Have you heard of TerraCycle?

I was watching BTV or Breakfast Television Toronto, like I do every morning Monday to Friday starting at 6 AM until 9 AM., I pretty much catch the entire show minus a half hour, as they start at 5:30 AM. I love the entire show as it gives me everything from news, entertainment, food and health, there’s never a shortage of things to watch on BTV every day!

Target's letting parents recycle their old car seats for a discount on new ones

In honor of September being National Baby Safety Month, a pair of large retailers are giving parents a chance to unload their children's old car seats and save some money on new ones. Target has announced the return of its car seat trade-in program in which customers can trade in old car seats from Sept. 10-23 at Target stores and receive a coupon for 20 percent off the purchase of a new car seat, including booster seats, car seat bases and travel systems.


What do you think when you see this word on a product? Most of us who are not involved in the manufacturing process, hold a PhD. in Plastics or work in recycling can find this term confusing or just plain misleading. We are naive when we think “recyclable” means that the item can be recycled when you place it into a common recycling bin. Sometimes it might mean that, but in reality it’s unlikely.


Problem: Laboratories and research organizations generate millions of nonhazardous lab disposables per year. Scientists corresponding to international science journal Nature have estimated that lab plastics waste accounted for 5.5 million tons in 2014, roughly the combined tonnage of 67 cruise liners—and this estimate only speaks to one of the many types of waste created by labs. The quantity and variety of waste generated depends on the type of lab, as the lab and research industry can be broadly defined to include hospitals, universities, pharmaceutical corporations and regulatory agencies. Every lab is different and creates a mix of natural and synthetic materials, which may include glass, plastic, hybrid material lab garments and nitrile and rubber gloves.

Target's letting parents recycle their old car seats for a discount on new ones

When your growing-like-a-weed baby outgrows her infant car seat, it'll probably just wind up in the Land of Lost Baby Gear in your basement, destined to collect dust until you back up a truck to haul out all your old stuff years from now. But from September 10 through 23, Target will take that yucky old car seat off your hands, turn it into something brand-new and helpful for the environment, and hand you a 20 percent discount coupon for the next seat in your baby’s journey through the world of baby safety gear.

Target's car seat trade-in program is back

It's hard to know exactly what to do with a car seat that your child has outgrown. But, Target's here to make getting rid of it easy for you. They're re-launching their car seat trade-in event which allows you to drop off your old car seat in order to be recycled and in return, receive a 20 percent off coupon for your next car seat purchase. The store offered this program back in April, and it was extremely popular. According to a press release, they collected over 80,000 car seats during the trial, totaling over one million pounds of car seats to be recycled.

Voluntarios limpian playas de Veracruz

Voluntarios limpian playas de Veracruz

Veracruz, Ver.-

Gomsa Logística y TerraCycle participaron en una limpieza de playas para mejorar la conciencia ambiental de la sociedad mexicana.

En Veracruz, el pasado fin de semana se realizó una limpieza en la zona costera del estado que comprende la Playa Martí y Viña del Mar, ubicadas en el corredor, desde el acuario hasta la avenida Simón Bolívar.

La limpia fue organizada por Gomsa Logística, una de las empresas pioneras en logística y más importantes en el país, y TerraCycle, una empresa medioambiental que se dedica al reciclaje de productos considerados difíciles de reciclar como envolturas de botanas, galletas, jabones y productos de cuidado bucal. Es importante destacar que cada programa de reciclaje de residuos otorga puntos, por cada envío, que se transforman en dinero para alguna organización o asociación benéfica.

Durante el evento se realizó un concurso por equipos, quien más basura recogiera sería el ganador y por lo tanto podría elegir la causa social a la cual donar los fondos recaudados con los programas de reciclaje de TerraCycle.

La limpia arrojó alrededor de casi 161kg de vidrio, 7kg de unicel, 63kg de plástico y 129 kg de otros residuos (bolsas de plástico, colillas de cigarro, corcholatas de aluminio, etc.), que suman un total de aproximadamente 306 kg recolectados en tan sólo dos días por menos de 10 horas.

Esto indica que a pesar del esfuerzo de los veracruzanos, la basura sigue afectando de manera diaria al medio ambiente. Y comprueba que tras un estudio del agua de las playas veracruzanas realizado por la Secretaría del Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales y la Comisión Federal para la Protección contra Riesgos Sanitarios (Cofepris), la Playa Martí es la cuarta más contaminada a nivel nacional.

Otras asociaciones como Alumno Verde integrada por la comunidad de la Universidad Vercruzana recaudaron otro número considerable de residuos en una limpia realizada durante la tarde del sábado. Con estos eventos, la comunidad reflexiona sobre el impacto de la basura que transporta a la playa y realiza acciones para evitar que ésta termine en el mar.

If You're Sick of That Old Car Seat, Trade It in at Target

Remember that car seat that has been taking up precious storage space for an eternity? Reality check: You're not going to get around to selling it if you haven't already. But hey, now you can finally get rid of it! Target is bringing back its popular car-seat trade-in program that's good for the environment and for your wallet. Back in April, the mom-favorite retailer decided to stop parents from throwing their old car seats into the trash by taking them and upcycling them into new products. Over the past 100 years, humans have produced almost 10,000 percent more waste and created massive landfills that are terrible for our health and environment. Everyone loved Target's idea so much that the company collected more than a million pounds of car seat material, which were recycled into dozens of new products.