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Recycling Can Benefit Schools, Charities

Students today know the importance of recycling, reusing and repurposing at home, but are they getting the opportunity to put the lesson into practice at school? A company called TerraCycle helps schools implement what they teach while also earning money for the school. Several local schools already have TerraCycle programs, including Corpus Christi in Wheeling, Hilltop in Marshall County and North Elementary in Brilliant. Students and teachers can collect supplies such as pens, markers, glue containers, tape dispensers, keyboards and mice, along with lunchroom waste such as drink pouches and chip bags. For each piece of waste collected and sent in for free, the collector earns points toward a donation to the school or charity of their choice. The materials are then made into a variety of eco-friendly products like trash cans, playground surfaces and watering cans. TerraCycle also provides free sustainability curricula, DIY and craft projects, and art and product design contests that teachers can use to engage their students.

Corpus Christi Joining TerraCycle Programs

Students today know the importance of recycling, reusing and repurposing at home, but are they getting the opportunity to put the lesson into practice at school? A company called TerraCycle helps schools implement what they teach while also earning money for the school. Several local schools already have TerraCycle programs, including Corpus Christi in Wheeling, Hilltop in Marshall County and North Elementary in Brilliant. Students and teachers can collect supplies such as pens, markers, glue containers, tape dispensers, keyboards and mice, along with lunchroom waste such as drink pouches and chip bags. For each piece of waste collected and sent in for free, the collector earns points toward a donation to the school or charity of their choice.

Going Green Paying Off at Hillsborough High

With Hillsborough High School having received more than $2,000 worth of benefits from participating in TerraCycle programs since 2010, technology teacher Tim Zavacki has some big plans for this upcoming school year.   TerraCycle is an "upcycle" company that makes consumer products from pre- and post-consumer materials. Organizations are able to participate in the company's programs, donating what would normally be trash such as chip bags, candy wrappers, cereal boxes, apparel and electronics to be “upcycled” and used for new products such as duffel bags, tiles, and school supplies. Over 83,000 items have been upcycled since 2010.   “I have been named a most valuable collector by TerraCycle for being in the top 100 in the USA for successful collections,” Zavacki said.   The school has found success with TerraCycle, winning its Erase Your E-Waste Keyboard and Mouse Brigade last year, receiving brand-new Logitech keyboards and mice in return. Zavacki was able to distribute them throughout the school for teachers and students to use.

Terracycle Upcycle Tent Dopp Kit Review

Looking for a gift for the traveling guy or gal that has everything? Search no further than Terracycle’s Upcycled Tent Dopp kit. Christmas may be a ways off, but keep Terracycle in mind during the holiday season or when searching for a unique gift for any occasion. Terracycle is well known for upcycling, or re-working/re-using products or waste and forming a completely new product. The Dopp kit is a prime example of this creativity and resourcefulness, as each kit is made from discarded tent scraps from various manufacturers. Each kit is slightly different or unique from the next, which makes each product that much cooler in my book. The Dopp kit is also 100% handmade. The Upcycled Tent Dopp kit features 3 zippered compartments, with one of these being composed of mesh or the netting component of a tent. The location of these compartments varies by each product. The one I tested featured the mesh compartment on the bottom, with the nylon tent material enclosing the other two pockets. Being made of tent materials means that the Dopp kit is also extremely light weight–making it perfect for those wanting to shave on weight on the trail and other, more tame travels. The fabric is also extremely durable and resistant to rips and tears, just like a tents’ fly. The Dopp kit is also easy to clean, simply throw it in the wash and let it line dry.

Terracycle turns trash into cash!

Place your granola bar, energy bar, chip, cookie, candy wrappers and juice punches (not juice boxes) in the terracycle collection boxes at school and Terracycle will donate 2 cents per wrapper. They upcycle all the wrappers into backpacks, lunch boxes and other products.
Terracycle was established in 2001 and won an environmental stewardship award by home depot Canada and was named a top innovative company by Red Herring Magazine. They have over 40 different brigades of different items they collect.

Leader in Natural Personal Care Products Launches New Recycling Program

Only recently, Tom's of Maine, a company that specializes in manufacturing and supplying markets with natural-ingredients-only personal care products, decided to team up with TerraCycle, a company whose business agenda revolves around turning waste into affordable environmentally-friendly products. This partnership is expected to help find new uses for discarded packaging, meaning that items such as toothpaste tubes, mouthwash bottles, soap wrappers, deodorant containers and the like are all to enter a free recycling program, officially known as “Tom's of Maine Natural Care Brigade.” Apparently, the decision to launch this new recycling program stems from the fact that Tom's of Maine is seriously committed to cutting down on its ecologicalfootprint, by making sure that the waste resulting from the products it sells is put to better use, rather than simply being discarded as landfill. As the official website for this recycling program reads, “Each and every year, the products we use everyday to make our bodies clean, our teeth bright and shiny, and keep us smelling fresh, end up being thrown away after use and ultimately end up in a landfill.”


Upcycling and recycling pioneer TerraCycle of Trenton, N.J., runs free collection programs for glue bottles, pens and markers, Scotch Tape, keyboards and computer mice, among other things. Any parent, teacher or other interested party can sign up for free at
TerraCycle.com. For each item returned, regardless of brand, the collector earns points toward charity gifts or cash donations to any school or non-profit of their choice.

Solo Cup Company Review & Giveaway

Summer is coming to a close this weekend with Labor Day. For my family, we have one final summer party as we kick football season into full swing. Granted we just love spending time with family and great friends. To help reduce the time we spend setting up and cleaning up, we use disposable dinnerware--plates, bowl utensils, napkins, cups, etc. and the brand I depend on is Solo Cup Company.
When I get Solo Brand products, I know I am going to get a sturdy product that I can depend on--I know that they are going to hold all that heavy food and drinks for adults and not collapse in little hands. The other thing I love about Solo Cup Company products (besides the song, advertising them that is constantly going through my head whenever I see one of their products) is that they are eco-friendly!
The unique term "Eco-Forward®" expresses Solo’s ongoing commitment to developing greener alternatives that contribute to a more environmentally sustainable future. Many of their products and compostable, recyclable, created with post-consumer recycled content and renewable resource materials. They also have created a line of products called Bare by Solo which takes disposable dinnerware to another level of green! The Bare by Solo includes renewable plates, compostable plates & bowls, recyclable cups and compostable cups. I can attest to how sturdy they are, so you are definitely not giving up quality while your are protecting the earth.

Tom’s of Maine, TerraCycle Launch Brand-Blind Recycling

Tom’s of Maine has partnered with recycling company TerraCycle to keep product packaging out of landfills. The free recycling program, called the Tom’s of Maine Natural Care Brigade, accepts toothpaste tubes and caps, mouthwash bottles and caps, deodorant/antiperspirant containers, plastic soap wrappers and floss containers, regardless of brand.   For each piece of packaging collected and sent in, the collector earns points that can be put toward charity gifts or converted to cash and paid to any school or nonprofit organization. Any individual, company, group or school can join for free and all shipping costs are prepaid.   To coincide with the new program, the company has also launched the Tom’s of Maine Less in Landfills Sweepstakes, through which Brigade participants can earn $1,000 for the non-profit or school of their choice.   TerraCycle collects more than 50 different kinds of products and packaging through its Brigade programs, which are open to any individual or organization. The company says it has already kept more than 2 billion pieces of trash from going to the landfill, and with its partners, dispersed almost $4.5 million to charity.