Two new
cigarette ballot bins have already reduced cigarette litter on Ocean Street - a major local complaint - by 46% (the collected butts will be sent to
TerraCycle for recycling) and the Post Office bar is undertaking an audit to ensure its energy use is as efficient as possible.
East Amwell Township School of Ringoes has been named an honorable mention in the "Recycled Playground Challenge," courtesy of Colgate-Palmolive ("Colgate"), the global oral care leader; ShopRite, which has more than 250 stores in the Northeast; and recycling pioneer TerraCycle.
Here’s a butt, there’s a butt, everywhere there’s cigarette butts.
It’s not just the unsightly mess of seeing the tiny, white and orange nubs thrown carelessly about that has firefighters’ fuming, it’s also their dangerous ability to smoulder that has sparked outrage. Last year, 27% of Barrie fires were caused by smoking and cigarette-lighting materials, said Barrie fire prevention and safety officer, Samantha Hoffmann.
O projeto consiste na distribuição de caixas por toda comunidade universitária da Unicamp a fim de arrecadar esponjas usadas, as quais futuramente serão enviadas à TERRACYCLE...
IXONIA — Ixonia Elementary School of Ixonia was named an honorary mention in this year’s “Recycled Playground Challenge,” courtesy of Colgate-Palmolive (“Colgate”), Meijer and TerraCycle.
在本次的活动中,“宜居广州”与泰瑞环保合作,将收集到的洗(发)护(发)用品瓶及口腔护理用品交给泰瑞环保(承诺100%使用循环的方法,绝不填埋或焚烧 ),随后泰瑞环保会对各种类型的废品进行不同方式的循环利用,以再造成新的产品。
O Programa Nacional de Reciclagem de Saúde Bucal, com apoio da Colgate, referência em saúde bucal, em parceria com a TerraCycle, líder global em soluções ambientais, completou cinco anos, alcançando grandes resultados.