How To Reduce Food Waste (and Save Money)

With supermarkets and grocery stores packed with cheap food brands and prepackaged goods, it’s no wonder we overconsume and overdispose. But buying too much too often and paying less attention to the ways we can save means that as much as 40 percent of the food we produce in the United States continues to get thrown away.

Why we should pave roads with cigarette butts

Melbourne, recently heralded as the world's most livable city in the world for the seventh year in the row, is home to a successful butt-recycling scheme in which over 350 cigarette waste disposal points — or "Enviropoles" — have been installed around town. The Enviropoles are regularly emptied and their contents shipped off to the United States where Trenton, New Jersey-based TerraCycle recycles the plastic-containing cigarette filters into a variety of consumer products like outdoor plastic furniture and shipping pallets.

循环利用 玩转你的淳萃“空“瓶!

崇尚自然理念的法国淳萃用爱满空瓶活动,给出了掷地有声的答案——联手泰瑞环保以零焚烧、零填埋的环保方式将空瓶再造,为它们焕起了新的生命力!今次,为了让公益环保活动更贴近人们的生活,爱满空瓶走进上海各大社区,让人们可以更方便地把家里的空瓶,递送到泰瑞环保机构,实现塑料空瓶的回收再造! 据统计,法国淳萃携手泰瑞环保,7月14日在宝华居委举办的回收活动,共计收到115个空瓶;7月27日在永嘉新村的回收活动,共计收到了33个空瓶…当然,除了把空瓶送去环保机构绿色回收,淳萃仙女们一样可以通过奇思妙想,让它们成为我们生活的一份子!尤其是圆胖瓶身的淳萃大碗发膜就曾激发起消费者们的创作欲望,还因此诞生了许多新奇有趣的空瓶玩法。