Billions of cigarette butts litter shorelines, parks and sidewalks across the U.S. and once in the environment, take up to 10 years to decompose... A Few Friends for the Environment of the World (AFFEW), a Mason County-based group focused on combating local environmental issues to promote a healthier ecosystem, is offering its community a way to keep cigarette butts off the beach and out of landfills through TerraCycle's Cigarette Waste Zero Waste Receptacles.
A Few Friends for the Environment of the World (AFFEW), a Mason County-based group focused on combating local environmental issues to promote a healthier ecosystem, is offering its community a way to keep cigarette butts off the beach and out of landfills through TerraCycle's Cigarette Waste Zero Waste Receptacles.
Elodie Prévôt, principale, a eu le plaisir, vendredi, d'accueillir Julien Palisca, président de Virlanie France, et la chorale Virlanie Voices des Philippines, grâce à l'initiative d'Audrey Chopinez, professeur de musique Responsable locale de la fondation créée en 1992, Audrey Chopinez a, dans un 1er temps, mis en place le programme TerraCycle qui permet de collecter des matériaux d'écriture pour les Philippins
Plastic pollution prevention is the action focus for today’s World Oceans Day, a global day of ocean
celebration and collaboration for a better future. Changing our behavior towards plastic by reducing our purchases is, much more than recycling, the most effective way to effect change, but actively finding solutions for the plastic we do consume is also important. TerraCycle’s many
free programs are sponsored by brands committed to recycling what is still considered difficult to recycle, and we have Zero Waste Boxes for
hundreds of plastic items.
Who would have thought that recycling old toothbrushes and toothpaste tubes could land you a $60,000 playground for free.
That’s just what students and faculty at Novi Woods Elementary are trying to do through the fourth annual
Recycled Playground Challenge, a partnership between Meijer, Colgate and TerraCycle.
Terracycle, des boites zero déchets pour du 100% recyclé.
Nous sommes trop nombreux, trop égoïstes, nous consommons trop.
et donc nous avons un soucis de déchets …
D’autant qu’ils ne sont pas tous recyclés comme ils pourraient l’être !
Tout simplement parce que ça coute cher de trier correctement,
et qu’en plus il faudrait avoir plusieurs poubelles …
C’est ce que propose TERRACYCLE avec ses boites zero dechet !