Plastics Stories Help Boost Brands (Who Knew?)

“Storied plastics,” or plastics that are collected by waste stream, sorted by material type, and traced back to the original point of origin, are a good choice of material for use in packaging as companies attempt to improve their sustainability practices, writes Pierre-Francois Thaler, co-founder and co-CEO of EcoVadis (via FoodDive). Companies that know they need to expand their eco-friendly practices are looking for ways to either limit packaging or to make packaging more sustainable, but that can “leave a hole in the product development process,” Thaler writes. Instead of filling this hole with generic recycled materials, consider storied plastics, he suggests. Storied plastics provide an opportunity for a brand to differentiate itself by giving a product color and background via the story of where its material originated. “The traceable, ‘origin story’ component of material comprised of products and packaging people have interacted with in their own lives can be communicated clearly and effectively to today’s highly discerning consumer,” wrote Tom Szaky, founder and CEO of TerraCycle, in Huffington Post last spring.

Plastics Stories Help Boost Brands (Who Knew?)

“Storied plastics,” or plastics that are collected by waste stream, sorted by material type, and traced back to the original point of origin, are a good choice of material for use in packaging as companies attempt to improve their sustainability practices, writes Pierre-Francois Thaler, co-founder and co-CEO of EcoVadis (via FoodDive). Companies that know they need to expand their eco-friendly practices are looking for ways to either limit packaging or to make packaging more sustainable, but that can “leave a hole in the product development process,” Thaler writes. Instead of filling this hole with generic recycled materials, consider storied plastics, he suggests. Storied plastics provide an opportunity for a brand to differentiate itself by giving a product color and background via the story of where its material originated. “The traceable, ‘origin story’ component of material comprised of products and packaging people have interacted with in their own lives can be communicated clearly and effectively to today’s highly discerning consumer,” wrote Tom Szaky, founder and CEO of TerraCycle, in Huffington Post last spring.

Willingboro singer-songwriter Sunnie lets light shine

Allen will perform at the 2017 Jersey Fresh Jam Festival, a hip-hop event in Trenton on Aug. 12, along with other artists. The festival is held at TerraCycle at 121 New York Ave. in Trenton from noon to 7 p.m. The free event will have “local and regionally known emcees, bands and DJs provide the soundtrack for the day’s festivities.” Aerosol artists “adorn the walls of TerraCycle with their signature masterpieces.”

La rentrée écolo avec Amélie Côté

Nous pouvons déjà voir des publicités à la télé et à la radio nous incitant à préparer la rentrée scolaire... et à faire des achats! Peut-on consommer de manière responsable et réduire notre empreinte environnementale en cette période de l'année? Nous en parlons Amélie Côté, spécialiste en gestion des matières résiduelles et blogueuse à bricabacs.com.

Preston's Colfax Clean Butt Crawl

Locals are invited to attend a free, open event to keep cigarette waste off the street and out of landfills at Preston's Colfax Clean Butt Crawl August 19 at 5 p.m. A community cleanup and birthday celebration in one, participants will meet at Prohibition (http://www.prohibitiondenver.com) and split into teams to gather as many cigarette butts as possible; the team with the greatest amount of cigarette butts will be rewarded with a prize. All cigarette butts collected will be recycled through TerraCycle’s free Cigarette Waste Recycling Program. “The purposeof this event is to encourage others to prioritize keeping Colfax Avenue clean,”said Preston Murray, Preston's Colfax Clean Butt Crawl organizer.  “I have planned it around my birthday to leverage the people who care about me to care about donating their time to benefit Colfax and the cleanliness of our city in an effort to clean as much of the neighborhood in which I work and live around the occasion of my next year of life.”

Programa de reciclaje de elementos de escritura de la Escuela de Ingeniería de Gijón

A partir de hoy se ha lanzado el programa de reciclaje de elementos de escritura de la Escuela de Ingeniería de Gijón. Está disponible una papelera ubicada en el hall de la biblioteca del Aulario Norte. Dicha iniciativa se ha puesto en marcha debido a que no existe un protocolo de reciclaje de este tipo de objetos. Aunque lo lógico sería echarlos en el contenedor amarillo, la realidad es diferente por la inexistencia de un proceso de reciclaje que permita que sean tratados.


En Bankia entendemos que el mejor residuo es el que no se produce, por eso siempre que es factible, se busca alargar la vida útil de estos materiales reutilizándolos, vía donación y contribuyendo además con ello a una labor social:
  • 287 donaciones de equipos electrónicos e informáticos y mobiliario para su reutilización a centros de enseñanza y entidades sin ánimo de lucro dedicadas a fines sociales<

La recogida de material de escritura para su posterior reciclaje suma una acción más a la concienciación en sostenibilidad enmarcada en una semana de celebración medioambiental

  • En esta semana de conmemoración del Día Mundial del Medio Ambiente 2017, la institución provincial palentina quiere sumar iniciativas que impliquen a los ciudadanos en un conjunto de buenas prácticas medioambientales, para concienciar en la importancia de reciclar y reutilizar elementos de uso cotidiano no sólo el hogar, o en los centros escolares, también en el centro de trabajo.