EXPERT COLUMN: Top six business recycling trends

Recycling has become a major part of our daily lives with more and more companies making it a staple among their team members, even down to how they do business. We’ve seen here in Southern Nevada some of the ways places are going green like switching to light-emitting diode lights and powering offices with renewable energy. As creative as businesses and individuals can get to be more sustainable, the one aspect of sustainability that has always rang true is good-old recycling.

How to Make Your Clean Clothes Even Cleaner (& Help the Planet)

Messes are the markers of life, and in the summertime, life abounds. Children are home from school and there are farmer’s markets, weekend yard-sales and concerts. We travel, picnic in the park and look for the closest body of water to cool off in. Long summer days mean a lot of outside living. The food and drink on the tables we gather around find their way into our laps, brushed off on our jeans and wiped off surfaces, hands and faces.