Mercado de proteção solar investe em projeto pioneiro de logística reversa

Foi pensando nisso que Coppertone lançou o projeto Brigada Coppertone Protetores do Planeta, um programa que coletará embalagens de protetor solar vazias (independentemente do tamanho e da marca) e transformará em matéria-prima novamente, que pode substituir material virgem e evitar que mais recursos naturais sejam extraídos. Essa matéria prima poderá ser usada na produção de novos materiais a base de plástico como baldes, estojos e sacolas de compra reutilizáveis.

Lawn and Garden Trailers and Wagons, Which is Best?

While choosing new designs with regard to bathrooms, a number of Us citizens are deciding to "go green" while they're just at it. Here are some interior design tips for achieving ones own environmentally-sound bathroom. First, go organic with your bath linens and bathe curtains. This one is an easy decision and does not cost much to undertake. Organic cotton requires less pesticides and it is usually softer than usual materials. Vinyl or plastic shower curtains can be hugely toxic, cautions Annie N. Bond, author of Property Enlightenment. As a substitute, choose a heavy silk cotton duck curtain, she adds. You can find a number of eco-friendly bath products with Gaiam. Then, choose organic bath products made without chemicals, like those with Aveda, to create a chemical-free zone. There are green cleaning products, like the "Greenworks Cleaner" or "TerraCycle Cleaner. "