How Digital Transformation Impacts Recycling Programs

TerraCycle Include USA
City recycling programs need to accelerate their rate of digital transformation. In this article we explore what it is, how it can positively impact local municipal programs, and what the experts have to say about how it’s already proving to be a vital step in ensuring environmental sustainability. Just 9 years ago, a group of MIT thinkers got together and announced that digital transformation was what the world needed to step into the current age of technological progress. Back then, it was defined as the strategic adoption of relevant technology, in order to impact profound change. In other words, organizations need to look at investing in technologies, models and processes that drive new value in the current digital economy. Governments have been notoriously slow at digital transformation, especially when it comes to implementing new ways to manage existing systems. This is something that is changing – and at a quicker pace now that severe repercussions like COVID-19 have emerged in society.