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Sustaining the Lakewood community

Lindsey Rankin, a mother of two and avid recycler, discovered there was a program that would recycle difficult items like tape and pens, and launched the TerraCycle School Recycling Program at Hutchinson Elementary. By working with the school to place a variety of collection bins in the facility, and through education and training of students and teachers, Lindsey’s personal initiative has kept more than 50 pounds of writing utensils, 2,500 ink and toner cartridges and more than 544 baby food pouches out of the landfill.

At UB, waste not, want not

“We want to empower students to leave a positive impact at UB, whether that means purchasing outdoor equipment for students to engage more with nature, or purchasing resources for starting recycling programs through TerraCycle that allow us to close other waste streams on campus,” Bower said.

Willingboro school contends for recycled playground

Sponsored by TerraCycle, Colgate and ShopRite, the teams earn one "playground credit" for each shipment of empty toothpaste tubes, toothbrushes and floss containers sent to TerraCycle by students and teachers, and one credit for every online vote cast for the school at http://www.terracycle.com/en-US/contests/colgateshopriteplayground2016.

How The Right Toothpaste Can Help You Live A Better Life

If you do buy Tom’s of Maine Rapid Relief Sensitive Toothpaste, you’ll also gain the knowledge of knowing that with every purchase of this toothpaste at $5.99 for a 4 oz. tube at your local Walmart, Walgreens, CVS, and Amazon will also mean 10% of the profits goes into supporting people and the planet. Every package is packaged through TerraCycle Tom’s of Maine Recycling Program. It’s Kosher and halal-certified too.