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Message in an Up-cycled Bottle

By Karen Creed-Thompson from EcoParent magazine - www.ecoparent.ca Founded in 2001 by Toronto native Tom Szaky, TerraCycle is a world leader in the collection and reuse of post-consumer waste. Actively collecting non-recyclable or hard to recycle materials and turning them into affordable green products, TerraCycle Canada has collected 4,038,378 units of waste to date and is forecasting 6,800,000 units for 2012, with its international operations collecting over 2.8 billion units of waste globally. TerraCycle Canada works with more than 14 major brands to collect used packaging and products that would otherwise be destined for landfills. Glad, Mr. Christie’s, Nestlé, Sally’s, Tassimo, Kool-Aid, Huggies and Garnier are just a few of the corporate giants already on board. The company’s Mississauga warehouse is filled with stockpiles of used products like sandwich bags, drink pouches, pens, inkjet cartridges, e-waste... and an assortment of other packaging from cookies, to personal care products. (A complete list of items for collection can be found at www. terracycle.ca.) All of this waste was reclaimed through TerraCycle’s Brigade® programs, which pay individuals and groups for the items they collect.

Skrot ideen om skrald

Upcycling. TerraCycle indsamler verden over brugte produkter som ”upcycles” til nye produkter, fx tasker - skrald er blot nye ressourcer i forklædning. Af Stephanie Kiens, Programme Manager Danmark, TerraCycle Danmark Jordens råmaterialer slipper op, og vi skal finde nye veje, hvis vi vil opretholde en moderne, teknologisk avanceret livsstil. TerraCycle er et nyt genbrugskoncept, der indsamler og genbruger det affald, vi i tonsvis kasserer hver dag. Det bidrager til ”fra vugge-til-grav” konceptet, i og med at brugte forbrugsgoder som emballage og skrald forvandles til vandkander, potteskjulere, tasker, punge og andet i stedet for affald på forbrændingsanlægget. Råmaterialer får forlænget deres levetid ved genvinding ved at indgå i en ny produkt-livscyklus, og derved får vi mere ud af de ressourcer, vi udvinder til produktion.

Green Mountain's Desperate Measures

Hopefully, Green Mountain will work harder to address this. On its website, it claims it's "actively working to meet the challenge of creating a pack that reduces environmental impact and continues to deliver an extraordinary cup of coffee." Incidentally, the cups for its recently launched Vue brewer are recyclable in facilities where No. 5 plastic is accepted. However, Vue is still a very small part of Green Mountain's business, having launched earlier this year with its original distribution through Bed Bath & Beyond(Nasdaq: BBBY ) and its own site. In February, rumor had it Green Mountain was discussing options with Terracycle, which has agreements for environmentally friendly solutions for Kraft's (NYSE: KFT ) Tassimo system and Mars' Flavia brewers, both of which compete directly with Green Mountain's Keurig.

Où les contenants des produits cosmétiques terminent-ils une fois vides?

D’après le rapport sur les tendances  COTY de 2011, les Canadiens ont dépensé environ 471 687 808 $ en soins du visage et les soins des ongles sont le secteur qui connaît la plus forte progression de ventes durant l’année  2010. Ces chiffres sont en augmentation par rapport à l’année précédente et il y a de fortes chances pour que les ventes de ces types de produits continuent de progresser dans les années à venir – et ceci n’inclut pas les produits cosmétiques, de soins des mains et du corps ainsi que tous les autres produits de soins personnels et de beauté. Mais où est-ce que tous ces produits terminent une fois vides