueils de loisirs

Le CRCLSH s'engage à la rentrée de septembre 2012 dans un projet de solidarité. Tous les accueils de loisirs du département que cette initiative intéresse peuvent s'y impliquer. Très brièvement, il s'agit de conserver les stylos, feutres, marqueurs... usagés, pour les collecter et les recycler par la suite par l'intermédiaire d'une structure "Terracycle".

Have a red, white, blue, and green 4th of July!

TerraCycle has a solution for getting rid of all the non-recyclable waste from the Fourth and other summer parties through its collection program, the TerraCycle Brigade program. Anyone can send non-recyclable packaging from summer events – such as chip bags, napkin wrapping or plastic cups – to TerraCycle free of charge to be recycled or even repurposed into new, useful and innovative products. http://www.terracycle.net/

Earth, charities benefit from new cigarette recycling

Cigarette butts are often discarded without thought, but thanks to a unique program that tiny plastic filter could have a new lease on inanimate life as a plastic pallet in a factory. The new innovative eco-program designed by TerraCycle Canada is called Cigarette Waste Brigade. The smoker simply collects all parts of the extinguished cigarette, including the filter, outer plastic packaging, inner foil packaging and rolling paper – even the remaining ash – then packages it all up and mails it to TerraCycle. As of June 25, 2012 more than 5,700 units have been collected from 81 different locations, according to company officials.

Going Greener With Garnier

A few weeks ago, my friend and fellow blogger, Rachel invited some friends to check out the first stop in Garnier’s Greener Tour. I’m so glad I was able to attend the event, that the event was in my neck of the woods, and that I got this new moisturizer (more on that in a minute)! We don’t normally have big brands visit our little city (and definitely don’t have them in the little off-shoot of the little city where I live), so when Rachel invited me to the event, I was super excited. The first stop on this summer’s Garnier Greener Tour was Corpus Christi.
The multi-city tour is designed to inform men and women about the recyclability of cosmetic packaging, encourage them to think differently about waste, and teach simple ways to have a positive impact on the environment. The tour bus will feature:
  • TerraCycle collection bins to encourage people to recycle empty personal care and beauty items
  • TerraCycle representative on site to educate on recycling and upcycling
  • Garnier samples and other goodies
  • Garnier styling stations
  • Interactive bottle toss game
I already use Garnier products for my hair including the shampoo, conditioner, and styling product; but, I wasn’t familiar with the skin-care products. One of the items I got at the event was this amazing moisturizer called Moisture Rescue. Y’all, I love this stuff! I am not a big fan of moisturizer at night because I don’t like the heavy feeling, but this gel is so light-weight and soaks right in to your skin! And a little goes a long way. Moisture Rescue will be in my cabinet from now on.


Iniciativa de la Agrupación Cangrejos Solidarios.
La A grupación Cangrejos Solidarios de San José comenzará en los próximos días una nueva campaña solidaria que se sumará a la recolección de tapitas. Ambas tareas están destinadas a ayudar a Baltazar Premat, un chiquito de barrio Santa Teresita que debe someterse a un costo tratamiento médico. La actividad consistirá en juntar sobres de jugo en polvo de cualquier marca, además de tapitas y botellas plásticas. Los jóvenes se unieron al equipo de Brigada Tang, que en conjunto con Terracycle, una ONG que se ocupa de cuidar el medio ambiente, se encargarán de reciclar el material para fabricar productos tales como útiles escolares.