Pitching in, saving Earth: Wassom Middle School launches recycling program

TerraCycle has designated more than 40 waste collection groups or "brigades" in which to collect recyclables. Wassom's brigades include the Chip Bag Brigade, Lunch Kit Brigade, Personal Care and Beauty Brigade and the Candy Wrapper Brigade, among others.

Kimberly-Clark takes a 'hand in glove' approach to recycling

Kimberly-Clark Professional is embarking on worldwide programme to recycle single-use cleanroom and laboratory gloves.
Kimberly-Clark has teamed up with TerraCycle to recover the material and claims is the first large-scale recycling solution for this type of waste, offering companies an opportunity to reduce landfill waste streams and enhance their sustainability efforts. After the used garments are collected, they are turned into raw materials to create eco-friendly consumer products such as plastic chairs. Commenting on the scheme, Kimberly-Clark customer marketing manager Ruud Sleumer said: "Our cleanroom and laboratory customers have ambitious sustainability goals, yet often struggle with where and how to get started. "Our programme offers a powerful and easy way for them to exceed their solid waste reduction goals, while helping to make their workplaces healthier, safer and more productive." He further pointed out that the disposal of solid waste by pharmaceutical and other scientific organisations often poses considerable challenges, as landfill options become more Ltd and waste disposal costs continue to rise.


Több mint félszáz vendéglátóhely, szálloda és iroda csatlakozott már országszerte a TerraCycle és a Philip Morris Magyarország Kft. közös cigarettacsikk-gyűjtő programjához, hogy az általuk összegyűjtött dohányhulladék környezetbarát újrahasznosításra kerüljön.
Az eldobott cigarettacsikkek nagyon komoly környezeti problémát jelentenek. Csak az utak mellett eldobott szemét több mint harmadát a csikkek teszik ki! A csikkek olyan anyagból készülnek, amelyeknek a lebomlása akár évekbe is telhet.

Kellebeek College zamelt pennen in voor goed doel

BERGEN OP ZOOM - Leerlingen van het Kellebeek College in Bergen op Zoom zamelen lege pennen in om geld op te halen voor onderwijsprojecten in Ecuador. Elke cent is voor de stichting Kinderen van Ecuador. Recycle De pennen worden verzameld door de BIC Schrijfwaren Brigade en vervolgens gerecycled door TerraCycle. Dat bedrijf zorgt dat pennen een tweede leven krijgen in de vorm van gieters en prullenmanden. Twee cent Het Kellebeek College krijgt twee cent voor elke pen. Sinds TerraCycle in 2011 met het inzamelen van pennen begon, doen al zo'n driehonderd, scholen, bedrijven en organisdaties mee. Op het Kellebeek was docente Jaqueline Boelhouwer de initiatiefneemster. "Ik heb de afgelopen tijd al honderden keren geroepen 'geen pennen meer in de vuilnisbak'", zegt de Roosendaalse, die zelf is getrouwd met een man uit Ecuador.