Program helps students learn recycling and raise funds for their school at the same time

Angela See remembers looking at the back of a Capri-Sun drink box when something caught her attention. It was a logo promoting TerraCycle, a recycling company, which collects food packaging for recycling. TerraCycle's program, known at Brigade, enlists the community's help in collecting items that typically couldn't be recycled so it can be repurposed into other products.

Design Junkies Upcycle

The designers at TerraCycle refer to themselves as "junkies." The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders may not recognize job addiction, but after speaking with the company's resident design junkies, it is not hard to imagine withdrawal symptoms on days off. Not simply because the Trenton, New Jersey-based recycling and upcycling firm does eco-friendly work, but because so much of what they do, or fail to do is an exercise in recombinant aesthetics.

Mit BIC & TerraCycle 300€ für deine Schule oder deinen Kindergarten gewinnen!

Gewinne 300€ für ein grünes Projekt deiner Wahl in deiner Schule oder deinem Kindergarten! BIC und TerraCycle suchen die kreativste und schönste Sammelbox, die speziell für das Sammeln von leeren Schreibgeräten und Korrekturmitteln entworfen wurde. Bringe deine Klasse oder Gruppe dazu, eine einzigartige Recyclingbox für leere Stifte zu basteln und dein Sammelteam kann der Gewinner unseres Wettbewerbs werden! Der Bastelwettbewerb ist Teil der BIC und TerraCycle Stifte Brigade, einem Sammelprogramm für leere Schreibgeräte und Korrekturmittel. Das Programm ermöglicht es Bildungseinrichtungen, Unternehmen und Organisationen ihre leeren Stifte, aller Hersteller und Marken, kostenlos einzusenden, damit diese zu neuen Produkten recycelt werden können. Pro Stift, den du durch dein Sammelteam einsendest, spenden wir 2 Cent an eine gemeinnützige Organisation deiner Wahl. Um an dem Bastelwettbewerb teilzunehmen und die ökologische und soziale Nachhaltigkeit in deiner Schule oder deinem Kindergarten zu steigern, melde Dich jetzt unter www.terracycle.de für die Stiftebrigade an!

Vendor News Sept. 15, 2011

(Lodging Hospitality Via Acquire Media NewsEdge) A partnership between Marietta Corp. and TerraCycle will collect bathroom amenities (bottles and soaps) and recycle them into new products, such as hangers, ice buckets and recycling bins, for use in hotel rooms.

Green-themed upcycling game

From Guerillapps comes Trash Tycoon (www.trashtycoon.com), a free, green-themed social game for Facebook. The game incorporates awareness for environmental issues and sustainability. In Trash Tycoon, players take on the role of recycling entrepreneurs who collect virtual litter in a trash strewn city and upcycle the trash into higher quality, environmentally-friendly products. Upcycling, a process in which discarded waste is repurposed for valuable use, can range from building a house of abandoned material to finding innovative uses for discarded plastic bags. After completing missions, users collect virtual cash and points to ultimately earn the Trash Tycoon title. The game’s trash-tackling premise directly mirrors the activities of its sponsor, TerraCycle, a real-world company that collects and reuses non-recyclable post-consumer waste.