Posts with term L'Oreal X

Hard-to-recycle solutions

‘Recycling the unrecyclable’ has become the catch-cry of an organisation which works with brands to educate consumers on how to recycle packaging beyond the traditional realm of cardboard, cans, and bottles. Alison Leader spoke to TerraCycle’s Gemma Kaczerepa.

刘昊然携淳萃全新系列现身广州:让爱自然发生 —— 淳萃椰香沁润、珍宝原蜜新品亮相,开启创新趣味环保之旅


Ultra Duox Partners With TerraCycle in China

CHINA:  L’Oréal-owned Ultra Doux has partnered with TerraCycle, marking the recycling leader’s inaugural program in beauty care in China. Ultra Doux, a new natural hair care brand, is China’s first brand to provide a comprehensive solution for hair care packaging waste. “It’s impressive for a brand such as Ultra Doux to take the global lead in protecting the environment through collection of their packaging,” said Tom Szaky, TerraCycle founder and global CEO. “Through the ambitious effort of having the Hair Care Recycling Program, we look forward to making an impact on reducing the amount of hair care packaging that is thrown away each year.”