Projeto ReciclArte no Colégio Miguel de Cervantes

O projeto da TerraCycle, realizado em parceria com a Faber-Castell, chegou ao Miguel! Com o intuito de conscientizar ainda mais a comunidade escolar sobre a importância e facilidade da reciclagem, decidimos aderir à proposta de reciclagem de materiais escolares com o nome de ReciclArte. Nosso maior objetivo é diminuir o desperdício desses materiais, objetos difíceis de serem reciclados, e aumentar a sustentabilidade da nossa instituição educativa.

TerraCycle partners with Vail Resorts, PepsiCo, Ocean Spray and Clean Ocean Access

TerraCycle, Trenton, New Jersey, will be working with Vail Resorts on reducing plastic use at their resorts, in partnership with PepsiCo. TerraCycle will also work with Ocean Spray to launch a national recycling program. Also, Clean Ocean Access and TerraCycle will work together to recycling hard-to-recycle plastic waste. Vail Resorts and PepsiCo Vail Resorts, Broomfield, Colorado, and PepsiCo, Purchase, New York, have announced the expansion of their partnership to 18 more resort locations around North America. In addition to renewing and expanding their product distribution partnership to 33 total resorts globally, PepsiCo committed to a significant investment annually in projects that support Commitment to Zero, Vail Resorts’ sustainability pledge to achieve a zero net operating footprint by 2030, including zero waste to landfill. Through a multiyear sustainability road map, the companies will focus on waste reduction, including reducing beverage and food packaging waste and replacing wax-lined paper cups with compostable or durable PepsiCo products. This season, Vail Resorts and PepsiCo will also partner with TerraCycle to create picnic tables and Adirondack chairs out of recycled snack and candy wrappers for guests to enjoy at Park City, Keystone, Beaver Creek, Vail and Breckenridge resorts. In synergy with Vail Resorts’ Commitment to Zero initiative, PepsiCo has its own target to make 100 percent of its product packaging recyclable, compostable, or biodegradable by 2025. “It is by working together, through robust partnerships with shared sustainability goals, that we’ll have the most impact on climate change,” says Kate Wilson, senior director of sustainability at Vail Resorts. In addition to waste diversion efforts, PepsiCo also will support Vail Resorts’ sustainability commitments through guest-facing education initiatives, joint marketing efforts and creative upcycling projects. Ocean Spray Ocean Spray Cranberries Inc., Middleborough, Massachusetts, announced a partnership with TerraCycle to launch a free recycling program that enables consumers to recycle Ocean Spray flexible plastic Craisins dried cranberries and snack packaging for an alternative use. Through the partnership, Ocean Spray is advancing its sustainable packaging strategy by helping to divert waste from landfills and extending the life of materials to reduce the overall environmental footprint of a product. Now, customers can send their Ocean Spray Craisins dried cranberry products that are in flexible plastic packaging to TerraCycle, where the packaging is cleaned and melted into hard plastic that can be remolded to make new recycled products, such as park benches and picnic tables. As an added incentive, for each shipment of Ocean Spray Craisins dried cranberries packaging sent to TerraCycle through the Ocean Spray Recycling Program, participants earn points that can be donated to a nonprofit, school or charitable organization of their choice. In addition, Ocean Spray is working with TerraCycle’s new Loop platform to develop a program where together they will design and launch products in reusable packaging to create a truly circular economy. Consumers will be able to order Ocean Spray products from Loop’s e-commerce platform, and once done with the product, will be able to simply return the packaging to Loop to clean, sanitize and refill with the original products to reuse. “We are thrilled to partner with TerraCycle and their new Loop program to advance Ocean Spray’s commitment to sustainability so that we can leave the earth a better place for the farmers and families we serve,” Christina Ferzli, head of global corporate affairs at Ocean Spray, says. “We embrace TerraCycle’s innovative platform as a brand-new way to approach the process of recycling, especially as we honor Climate Week and consider the steps we are taking as an organization through all of our sustainability efforts to continue this work in a meaningful way.” "Since our founding, TerraCycle has made it our objective to 'Eliminate the Idea of Waste' by recycling the unrecyclable and diverting waste from landfills and local communities," Tom Szaky, TerraCycle CEO, says. “Through the Ocean Spray Recycling Program, we are joining forces with this iconic brand to offer a simple solution to packaging waste that helps preserve our environment for future generations.” Clean Ocean Access Clean Ocean Access (COA), Middletown, Rhode Island. a non-profit organization, has announced a new recycling initiative in partnership with TerraCycle. Since February 2020, the program has successfully collected more than 140,000 pounds of sailing and agricultural shrink-wrap for recycling. Shrink-wrapping boats and greenhouses in preparation for winter is common in the U.S., but recycling the shrink-wrap in the spring is now more challenging than ever. Now, the sailing and maritime community have begun to turn to Clean Ocean Access and TerraCycle’s Shrink-Wrap Recycling Project. This project aims to establish a U.S.-based recycling system, while also working with the marine industry to advance more circular solutions such as closed-loop recycling for shrink-wrap (where the recycled film can become new shrink-wrap) or increasing the use of reusable covers where possible. Made possible through a grant from 11th Hour Racing, the Shrink-Wrap Recycling Project aims to prevent plastic film from entering landfills or incinerators by collecting the shrink-wrap from marinas, boatyards, vessel owners, and local agricultural operations, and transporting the material to TerraCycle in New Jersey. After initial implementation in Rhode Island, the long-term goal of this project is to leverage an established network of plastic recyclers and manufacturers with the potential to collect a larger variety of shrink-wrap. “The Shrink-Wrap Recycling Project provides a time-sensitive opportunity to advance the existing efforts to collect plastic film, and bring awareness to the challenges and opportunities of creating a domestic circular economy, while having a laser focus on improving ocean health so future generations can enjoy ocean activities,” Dave McLaughlin, co-founder and executive director of Clean Ocean Access, says. “By recycling boat shrink-wrap with Clean Ocean Access, TerraCycle is doing exactly what it was founded to do,” Dylan Layfield, TerraCycle senior manager of material solutions, says. “By picking up where conventional recycling leaves off, we’re ensuring that our shared waterways can be enjoyed by our children and our children’s children.”

These Bamboo Toothbrushes Will Make Your Mouth Care Routine More Environmentally Friendly

The world has a plastic problem. By 2050, the oceans will contain more plastic than fish, by weight. That’s because over 50% of plastic consumed in the world today is used once and disposed of, including toothbrushes.   In fact, Americans throw away over one billion toothbrushes each year. And because toothbrushes are made from nearly indestructible, non-biodegradable polypropylene plastic and nylon, almost every single plastic toothbrush ever produced is still in existence.   But, plastic toothbrushes are a relatively new phenomenon. Prior to the 1930s, toothbrushes were produced from more eco-friendly materials, like bark or porcupine quills. Luckily, today you don’t have to find a porcupine to be able to clean your teeth in an environmentally friendly manner. Bamboo toothbrushes are more popular and more effective than ever.  

Why Bamboo?

Bamboo wood is a fully biodegradable substance made from the bamboo plant. It’s also highly sustainable as bamboo is one of the fastest-growing plants on Earth which usually doesn’t require the use of fertilizers, pesticides or irrigation to grow.   Therefore, the only parts of a bamboo toothbrush that can potentially harm the environment are the bristles and the packaging. However, the bristles are normally recyclable, and most companies provide paper packaging for their bamboo toothbrushes.  

How to Dispose of a Bamboo Toothbrush

Because bamboo toothbrushes are made from two different substances, the first step in properly disposing of the toothbrush is to remove the bristles from the handle. This can easily be done with a set of pliers.   The bristles can be disposed of along with your plastic recyclables. The bamboo handle can then be composted, burned or used around the house as a plant marker, crafting accessory or DIY tool.   If you’re ready to make the switch to a bamboo toothbrush, keep reading to find out more about the eight best options available for purchase on Amazon.  

Por que é importante adequar o modelo de negócio a uma economia mais sustentável

A atuação de uma empresa não termina após a venda de seu produto ao consumidor. Pelo menos não se ela estiver inserida na economia circular – no qual a vida útil de um material é prolongada de forma a reduzir o impacto ambiental, ao mesmo tempo em que gera ganhos financeiros. Esse foi o tema de encontro virtual promovido ontem pelo Conselho Superior de Meio Ambiente (Cosema) da Federação das Indústrias do Estado de São Paulo (Fiesp) com quatro grandes companhias que falaram sobre a mudança do seu modelo de negócio para se adequar a uma economia mais sustentável.

Qual A Forma Correta De Descartar As Lentes De Contato?

Você já parou para pensar sobre qual a maneira correta de se descartar as lentes de contato? Com a crescente preocupação sobre a quantidade cada vez maior de resíduos de plástico descartados incorretamente, que invariavelmente vão parar em nossos oceanos, muitos se questionam sobre o que fazer com suas lentes quando chega a hora de jogá-las fora.

Graffiti and Grace Notes on the Lincoln Highway

Writer Frank Barry is crossing the country in a Winnebago to find the spirit of America. This week’s destinations: Trenton and Philadelphia.
Frank Barry
September 26, 2020, 8:00 AM EDT     Waking up in a parking lot for the first time is a little jarring. But peering out the Winnebago’s window and seeing a line of shoppers outside Trader Joe’s brings a sense of normalcy, even with people keeping their distance from one another. It’s morning in America, amid mourning in America.   Driving the Lincoln Highway south to Trenton, we pass JoJo’s Steak House — “Famous for Cheesesteaks & Hoagies Since 1950,” the sign still reads — boarded up and abandoned for the better part of the decade, after Joseph “JoJo” Giorgianni pleaded guilty to paying an $8,000 bribe to former mayor Tony Mack in JoJo’s back room. It was all part of a sting concocted by FBI agents claiming to want to build a parking garage downtown, though there was no shortage of parking when we drove through the city’s quiet streets.     The old Roebling wire plant — the city’s largest employer for decades — closed in 1974 and still sits partly vacant, as do many other buildings. The boast that local officials posted on a bridge in 1935 in big block letters — TRENTON MAKES THE WORLD TAKES — hangs as an albatross over the entrance to the city.   Yet the legacy of innovative industry still lives here. Two miles from the Roebling site, a local company called TerraCycle is trying to take what the world makes and repurpose it, with the goal of making a zero-waste economy profitable. Investors welcome. Today the company is host to the 15th annual Jersey Fresh Jam, a graffiti and hip-hop festival organized by Leon “Rain” Rainbow that has in the past attracted big names like Cappadonna from the Wu-Tang Clan and Masta Ace. This year is smaller for Covid, and since there are no major headliners, the community of aerosol artists Rainbow has fostered from the region and far beyond takes center stage, with TerraCycle’s walls serving as the canvas.   Rainbow has lived in the city for two decades, and he’s become a civic booster — the rare graffiti artist who has made a partner of government. He’s received support from the state and a local business group to paint murals around town, including on a parking garage. (Not JoJo’s — it was never built, and JoJo got 6 1/2 years.)   After the killing of George Floyd, Rainbow joined a peaceful protest that was coopted by looters, which sparked an idea: a project called “Rock the Boards.” With donations from Sherwin Williams and a local nonprofit, “We painted lot of the boarded up windows that were smashed — and then some that were like precautionary,” Rainbow says. “What we try to do is just spread positive messaging.”   Graffiti is usually the bane of business owners and city officials. In Trenton, they have supported and subsidized it. And far from being a sign of decay and disorder, it has been a visible rejection of neglect and an affirmation of the community’s support for local businesses. Graffiti will always have a subversive element: “I’ve had my run-ins with the police,” Rainbow told me. But cities have more to fear from JoJos than Rainbows.   Driving into Philadelphia, murals guide our way to downtown: There’s Jackie Robinson, Muhammad Ali, a Salvation Army trumpeter, a message: RISE. Driving by the country’s largest city hall, we pass a bride and groom on the steps of the Union League, founded as a patriotic society during the Civil War. Its members dedicated the building in May 1865, in a ceremony that Lincoln might have attended had he lived to see it.   Four years earlier, Lincoln visited Independence Hall on his way to Washington for his inauguration and said in an impromptu and introspective speech:     Liberty — the word appears only once in the Declaration of Independence, but in its most important phrase, connecting life and the pursuit of happiness and giving each meaning. Those looking for a symbol of liberty in this city visit the Liberty Bell. Those seeking to feel and hear the real thing during this time of quarantine are better off turning their attention to Adam Weiner’s South Philly home. After picking up an Italian hoagie from Cosmi’s and finding parking in an Acme supermarket lot — thank goodness, because I had no Plan B — that’s where I head.   Weiner leads the band Low Cut Connie and plays piano with uninhibited abandon — standing on his bench, kneeling on the floor, stripping down to underwear. He sings about “people that are on the edges of society, underdogs and subcultures,” celebrating their defiance and asking all comers to let loose and feel joy. His twice-weekly livestream shows — “Tough Cookies,” he calls them, after the name he gave his audience — have become a Covid hit, and the small room on his second floor serves as a revivalist tent for spiritual uplift and renewal.   “We have a couple of people who are clergy who watch, different religious backgrounds,” — people, Weiner says, who would be never be drawn to a band with songs like “All These Kids Are Way Too High.” But when they tune in to the livestream, “They’re sending these incredible messages,” he says. “Then, we have these nurses and social workers — all these people that work in hospitals that watch regularly. I don’t know if they would listen to our music or come see us at a concert, but they’re all about it. And now, because I have focused so much attention on racism and discussions of race, not just in America, but specifically in the entertainment business and music business, and I’m talking about these issues, I’ve got people that are really into the show who are in it for the discussion aspect.”   Long before the livestreams, Low Cut Connie was building one of the most diverse audiences in the music industry. “My agent said, ‘You’re the only band where, when you see the line on the street outside the club, you have absolutely no clue who’s inside,’” he says. “We get booked on country, Americana festivals, Pride ... We've done R&B events … We have fans that are Black and White.”   That’s noticeably uncommon in the music industry, and not by accident. When the band signed with the William Morris talent agency, Weiner recalled, the agency asked him what William Morris acts he would want play with on tour. They were baffled when he said he’d love to open for Janelle Monae. “And we got offered a Kings of Leon leg of a tour, opening — and I said no. And the agency was so confused,” he recalls.   “I said, let me like break this down for you. One, from an artistic standpoint, I don’t want to look like a mini-Kings of Leon,” he recalls. “And who needs another package of just like White rock bands? And I had done all this work to change Low Cut Connie and by this point, the band I would perform with was men and women, Black and White, gay and straight. And I said, ‘I want to do a tour within the next two years where we co-headline with a hip-hop act, because I want to play the clubs and the festivals that the hip-hop acts play in. I want to perform in front of Black people and I want White rock ’n’ roll fans to watch a hip-hop show.”   Rock ’n’ roll began in Black America, and a half century ago, it seemed music might help unite and integrate the country. The reverse happened — music became a segregated affair, like so much else in American life. Weiner talks about his parents’ generation: “Motown, Stax — that was White and Black kids listening to the same music. And that was White and Black kids going to the same clubs, listening to the same radio station. It doesn’t happen now as much. That’s sad.” Weiner blames the industry, but also puts some onus on artists.   “Reid my manager and I put together this plan to do the co-headline with Big Freedia. And it was like a dream come true for everybody. Freedia made a lot of new fans, we made a lot of new fans. There were tense moments where both of us were somewhat rejected by the other’s fans. And then there were these ecstatic moments. Especially the end of every show where we would play together. When everybody was just grooving together and it was rock ’n’ roll, it was soul, it was balanced. It was hip-hop. It was R&B. People would lose their minds when they felt like we’re all part of something special. And you have to make the decision to do that kind of thing.”   In building a racially diverse audience, Weiner has also faced the challenge of holding his politically diverse fanbase together. In February, after he released the song “Look What They Did,” about the decline of Atlantic City, which referenced Donald Trump and included the line “Dark features get you shot in the head,” he heard about it.   “We have a lot of conservative fans,” Weiner says. “Some of them not only didn’t like ‘Look What They Did,’ but they didn’t like some of the things that I've talked about, on the show. … I had a bunch of messages where people said, ‘I’ve been with you up till now.’” He says one fan asked, “Is there still room for me in your tent?”   “I responded to everyone with respect, and basically said, ‘I’m proud of the song, so I’m proud of the performances, but guess what? There’s room for everybody here. And we’re allowed to disagree on things.’” He adds, “That’s the nature of any meeting and collection of people, whether it’s religious, political or artistic — there’s a lot of energy bouncing around the room. And not everybody is in sync always. So I said, ‘If you’ll stick with me, I'll stick with you. You don't have to love everything I do.’”   And the response? “Great,” he says. “Not in every case, but most.”   Tonight he’s paying special tribute to Toots Hibbert, the reggae star who died that morning, and kicks off the show by belting out “Pressure Drop” — a song about the weight of justice coming down. His band has a new album, “Private Lives,” out in October, and for Weiner there will be no returning to a pre-Covid world. He’s found his calling through the livestreams, not so much as a musician but as an entertainer, healer, bridge-builder and fighter for others. “It feels like such a purposeless endeavor to be a rock and roll performer usually, and then all of a sudden you got purpose.”   That purpose, it seems to me, is what we are all called to do by the Constitution, and it is the same purpose Lincoln vowed to defend with his life that night he spoke in Philadelphia: to “secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.”   Maybe we should paint that on more walls.

Around the House: Indoor composter turns kitchen scraps into fertilizer

I know, I know, I know: This is the third time in the last 18 months I’ve written about reducing or redirecting kitchen waste.   Humour me please, because as an enthusiast home cook I’m evangelical on the topic. Righteously so, I think, given that the 2.2 million tonnes of avoidable household food waste created annually by Canadians is equivalent to 2.1 million cars on the road, according to Love Food Hate Waste Canada, an awareness campaign delivered by the National Zero Waste Council.   Love Food Hate Waste Canada has great tips for reducing food waste. But even the most careful cooks will have scraps. The good news is that products, programs and processes that lessen kitchen waste are coming to market.           I recently tested, for example, the FoodCycler FC-50 that Vitamix launched in July. It transforms kitchen waste into a nutrient-rich soil amendment (aka fertilizer) that can be used to enrich indoor or outdoor gardens, is free of pathogens, and can be stored pest-free for months.   Taking up about one cubic foot, the unit can live under a sink or on a countertop. The removable waste collection bucket has a snugly-fitting carbon-filter lid; I had no problems with odours from the basket or with pesky fruit flies.   The machine takes fruit cores, vegetable peels, dairy, chicken bones and more. The cycle is supposed to run between three and eight hours; it’s always been done in four or less with the loads I’ve made.   I first tried the FoodCycler ($500) in my home in the city. Feeding a family of four, with a diet that’s heavy on plant-based choices, I was filling it up every on average once a day.   While I found it useful and effective, I am also notoriously reluctant to give up counter or cupboard space. I’m also very happy with Toronto’s municipal green bin program, but I know that friends in condos and apartments don’t all have access to that service.   Indeed, one audience that’s given the unit rave reviews online is homeowners living in multi-residential urban settings where there may be no composting program, or where outdoor composting encourages varmints.   With that in mind, I took the FoodCycler with me for a three-week working stint at my cottage, where all waste has to go to a dump, and where there is no community composting program.   It’s a perfect fit. There’s less smell and fewer drippy messes inside — as food waste goes into the recycler rather than a garbage bag. There’s also less smell — and no pests so far — in the garbage container that stays out in a bunkie between dump runs, which I’ve also cut down on. I expect I will doubly appreciate fewer trips to the bunkie — and the dump — during cold and icy weather.   The geraniums and herbs I grow in pots all got a dose of the soil enhancer, and did so well on it that I’m considering starting an indoor herb and micro-green garden this winter.       Many online reviews say the process is odourless; but once or twice, my mix has exuded a slight, vaguely vegetal odour. It’s completely inoffensive to me, but if I didn’t like it, I’d simply turn the machine on at night when I am out of the kitchen. There is absolutely no odour from the finished material.   In another home-related category, Rubbermaid www.rubbermaid.com has partnered with international recycling company TerraCycle www.terracycle.com to make their glass and plastic food storage containers recyclable in the United States and Canada.   Rubbermaid product is famously durable, but when its natural life does come to an end, it’s good to know it can be re-used. Once collected, containers are cleaned and melted into hard plastic or glass that can be recycled into park benches, bins, and other consumer products.   The program is open to individuals, schools, offices, and community organizations. For more on initiatives from both companies, go to www.aroundthehouse.ca  

How Digital Transformation Impacts Recycling Programs

City recycling programs need to accelerate their rate of digital transformation. In this article we explore what it is, how it can positively impact local municipal programs, and what the experts have to say about how it’s already proving to be a vital step in ensuring environmental sustainability. Just 9 years ago, a group of MIT thinkers got together and announced that digital transformation was what the world needed to step into the current age of technological progress. Back then, it was defined as the strategic adoption of relevant technology, in order to impact profound change. In other words, organizations need to look at investing in technologies, models and processes that drive new value in the current digital economy. Governments have been notoriously slow at digital transformation, especially when it comes to implementing new ways to manage existing systems. This is something that is changing – and at a quicker pace now that severe repercussions like COVID-19 have emerged in society.