Five golden rules to help solve your recycling dilemmas

Have you ever found yourself facing your recycling bin, completely befuddled about whether or not you can put a particular item in it? You're not alone. According to Planet Ark, nearly half of Australians find recycling confusingThe Conversation Australia's recycling rules can seem horrendously complicated, but fortunately they are becoming more simple.

Five golden rules to help solve your recycling dilemmas

Have you ever found yourself facing your recycling bin, completely befuddled about whether or not you can put a particular item in it? You're not alone. According to Planet Ark, nearly half of Australians find recycling confusingThe Conversation Australia's recycling rules can seem horrendously complicated, but fortunately they are becoming more simple.

Tom's of Maine & TerraCycle Promote the #LessWasteChallenge

Tom's of Maine is partnering with the recycling experts at TerraCycle again this spring to promote its #LessWasteChallenge and Toy Recycling Program. Tom's of Maine is providing families with free shipping labels to mail broken toys to TerraCycle for recycling. Susan Dewhirst, goodness programs manager at Tom's of Maine, says, "The act of recycling a toy together can be a way for parents to start a conversation with their kids about what we can all do to take care of the planet for generations." Tom Szaky, founder and CEO of TerraCycle adds, "Toys are a waste stream people don't think about that often, but the amount of broken toys sent to landfills is significant and there hasn't been a way to dispose of them. Parents can now feel good knowing that broken toys can be 100% recycled or reused, which helps planet Earth." Zero Waste By 2020 Tom's of Maine is taking its own #LessWasteChallenge by having a goal of zero waste to landfills by 2020 at its manufacturing facility in Maine. The company has also partnered with TerraCycle to create the Natural Care Recycling Program, which now has 8,590 participating locations. The program collects personal care packaging from any brand, helping to keep 700,000 pieces of packaging out of landfills since the program began in 2012.

Tom's of Maine & TerraCycle Promote the #LessWasteChallenge

Tom's of Maine is partnering with the recycling experts at TerraCycle again this spring to promote its #LessWasteChallenge and Toy Recycling Program. Tom's of Maine is providing families with free shipping labels to mail broken toys to TerraCycle for recycling. Susan Dewhirst, goodness programs manager at Tom's of Maine, says, "The act of recycling a toy together can be a way for parents to start a conversation with their kids about what we can all do to take care of the planet for generations." Tom Szaky, founder and CEO of TerraCycle adds, "Toys are a waste stream people don't think about that often, but the amount of broken toys sent to landfills is significant and there hasn't been a way to dispose of them. Parents can now feel good knowing that broken toys can be 100% recycled or reused, which helps planet Earth." Zero Waste By 2020 Tom's of Maine is taking its own #LessWasteChallenge by having a goal of zero waste to landfills by 2020 at its manufacturing facility in Maine. The company has also partnered with TerraCycle to create the Natural Care Recycling Program, which now has 8,590 participating locations. The program collects personal care packaging from any brand, helping to keep 700,000 pieces of packaging out of landfills since the program began in 2012.   

Groups to team up for Earth Day cleanup

GLOUCESTER — Local environmental groups are gearing up for an ultimate spring cleaning event in five locations across the city next month. The Gloucester Clean City Commission, One Ocean One Love Shop, the One Hour at a Time Gang and Cape Ann SUP are partnering for the city-wide clean up. The Great Gloucester Cleanup is scheduled, appropriately, for Earth Day on April 22 from 9 to 11 a.m.  The five locations to be cleaned include Cripple Cove, Pavilion Beach, Main Street, St. Peters Square and the Eastern Point Lighthouse. Volunteers will meet at the site of their choice at 9 a.m. There will be a party with free food afterward for all volunteers from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. at One Ocean, One Love Shop at 47 R Parker St.  Each site will have a point person to help organize volunteers and keep track of the number of bags collected.  “We are excited to bring these groups together and we would love to see good turnout from different neighborhoods and different groups. I think this has potential to be a great event and hopefully we can make it an annual event in the future,” Clean City commissioner Ainsley Smith said. This year, the groups are partnering with TerraCycle, and all hard plastic debris will be collected and upcycled to produce Procter & Gamble’s new line of recycled bottles. In January, Procter & Gamble announced a partnership with TerraCycle to make its Head & Shoulders shampoo bottles both recyclable and made of up to 25 percent “beach plastics” — trash removed from waterways including beaches, oceans and rivers.

¿Cómo Eliminar la Idea de la Basura?

TerraCycle ofrece programas de reciclaje para brindar una nueva vida a los residuos.
Michael Waas, Vicepresidente Global de Asociaciones de Marca de TerraCycle, impartió una conferencia magistral sobre el valor de los residuos en el Tecnológico de Monterrey el pasado lunes. La conferencia inició con la jerarquía de los residuos, en donde Michael mencionó que en el nivel más bajo están los sistemas lineales como los rellenos sanitarios y la incineración. Mientras que en los niveles altos están en el reciclaje, que valora el material del residuo; el upcycle, valora el material y la forma de los residuos; y el reuso que se centra en el material, forma e intención de la basura. Los niveles altos de la jerarquía corresponden al concepto de economía circular que propone reducir el uso de las materias primas y energía, y que el valor de los productos, materiales y recursos se mantengan en la economía durante el mayor tiempo posible. Las empresas han intentado encontrar modelos más sustentables para su operación, sin embargo Michael dijo que “el problema es que están usando los materiales incorrectos”. TerraCycle ha creado diversas aplicaciones para los residuos que anteriormente han sido considerados como “no reciclables”, prueba de ello son los programas de reciclaje de bolsas de botana, de pan y pan dulce; empaques de galletas y jabones, y productos de higiene bucal. La empresa encontró la forma para que los consumidores puedan comprar directamente la solución de reciclaje para el producto que consume con la caja cero desechos. Esta caja permite reciclar casi cualquier tipo de residuos, como cápsulas de café, desechos electrónicos o de laboratorios, etc. “¿Por qué reciclamos? Porque es el único aspecto de la sustentabilidad que puedes tocar físicamente”, dijo Michael

Five golden rules to help solve your recycling dilemmas

Have you ever found yourself facing your recycling bin, completely befuddled about whether or not you can put a particular item in it? You’re not alone. According to Planet Ark, nearly half of Australians find recycling confusing. The Conversation Australia’s recycling rules can seem horrendously complicated, but fortunately they are becoming more simple. What about things that can’t be recycled at home? Just because something can’t be recycled through kerbside collections, that doesn’t mean it can’t be recycled at all. New channels for recycling more complex items have been pioneered by organisations such as Planet Ark and TerraCycle, as well as by local councils, industry and government under schemes such as the Australian Packaging Covenant and the National Television and Computer Recycling Scheme. Free Terracycle recycling programs. Adapted from TerraCycle (http://www.terracycle.com.au) Recycling is vital to reducing resource use and waste to landfill, and so getting it right is crucial.  

Five golden rules to help solve your recycling dilemmas

Have you ever found yourself facing your recycling bin, completely befuddled about whether or not you can put a particular item in it? You’re not alone. According to Planet Ark, nearly half of Australians find recycling confusing. The Conversation Australia’s recycling rules can seem horrendously complicated, but fortunately they are becoming more simple. What about things that can’t be recycled at home? Just because something can’t be recycled through kerbside collections, that doesn’t mean it can’t be recycled at all. New channels for recycling more complex items have been pioneered by organisations such as Planet Ark and TerraCycle, as well as by local councils, industry and government under schemes such as the Australian Packaging Covenant and the National Television and Computer Recycling Scheme. Free Terracycle recycling programs. Adapted from TerraCycle (http://www.terracycle.com.au) Recycling is vital to reducing resource use and waste to landfill, and so getting it right is crucial.