BERGEN OP ZOOM - De leerlingen en leraren van het Kellebeek College halen op een bijzondere manier geld op voor het goede doel. Zij zamelen pennen in via de BIC Schrijfwaren Brigade en krijgen daar geld voor...
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Több mint félszáz vendéglátóhely, szálloda és iroda csatlakozott már országszerte a TerraCycle és a Philip Morris Magyarország Kft. közös cigarettacsikk-gyűjtő programjához, hogy az általuk összegyűjtött dohányhulladék környezetbarát újrahasznosításra kerüljön.
Wooler First School has won the McVitie’s Biscuit Wrapper Roundup recycling contest, winning the £250 top prize and a prize hamper. ...
Wednesday Nov 27 | Posted by: roboblogger | Full story:
Berwick Advertiser
Wooler First School has won the McVitie's Biscuit Wrapper Roundup recycling contest, winning the 250 top prize and a prize hamper.
Wooler First School has won the McVitie’s Biscuit Wrapper Roundup recycling contest, winning the £250 top prize and a prize hamper.
A staggering 7,800 used biscuit wrappers were collected by the schools network of collectors and the wider local community during the six month contest which ended in October.
Wooler First School beat off strong competition from participating locations all over the UK including runners up, the Women’s Aid Charity in Grimsby and the third placed Preemies UK children’s charity in Droitwich.
In the end though the sterling efforts of local people across Wooler and Glendale helped the school’s pupils secure top place.
Whilst biscuit wrappers are recyclable, very little mixed plastic recycling is carried out by local council kerbside collections as they simply do not have the infrastructure. This results in billions of biscuit wrappers being sent to landfill.
This prompted McVitie’s and recycling experts TerraCycle to join together to launch the McVitie’s Biscuit Wrapper Brigade. The scheme encourages consumers to use freepost labels to send in any brand of used biscuit wrappers to be recycled into everyday products such as watering cans, garden benches and waste bins.
Dave Sage, scheme administrator at Wooler First School said: “Wooler First School is delighted to have won the Biscuit Wrapper Roundup and would like to say a huge thank you to everyone locally who helped us by saving their biscuit wrappers for us; especially to the Blood Doning Centre in Newcastle, Roddam WI and other community groups.
“Since we began
collecting various types of waste packaging with TerraCycle a year ago, we have saved an incredible 32,435 pieces of waste from local landfill raising £1,333 which the school is using to buy additional classroom resources and forest school equipment.
“This is only the beginning though as we are collecting various types of waste with TerraCycle on an ongoing basis.”
Anyone wishing to help can simply drop their used biscuit wrappers, pens, baby food pouches, baby wipes packaging and coffee packaging of any brand and Activia, Actimel and Shape yogurt pots back to the 24/7 access outdoor collection point at the Cheviot Centre.
Wooler School's Recycling Efforts Take the Biscuit
7 days ago
Wooler school's recycling efforts take the biscuit. Wooler First School has won the McVitie’s Biscuit Wrapper Roundup recycling contest, winning the �250 top prize and a prize hamper...
-> Read more at Berwick Advertiser
Il y a deux ans, le SITDOM lançait une opération de distribution de boîtes à goûter pour favoriser la consommation de fruit à la récréation et la réduction des déchets produits.
Colgate-Palmolive firma nueva alianza con TerraCycle para reciclar envolturas de jabón
“La alianza permitirá fortalecer el lazo de estas dos empresas para continuar fomentando la cultura de reciclaje entre los mexicanos.
El proyecto refleja el compromiso que Colgate-Palmolive tiene con su entorno reafirmando su liderazgo en responsabilidad social.
Colgate-Palmolive, líder mundial en el Cuidado Bucal, Cuidado Personal y Cuidado para el Hogar, confirma su compromiso con el planeta y en alianza con TerraCycle ha creado la Brigada de Jabones Palmolive®. Este programa tiene como finalidad promover la recolección, reutilización y reciclaje de envolturas de jabones, así como lo ha hecho ya con la Brigada de Cuidado Bucal en la que ha recolectado cerca de 200 mil unidades de esta categoría, entre ellos cepillos y tubos de crema dentales, al igual que sus empaques.”…..
TerraCycle, takes our waste, products that would normally end up in the landfill, and they make useful items with them, an example is a backpack made from drink pouches, tote bags made from chip bags, and even coin pouch and iPad cases made from USPS tote bags!
Arla Harmonie oplever succes med deres indsamlingsprojekt 'Brug Låget!', der netop har rundet halvanden million indsamlede plastiklåg fra mejeriprodukter. Mælke- og yoghurtlågene kan indsendes til TerraCycle, som Arla Harmonie kører indsamlingsprogrammet med.