The school participates in the Drink Pouch Brigade, a free recycling program for individuals or groups from Capri Sun and TerraCycle.
"Since their U.S. launch in September 2009, our Frito-Lay sponsored TerraCycle bag brigades have diverted over 23 million of our post-consumer snack bags from landfill. The program expanded into Brazil, Mexico and Israel in 2012, collecting more than 6 million bags in just one year. The program now operates 70 brigades in 22 countries.
Tom Szaky a Princeton Egyetem diákjaként, 2001-ben alapította meg a TerraCycle-t. Vállalkozásának célja, hogy eltörölje a szemét fogalmát. Ennek érdekében összegyűjti a hagyományosan nem újrahasznosítható termékeket és csomagolási hulladékokat, és innovatív új termékeket gyárt belőlük. Napjainkban a TerraCycle-t széles körben világelsőként tartják számon a hagyományosan nem újrahasznosítható fogyasztási hulladékok visszagyűjtésében és újrahasznosításában.
Für den Kongress konnte die WHU den gebürtigen Ungar und Unternehmer Tom Szaky gewinnen, der mit seinem Unternehmen TerraCycle Recyclinglösungen für Abfälle in 23 Ländern weltweit entwickelt, die bisher nicht recycelt wurden.
Das Geschäftsmodell, welches die Recycling-Idee in den USA etabliert, ist so einfach wie genial: Schulen, Büros, Privathaushalte aber auch Partner wie Kraft Foods, Pepsi oder Unilever schicken TerraCycle ihren Müll zu, der normalerweise nicht recyclingfähig wäre. Im Gegenzug erhalten sie dafür einen geringen Betrag, der gespendet werden kann.
Once finished enjoying the wine inside, consumers can send the empty packaging to TerraCycle for free to give it a second life by recycling or upcycling it into park benches, bike racks, recycling bins and more.
The Naked Grape partnered with TerraCycle, a company committed to keeping used wine boxes out of landfills by recycling or upcycling them into new, unique products. Once finished enjoying the wine inside, consumers can send the empty packaging t
To ensure all materials found in The Naked Grape wine box packaging – from the cardboard box to the inner bag and spout – are fully recyclable across the country, The Naked Grape partnered with TerraCycle, a company committed to keeping used wine boxes out of landfills by recycling or upcycling them into new, unique products.
The Naked Grape called on TerraCycle, a company which provides free waste collection programs for hard to recycle materials, to help ensure that the materials found in the wine box packaging, such as the box, the inner bag and spout, are fully recyclable across the country.
While Orange County does not recycle this polystyrene #6 cup, Wilson has identified a market with specialty recycler Terra Cycle that remanufactures the cups into dog bowls and contributes 2 cents a cup to charities chosen by those sending in the cups.