Galloway schools turn recycling into cash

Three years ago, while Tina Bauer was a classroom assistant at the Oceanville kindergarten in Galloway Township, she and a co-worker decided to improve the school's recycling program. A quick web search turned up Princeton-based TerraCycle, and the simple, four-word tagline it was using at the time. "'Get cash for trash' was their little blurb on it," said Bauer, of the Absecon Highlands section of Galloway Township. "So I clicked on it and said, 'Hey, we can do this at Oceanville.'" The idea behind TerraCycle - which collects and "upcycles" less conventionally recyclable items, such as potato chip bags and juice boxes into tote bags and other items - is a simple one. Nevertheless, Bauer said, the plan was initially met with confusion by the staff. Bauer had signed up to lead a brigade, a group that collects a specific item - Capri Sun juice pouches, in this case - for TerraCycle in exchange for points, which can be redeemed for cash donations to schools or participating nonprofit organizations. After the first few shipments, that confusion gave way to enthusiasm for the project.

Students at Miller Elementary recycle juice pouches to brighten day of ill kids

Every weekday at lunchtime, a curious scene plays out in elementary school cafeterias around the country. Students unpack their lunchboxes and hawk their dietary wares with a fervor that would make a Wall Street broker blush. A Fruit Roll-up for a Chewy bar here, a Yoo-Hoo for a Juicy Juice there. Chocolate bars are worth their weight in gold. At Dr. Joyanne D. Miller Elementary School, which Egg Harbor Township's fifth- and sixth-graders attend, students trade their empty Capri Sun pouches for something else: hope. Since January 2011, art teacher Wendy Montecalvo has been collecting the pouches and exchanging them for points as part of a program run by the Princeton-based company TerraCycle, which creates new products from waste. These points can be redeemed as a cash donation to a nonprofit organization or a school of the donor's choice. "I kind of fell into it," Montecalvo said. "I read in a magazine article on Riah's Rainbow, which is the charity that I give the money to, and it was through them that I started collecting the Capri Suns." To date, Montecalvo and the students at Miller have collected and exchanged 19,414 pouches, which translates to just less than $400 for the charity. Riah's Rainbow is named in memory of Mariah Jean Klein, who died in 2008 at age 4 after a battle with diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma, an aggressive brain tumor with no known cure. The charity's mission is one with which the art teacher sympathizes: The group uses donations to purchase coloring books for children in pediatric hospitals as an escape from their painful illnesses, just as they were for Riah. Montecalvo enlists the aid of a few Miller students in the project. When fifth-grader Emily Ross, who was in her class last year, said she missed the art teacher, Montecalvo gave her a job as part of the project. On Wednesdays and Fridays, Emily spends some of her lunch period with Montecalvo, cleaning and counting the juice boxes. Since she took on the job at the beginning of this school year, Emily said, she has become a Capri Sun enthusiast. "When my friends come over, they'll drink a juice box. I've got this little box at home they put them in," said Emily, 11, of Steelmanville. "I end up buying like two or three boxes a week because I drink them so much." Kevin Ditmire, a standout student in Montecalvo's art class, also volunteered to help as part of the project. Every day, he and a friend of his choice carry the day's haul from the cafeteria to Montecalvo's room. Despite his youth, the fifth-grader said he is conscious of the environment, which made the project an appealing one. "I've always been like a big fan of the environment," said Kevin, 10, of Cardiff. "I don't throw my trash on the ground or anything. I'm kind of eco-friendly, so this is one of the reasons I did it, too, because I like Earth." TerraCycle also runs exchange programs, known as brigades, for a number of other waste products, including candy wrappers, potato chip bags and soda cans. Montecalvo said she's open to expanding Miller's participation in the future, but right now her hands - and those of her little helpers - are full with the thousands of Capri Suns they're moving each month.

Landbell AG investiert in das internationale Recycling-Unternehmen TerraCycle

Dank der Zusammenarbeit kann TerraCycle seine hochwertigen Abfall-Lösungen in Deutschland, der Schweiz und Österreich ausbauen Mainz - 07. März 2012 – Die Landbell AG, eines der neun Rücknahmesysteme in Deutschland zur Sammlung und Verwertung von Verpackungen, beteiligt sich an dem US-amerikanischen Unternehmen TerraCycle®, Inc. TerraCycle, ein weltweit in 21 Ländern agierendes Unternehmen, hat sich auf das Sammeln, Recyceln und Wiederverwerten schwer zu recycelnder Abfälle, Konsumgüter und Verkaufsverpackungen spezialisiert. TerraCycle ist seit 2011 auf dem deutschen und schweizerischen Markt vertreten und wird ab 2012 auch in Österreich aktiv sein. Aktuell arbeitet TerraCycle bereits mit BIC, dem internationalen Hersteller von Bürobedarf, in Deutschland und der Schweiz bei der Sammlung gebrauchter Schreibwaren zusammen. Auf dem deutschen Markt will TerraCycle zudem mit Capri-Sonne zusammenarbeiten. Das Sammelprogramm für Trinkpacks soll in den nächsten Wochen anlaufen.

Landbell AG investiert in das internationale Recycling-Unternehmen TerraCycle

(PR-inside.com 07.03.2012 15:10:32) - Dank der Zusammenarbeit kann TerraCycle seine hochwertigen Abfall-Lösungen in Deutschland, der Schweiz und Österreich ausbauen Mainz - 07. März 2012 – Die Landbell AG, eines der neun Rücknahmesysteme in Deutschland zur Sammlung und Verwertung von Verpackungen, beteiligt sich an dem US-amerikanischen Unternehmen TerraCycle®, Inc. TerraCycle, ein weltweit in 21 Ländern agierendes Unternehmen, hat sich auf das Sammeln, Recyceln und Wiederverwerten schwer zu recycelnder Abfälle, Konsumgüter und Verkaufsverpackungen spezialisiert. TerraCycle ist seit 2011 auf dem deutschen und schweizerischen Markt vertreten und wird ab 2012 auch in Österreich aktiv sein. Aktuell arbeitet TerraCycle bereits mit BIC, dem internationalen Hersteller von Bürobedarf, in Deutschland und der Schweiz bei der Sammlung gebrauchter Schreibwaren zusammen. Auf dem deutschen Markt will TerraCycle zudem mit Capri-Sonne zusammenarbeiten. Das Sammelprogramm für Trinkpacks soll in den nächsten Wochen anlaufen.

Tang recolecta 2 millones de sobres

March 2, 2012 Hoy en mercadotecnia, Mercadotecnia, México Escribe tu comentario México, D.F.- En febrero de 2010 Tang y TerraCycle lanzaron un Programa Nacional de Recolección y Reutilización de sobres de bebidas en polvo, del cual hasta el mes de febrero se reportaron 4 mil 290 brigadas formadas por alumnos, ONG´s, scouts, consumidores y empresas, quienes lograron recolectar más de 2 millones de sobres que serán utilizados como materia prima para la fabricación productos sustentables como cuadernos, mochilas y billeteras. Para ver más detalles, da click aquí. Notas sobre mercadotecnia: 1er. Concurso estudiantil: Imagina tu Campus Responsable Soriana invitó a proveedores a unirse al Programa de Liderazgo Ambiental La dinámica de este programa consiste en registrar a través de la página de Internet de Tang o TerraCycle la brigada de familiares, amigos y compañeros que formaron; para después recolectar y enviar los sobres por medio de una guía gratuita de DHL que se debe descargar del sitio de TerraCycle; finalmente cada sobre recibido representa 0.25 centavos que se donarán a la causa elegida. 20 escuelas del D.F. y Estado de México fueron las que lograron recolectar mayor número de sobres, por lo cual se hicieron acreedores de un vale de 1o mil pesos, dinero del que podrán destinar a las necesidades que los directivos consideren prioritarias; además se les entregó a los niños un pase para un importante parque de diversiones para la Ciudad de México. Asimismo con esta iniciativa se logró entregar más de 355 mil pesos a instituciones y organizaciones sin fines de lucro que se registraron como brigadas, entre las cuales se encuentran Asociación de Padres de Niños con Cáncer y Leucemia (PANICAL), Fundación Lazos, Caritas Parroquial, Nuestros Niños IAP, entre otras. “Es un orgullo que a dos años de haber emprendido este sueño, hoy contemos con más de 350 mil personas sumadas por la misma causa, destacando el hecho de que el 35 por ciento de los brigadistas son estudiantes, lo que nos demuestra el compromiso con el medio ambiente por parte de los niños mexicanos, algo que Tang siempre apoyará y reconocerá” comentó Charles Chamouton.

Reciclar bolígrafos y además, obtener dinero para donar a una asociación

¿Qué hacemos con los bolígrafos que ya no usamos? ¿En qué contenedor los tiramos? Los bolígrafos y rotuladores no se pueden reciclar porque están fabricados con materiales muy diversos. Deben ir al contenedor de basura orgánica. Pero ahora, TerraCycle y BIC han lanzado un programa pionero en España de recogida y reciclaje de instrumentos de escritura, que está dirigido a colegios, universidades y empresas. Cualquier bolígrafo, pluma, rotulador, corrector, marcador fluorescente, etc… sin importar la marca o el material, puede ser reciclado.

Loesche students learn to recycle

Judith Rubin at Loesche Elementary helped students complete their first recycle project for the year. Rubin taught her second-grade class about recycling and found that recycled drink pouches make great folders. Students now have the opportunity to earn a drink pouch folder handmade by their teacher. Students also made posters for the lunchroom about how to save the earth. Check out the kids at Loesche and visit www.terracycle.net to learn more ways to save the Earth.