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School turns empty drink containers into cool profit

Teachers at Faith Lutheran School in Antioch used to see a lot of empty Capri Sun drink pouches being thrown away. Now the school turns a profit on them. The school earns two cents for every one of the pouches it collects and returns to a company called TerraCycle, which makes eco-friendly products from packaging waste. The school uses the program not only as a fund-raising opportunity, but as a way to educate students.

Garbage Moguls: TerraCycle’s upcycling team gets a reality show

If you’re a fan of Terracycle’s upcycled products <http://greenlagirl.com/friday-freebies-yak-pak-billboard-messenger-bag/> , or simply wondered how productive a company founded on a pot-inspired idea <http://greenlagirl.com/book-review-revolution-in-a-bottle-pot-inspired-eco-capitalism/>  could be, watch Garbage Moguls <http://channel.nationalgeographic.com/episode/garbage-moguls-4314/Overview>  on National Geographic this Saturday to find out how trash gets upcycled into treasure — or at least fugly but utilitarian eco-products.

TerraCycle Back to School Giveaway!

Have you heard of TerraCycle <http://www.terracycleshop.com/> ? They make environmentally friendly and affordable products, made from non-recyclable waste materials. They have over 50 products that sell at retailers such as Walmart, Target and Petco. TerraCycle products range from fertilizers to household cleaners to backpacks and toys. Their goal is to find unique uses for items that would go into landfills, and eliminate the idea of waste. TerraCycle also has a national program called TerraCycle Brigades <http://www.terracycle.net/Brigades> . This program allows you to earn cash for trash (money paid to schools and non-profits). You may choose which "Brigade" you want to join to begin collecting. Some of the Brigades include: Drink Pouch, Aveeno Beauty, Chip Bag, Writing Instruments and Cell Phone. Payout ranges from $.02 per item to $0.25 per item for cell phones.

A Backpack Made of Billboard Material

Posted by Theresa, Owner on Aug 12, 2010 in Eco Friendly Products <http://faithandfamilyreviews.com/category/eco-friendly-products/> ,  Product Guides 2010 <http://faithandfamilyreviews.com/category/product-guides-2010/>   | Subscribe <http://faithandfamilyreviews.com/feed/> I received the following product in exchange for writing a review. While I consider it a privilege to receive free products to review, my review is my honest opinion and thoughts of this product.

Win It: Cool Eco-friendly Accessories!

These accessories take recycling to a whole new level. Check out these super cute bags and picture frames -- they're made from Capri Sun pouches and old billboards! Sporting one of these unique bags to school this year will show everyone you care about the environment -- and you'll look stylish too. We having one of each of these products to give away to four lucky winners. All you have to do to win is comment on this post! Be sure to sign in with a valid email address, so we can notify you. If you don't win, you can buy one at TerraCycle.net

Is your school looking for an interesting way to fundraise? Box Tops, Campbell's Labels, Terracycle, and McDonald's Receipts

We all shop for groceries, sometimes two or three times a week –- or more. Now turn those shopping trips into easy cash for your school, and encourage friends to do the same! Just look for the Box Tops logo on hundreds of products like Cheerios®, Hamburger Helper® and Kleenex®, in almost every aisle of the store. All you need to do is clip and send them to your school’s Box Tops coordinator —- each one is worth 10¢ for your school.