TerraCycle samler inn ikke-resirkulertbart avfall som normalt sett ender på søppelfyllinga. - Vi gjenvinner alt fra smokker til sandaler, men aller mest resirkulerer vi matemballasje, sier programsjef Christina Røren i TerraCycle Norge.
The saying goes, one man's trash is another man's treasure. For TerraCycle, an upcycling and recycling company in Trenton, N.J., trash from schools in Knoxville and surrounding areas has become its treasure.
Items that are traditionally non-recyclable — such as Frito-Lay chip bags, Capri Sun drink pouches, MOM Brands cereal bags and Colgate oral care products — are collected to make products sold in stores such as Target.
The company recycles — or upcycles — trash into backpacks, tote bags, pencil cases, notebooks, messenger bags, and binders as well as watering cans and plant caddies.
Last May, I wrote a post about whether a green company, like TerraCycle, should partner with companies that make tobacco, firearms or alcohol.
Our business relies on taking waste that has traditionally been considered nonrecyclable and finding ways to recycle it. We do this by running national collection and solution programs for specific types of waste, and we have been partnering with the alcohol industry for a few years now. Our alcohol industry partnerships began with a national wine-cork program that has collected roughly two million corks and recycled them into products such as cork boards, shoes and flooring. This program is financed by a major synthetic cork company, Nomacorc, and will expand into Italy later this year. We also recently began a program to collect wine pouches with the Clif Family Winery.
While we have not yet partnered with anyone in the firearms industry — I’m hoping we will collect shotgun shells at some point — we have been attempting to work with the tobacco industry for some time. And I am happy to say that we recently signed our first and second tobacco deals (both programs will start in a few weeks). One is with Canada’s largest tobacco company, the other with one of America’s largest tobacco companies. Both programs will allow TerraCycle to collect and recycle cigarette butts and other cigarette-related waste.
Henstedt-Ulzburg (rj) Stifte finden
in jeder Bildungseinrichtung Anwendung,
doch einmal leer, landen
sie in Müllverbrennungsanlagen.
Das Engagement des Kindergartens
Beckersberg gibt ihnen
ein zweites Leben.
Für jeden Stift, den die Kinder und
Betreuer sammeln und an das
Recycling- und Upcycling-Unternehmen
TerraCycle senden, erhält
der Kindergarten Beckersberg 2
Cent als Spendenbeitrag für eine
gemeinnützige Organisation gutgeschrieben.
Retornável: certas marcas e linhas de produtos se responsabilizam por recolher essas embalagens vazias. O famosa programa da
MAC “Back 2 MAC” (De volta para a MAC) encoraja a reciclagem. Devolvendo seis embalagens vazias de produto para a loja você ganha um batom de sua escolha. A Garnier faz o mesmo na campanha TerraCycle, o programa envia na sua casa um malote já pago para que você devolva para eles embalagens de maquiagem e produtos para rosto e cabelos. Vale a pena!
בדרך לאפס פסולת חברת טרהסייקל אספה מיליארדי יחידות פסולת והפכה אותן ל-1,500 מוצרים. החברה פועלת גם בארץ. גם לכם יש רעיון שיעזור לסביבה? אנחנו נעזור לכם לממש אותו. היוזמה הירוקה
O projeto “Brigada Coppertone Protetores do Planeta” continua a todo vapor durante o ano e contará com a ajuda de todos nesse desafio de cuidar do meio ambiente. O programa, que tem parceria da TerreCycle, coletará embalagens de protetor solar vazias (independentemente do tamanho e da marca) e transformará em matéria-prima novamente, substituindo material virgem e evitando que mais recursos naturais sejam extraídos.
O projeto “Brigada Coppertone Protetores do Planeta” continua a todo vapor durante o ano e contará com a ajuda de todos nesse desafio de cuidar do meio ambiente. O programa, que tem parceria da TerreCycle, coletará embalagens de protetor solar vazias (independentemente do tamanho e da marca) e transformará em matéria-prima novamente, substituindo material virgem e evitando que mais recursos naturais sejam extraídos.
L’institution Maintenon a créé avec Terracycle une brigade des instruments d’écriture. Le but est de récolter les stylos, marqueurs, surligneurs, tubes de colle, correcteurs (en tube ou en souris) usagés afin de les recycler. (Sauf les crayons en bois)