Posts with term tassimo X

Canadians Welcome, Eh Sponsor: TerraCycle

I was excited when TerraCycle Canada agreed to be part of the Canadian’s Welcome, Eh giveaway because I think the company does a great service to the world by turning trash into such cool things. Although they’ve been around since 2001, I first heard about them when I was flipping through the channels and came across their Garbage Moguls show that was on a few years ago. I loved watching them come up with creative ways to recycle things like old dog food bags into brand new products.  I received their Teddy Grahams tote bag for review, and it’s absolutely adorable. It’s really well made too, with strong stitching that will definitely hold up to whatever you put in there. Plus it wipes clean really easy, making it perfect for the beach or picnics.

Test af Dolce Gusto Creativa Plus vs Tassimos T65

Mette Milan har testet Dolce Gustos Creativa Plus og Tassimos T 65 Hvad er bedst – Dolce Gusto eller Tassimo? Dette spørgsmål får vi ofte og derfor har vi ladet vores blogger Mette Milan teste en model fra her. Læs hendes bedømmelse her: Da jeg fik den nyeDolce Gusto Creativa plus” ind af døren fik jeg julelys i øjnene: rød, blændende og dødlækker design! Da jeg har gennemtestet Tassimos T 65 før, gik jeg selvfølgelig i gang med Creativa Plus først.

Kids show the way on recycling

In honour of Earth Month, TerraCycle Canada is recognizing its top 10 waste-collecting schools. Hamilton’s Holbrook Elementary School placed seventh, diverting 7,448 units of waste from landfills during the past six months – September 2011 to February 2012. The school collects drink pouches, personal care and beauty packaging, plastic diaper packaging, inkjets, e-waste (cell phones and laptops) and coffee packaging through Brigades® programs sponsored by brands such as Kool-Aid, Garnier, Huggies and Tas- simo. Holbrook School earns anywhere from two points (equal to $0.02) to 500 points (equal to $5.00) for every piece of waste received.

LCA helps Kraft measure, improve environmental impacts of packaging

Most people have heard the saying, “You can't improve what you don’t measure.” But measurement can be complex and time-consuming, especially when it comes to figuring out how to reduce environmental impacts. This is why Kraft Foods says it is using Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) to help it make the right changes and get the best results for a range of its global products. For Kraft, LCA measures the footprint of what goes into making a product, from farm to fork and beyond. As an example, Kraft cites the YES Pack. In the U.S., the Kraft YES Pack salad dressing team used LCA to confirm that their design has a reduced environmental impact, using 60% less plastic packaging than the previous container. In the U.K., the Kenco coffee team used LCA to confirm its new Eco-Refill package delivered a 70% savings in the packaging's carbon impact footprint compared to its glass counterpart. And in Europe, the Tassimo single-serve beverage team’s LCA showed they could reduce the carbon footprint of each T Disc beverage ingredient package by about 20% when upcycling them with partner TerraCycle and diverting them from landfills.

Kraft Foods Releases Lifecycle Assessment of Environmental Impacts

Most people have heard the saying that you can't improve what you can't measure. But, measurement can be complex and time-consuming, especially when it comes to figuring out how to reduce environmental impacts. That’s why Kraft Foods is using lifecycle assessment (LCA) to help it make the right changes and get the best results. For example, in the United States, the Kraft YES Pack salad dressing team used LCA to confirm their design has a reduced environmental impact, using 60% less plastic packaging than the previous container. And in Europe, the Tassimo single-serve beverage team's LCA showed they could reduce the carbon footprint of each T Disc beverage ingredient package by about 20% when upcycling them with partner TerraCycle and diverting them from landfills.

Kraft Foods Releases Lifecycle Assessment of Environmental Impacts

Most people have heard the saying that you can't improve what you can't measure. But, measurement can be complex and time-consuming, especially when it comes to figuring out how to reduce environmental impacts. That’s why Kraft Foods is using lifecycle assessment (LCA) to help it make the right changes and get the best results. For example, in the United States, the Kraft YES Pack salad dressing team used LCA to confirm their design has a reduced environmental impact, using 60% less plastic packaging than the previous container. And in Europe, the Tassimo single-serve beverage team's LCA showed they could reduce the carbon footprint of each T Disc beverage ingredient package by about 20% when upcycling them with partner TerraCycle and diverting them from landfills.