Galloway schools turn recycling into cash

TerraCycle Frito-Lay (Pepsico) Capri Sun (Kraft Foods) Include USA
Three years ago, while Tina Bauer was a classroom assistant at the Oceanville kindergarten in Galloway Township, she and a co-worker decided to improve the school's recycling program. A quick web search turned up Princeton-based TerraCycle, and the simple, four-word tagline it was using at the time. "'Get cash for trash' was their little blurb on it," said Bauer, of the Absecon Highlands section of Galloway Township. "So I clicked on it and said, 'Hey, we can do this at Oceanville.'" The idea behind TerraCycle - which collects and "upcycles" less conventionally recyclable items, such as potato chip bags and juice boxes into tote bags and other items - is a simple one. Nevertheless, Bauer said, the plan was initially met with confusion by the staff. Bauer had signed up to lead a brigade, a group that collects a specific item - Capri Sun juice pouches, in this case - for TerraCycle in exchange for points, which can be redeemed for cash donations to schools or participating nonprofit organizations. After the first few shipments, that confusion gave way to enthusiasm for the project.