Green Living Show 2012 Experience

We learned about eco-friendly products and ways we to be part of sustainable living at the Green Living Show, which is held at the Direct Energy Centre CNE from April 13th till April 15th.
We got to know about a few neat services that are available, which are free for us to use to get rid of our garbage in an environmentally friendly way.
Here are a few:
TerraCycle: We have to sign up and tell which type of the waste we like to collect, start collecting and send it to TerraCycle using their free shipping UPS slip. The materials that are collected will be used to create new products. This operates all over the world so do your part by joining.

Port Rowan school knows how to recycle

PORT ROWAN - Port Rowan Public School is doing their part to keep unnecessary waste out of landfills. The school was recently recognized by TerraCycle Canada in a list of the Top 10 waste-collecting schools. The 300-student community placed sixth. “We are so excited to hear the news that Port Rowan Public School has placed sixth for top collections,” said educational assistant Kathy Kingsley in a media release. “ I like that the TerraCycle program brings the student body, staff and community together to do better for the earth. It’s a win-win for all involved.”

Recycling not a ‘waste’ for Barrie school: St. Bernadette School makes the list

A Barrie Catholic school has ranked high in a Canadian waste diversion contest. St. Bernadette School placed eighth of the top 10 waste-collecting schools in the TerraCycle Canada waste collection program. The school's efforts of collecting drink pouches, sandwich bags and personal care/beauty product packaging diverted 6.273 units of waste from landfills from September 2011 to February 2012.