Small Changes for a Better Tomorrow

TerraCycle Logitech Include USA
“Go green.” “Be environmentally friendly.” “Reduce your carbon footprint.” These statements are everywhere, but how do we implement these ideas and make lifestyle changes. As World Environment Day and World Oceans Day approach on June 5 and June 8, respectively, we’ve put together a few ways to get involved that can help make a difference. This year, World Environment Day focuses on the changes we can make to reduce our energy consumption. To help with this effort, many companies are creating energy efficient gadgets, economically friendly alternatives and alternate power sources. Logitech’s newest keyboard, the Logitech Wireless Solar Keyboard K760 does just this – it’s powered by light, both low light and lamp light, indoors and out. In fact, if the world switched to solar keyboards, 828,000,000 AA batteries would be kept out of landfills annually, and if these were laid end-to-end, they would encircle the earth at its equator. You can reduce your carbon footprint by using products charged by solar power, replacing a regular light bulb for a CFL, or waiting a few extra minutes to turn on your lights in the evening. Every little change made can have an impact.