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Upcyle to make a Toothbrush Holder

TerraCycle and Colgate are coming together to offer free curriculum to teach kids to keep their teeth and their Earth healthy & clean. Colgate has worked for more than 15 years to help offer curriculum through the Bright Smiles Bright Future program <http://www.colgate.com/app/BrightSmilesBrightFutures/US/EN/HomePage.cvsp>  and has reached more than 50 million children and their families a year in 30 languages and 80 countries around the world. TerraCycles curriculum program <http://www.terracycle.net/curriculums/overview>  will be released 3 times a year and is headed up by Cloud Institute for Sustainability Education and is meant to reach children K through 12 grades.

TerraCycle Giveaway

TerraCycle <http://www.terracycle.net/>  is the company that takes what others may consider trash and upcycles it into not only useable but very creative and stylish products. Tom Szaky  <http://www.terracycle.net/> is the founder and CEO of TerraCycle and was named one of the fastest growing private companies by Inc. magazine in 2009. Tom and TerraCycle have started to change the way individuals and companies see waste. Since 2007, over 60,000 locations and 7 million people are helping to collect, instead of discard their trash. Over 1 billion pieces of pre and post consumer packaging have been collected and over 250,000 dollars have been donated to schools and non profits.

Terracycle Review and Giveaway

There are many companies out there that do really cool things to help recycle. One of my favorites is Terracycle. You can mail in your items such as caparison pouches or candy wrappers and they will make really neat items for instance lunch bags and pencil cases!  I love that Terracycle makes recycling fun for the kids. They are here to help our environment and make the kids look "cool" while doing it!

4 Rules For Starting a Business in a Recession

As part of the "How I Made My Millions" series, CNBC.com asked the founders and CEOs of these companies to share their experience on a variety of topics. What follows is advice for starting a business even in a tough economy from TerraCycle's Tom Szaky. Recession. Depression. Just plain tough. Whatever you call the economy today, the sane among us would have you believe it’s a lousy time to start a business. Except it isn’t. I’ve been operating TerraCycle <http://www.terracycle.net/> in a recession-smart way since the start, and have four ways you can, too:

Recycling Happens More Than Once A Week For SWCS Fourth-Grader

An exceptional fourth-grader from Southwestern Central School is showing her classmates and community that there can be more to recycling than simply placing one's paper, tin, glass and plastic on street curbs for collection once a week. In order to do this, Erin has received permission from her principal, Bill Caldwell, to set up boxes in her school's cafeteria to collect all the empty juice pouches that would otherwise be tossed in the trash. The plan is to mail the pouches to the Terracycle organization everytime the boxes are full, and in return

Buy Eco Friendly Clothing

Going green isn’t just about saving the earth anymore; it is a bit of a fashion statement and one that TerraCycle products are working so hard to create. TerraCycle products are made out of recycled goods and their products are becoming widely known. TerraCycle products come in different items including those for holidays, cleaning products, office supplies, and much more. Going green is much easier with TerraCycle products since their products are made out of recycled material and are earth friendly.

TerraCycle: What Are You Doing With Your Trash?

You know it's pretty amazing what you can make from trash!  You've heard me mention TerraCycle  <http://www.terracycle.net/> a few times and you may have just entered the giveaway we ran a couple of weeks ago!  If you haven't checked out the TerraCycle <http://www.terracycle.net/>  website, please take some time out of your day to do so!   Seriously, with just a few extra steps that each of us take it really does make a difference!

Schools get cash for trash

TerraCycle, a Trenton-based company which specializes in upcycling or making eco-friendly products from post-consumer waste, partnered with Walmart in forming the Trash to Cash Collection contest. The free program will reward the top collecting New Jersey public schools with $125,000 dollars in aggregate school grants. The grand prize is $50,000, with grants ranging down to $5,000.

Practically Green: To do it right, Casual Recycler would be overwhelmed

Saintly Recyclers mail in their trash. Terracycle.net will recycle (usually postage is free) and donate to charity your candy wrappers, yogurt cups, drink pouches, cookie wrappers, Flavia Freshpacks, Frito-Lay chip bags, energy and granola bar wrappers, Bear Naked wrappers, Kashi packages, cell phones, Huggies and Scott tissue wrappers, Aveno tubes, Scotch tape dispensers, corks, cereal bags, Sharpies and Papermate writing instruments, Neosporin tubes, coffee bags, lunch kits (like Lunchables), Colgate tubes and packaging, Ziploc bags and containers, Inkjet cartridges, and Sprout and Revolutions food containers. Preserveproducts.com recycles your No. 5 plastics (same company that has the receptacles at Whole Foods) and water filters into toothbrushes and razors.