SEMANA DE MEDIO AMBIENTE – 2012 • Lunes 4 de junio, 21:15 h. Cortometraje: “El reciclaje de envases en España”. 3 min. TV Almansa. Colabora: Ecoembes. Separar para reciclar • Martes 5 de junio, 12 h. Puesta en marcha proyecto recogida bolígrafos y elementos de escritura. Ayuntamiento – Casa Grande. Colabora: Terracycle • Martes 5 de junio, 21:15 h. Cortometraje: “Alex y Robin: El show de los envases”. 7 min. TV Almansa. Colabora: Ecoembes. Separar para reciclar

Un millón de sobres de bebidas en polvo para recolección y reutilización

Tang y TerraCycle motivan a chicos y adolescentes a juntar packs que ya no serán basura. Se utilizan para fabricar nuevos productos más amigables con el medio ambiente. Las Brigadas de TerraCycle promueven el cuidado del medio ambiente y a la vez, logran un impacto en la comunidad. Por cada sobrecito recolectado, Tang y TerraCycle donan 10 centavos a la organización social o escuela pública que el equipo participante elija. En 15 meses, se donaron más de $100.000 a distintas instituciones públicas alrededor de todo el país.

Old Navy and TerraCycle Team Up to Recycle Flip Flops

Terracycle and Old Navy have partnered to collect and recycle flip – flosp. The flip-flops are recycled or upcycled to make new products. See graphic below – click LINK to see larger graphic. Collect and return 50 flip flops (about 18 pounds) to Terracycle and you will get Old Navy coupons for you and those who helped you collect. Participation and signup are free. So is shipping; you can download a UPS label and drop the box off at a UPS location.


By Cap City
You’ve probably seen them in the cereal aisle at the grocery store: bags of bargain cereal with one-off names like Cinnamon Toasters, Apple Zings and Honey Nut Scooters. The titan of bagged cereals, the Minneapolis, Minn.-based Malt-O-Meal, has found a niche in offering cereals almost identical to name-brand products from General Mills, Kellogg’s, Post and Quaker Oats at a reduced price. But where do all those cereal bags go once their sweet contents are consumed? As it turns out, nine Springfield schools collect the bags for recycling – and they make a little cash for their efforts. The Malt-O-Meal Cereal Bag Brigade is a schools-only program sponsored by Malt-O-Meal and run by TerraCycle, a New Jersey-based start-up that pays a pittance for recyclable trash and makes it into new products like kites, durable totes and even fences. So far this school year, Springfield’s Lee Elementary School has sent 7,000 pieces of waste to TerraCycle, earning the school $140. Trinity Lutheran School in Springfield has collected 9,000 pieces of waste and earned $180. In total, TerraCycle has recycled about 1.3 million pieces of waste from Illinois, and more than $25,234 has been paid to Illinois schools and other charities. For more information, visit www.TerraCycle.net.

How to save the planet by recycling. Your incredibly thorough guide to recycling nearly everything. Part 4

Juice Bags: Ordinary juice bags are a combination of aluminum and plastic polymer which can’t be recycled. But don’t toss them in the trash – gather them up and send them to your favorite charity. Here’s the deal with that: TerraCycle will donate 2 cents for every Honest Kids, Capri Sun and Kool-Aid drink bag – and and they’ll donate a penny for every other brand. Plus they provide free shipping. TerraCycle turns old juice bags and pouches into colorful purses, totes and pencil cases. See them yourself at Walgreens, Target or teracycle.net.

Recycling 2.0: Salvaging more than cans, bottles and paper

Melanie Ziomek has always been an avid recycler and is so adamant about it her sister jokingly calls her “super recycling nerd.” “I told her I was going to make her a recycling nerd cape,” said her sister, Tammy Kozicki. Ziomek recycles everything she can at Normal’s drop boxes, but was concerned about all the products that can’t be recycled. “I realized how many ink cartridges my church (Word of Faith) and the company I work for (Central Illinois Grain Inspection) were going through,” Ziomek said. She started collecting them in hopes of finding an outlet — and she finally did last fall. It’s called Terracycle, a Trenton, N.J., company founded in 2001 by Tom Szaky, someone equally passionate about finding uses for items that can’t be recycled.

What to do with all your empty products?

You know I am all about natural products and how to contribute to the environment at the same time, it is amazing the simple things you can do about it..One of my favorite writers Paulo cohelo says: "When you heart desires something the entire Universe works in your favor" and that is how I came across this web site called TerraCycle they recycle pretty much everything. So now you have a choice when you want to get rid of empty or old bottles like: Shampoo,eye shadow, lipstick, conditioner, etc, any kind, any brand. TerraCycle's purpose is to eliminate the idea of waste.They do this by creating national recycling systems for previously non-recyclable or hard-to-recycle waste. Anyone can sign up for these programs, called the Brigades, and start sending them waste.


Die TU Dresden beteiligt sich an der Sammelaktion von leeren Stiften. Das Unternehmen TERRACYCLE stellt dabei die Sammelboxen zur Verfügung, die an teilnehmenden Fakultäten der TU aufgestellt werden. Dort können Sie die leeren Stifte (z.B. Kugelschreiber, Fineliner, Marker usw.) abgeben. Pro gesammelten Stift erhält die TUD 2 Cent als Spende an eine gemeinnützige Orgnisation.

Small Changes for a Better Tomorrow

“Go green.” “Be environmentally friendly.” “Reduce your carbon footprint.” These statements are everywhere, but how do we implement these ideas and make lifestyle changes. As World Environment Day and World Oceans Day approach on June 5 and June 8, respectively, we’ve put together a few ways to get involved that can help make a difference. This year, World Environment Day focuses on the changes we can make to reduce our energy consumption. To help with this effort, many companies are creating energy efficient gadgets, economically friendly alternatives and alternate power sources. Logitech’s newest keyboard, the Logitech Wireless Solar Keyboard K760 does just this – it’s powered by light, both low light and lamp light, indoors and out. In fact, if the world switched to solar keyboards, 828,000,000 AA batteries would be kept out of landfills annually, and if these were laid end-to-end, they would encircle the earth at its equator. You can reduce your carbon footprint by using products charged by solar power, replacing a regular light bulb for a CFL, or waiting a few extra minutes to turn on your lights in the evening. Every little change made can have an impact.

Tang con su "Bicibus" en el Parque de la Costa

Tang invita a los chicos a conocer el "Bicibus", los días 1, 2 y 3 de junio, en el Parque de la Costa. El "Bicibus" estará exhibido en el Parque, donde los chicos podrán sacarse fotos y aprender más acerca de cómo fue construido este vehículo que refleja el logro de todos los que participaron del "Programa de Reutilización de Envases de Bebidas en Polvo" desarrollado en forma conjunta por Tang y Terracycle durante el 2011. Además, promotoras de la marca invitarán a los chicos a sumarse a las brigadas de recolección de sobres de Tang, que continuarán trabajando durante el 2012.