Back to School LookBook: Terracycle

It’s almost time for school in our neck of the woods and my kids are getting ready for back to school.  We’ve been getting all our school supplies and everything for school and making adjustments so they are ready when school starts next week.  I received a kids messenger bag from Terracycle to feature for my back to school guide.  Here’s my daughter with her back to school look.

Shaken and stirred

Naked Grape Wine launched a new 3-liter box in addition to their traditional glass packaging. The box delivers the same product as the glass bottles with the added benefit of compact, convenient packaging. To improve the sustainability of the package, Naked Grape has partnered with TerraCycle, a company which recycles and upcycles packaging, to allow consumers to send empty packages in for a second life.

Zahnbürsten recyceln und dabei Gutes tun

Ermöglicht wird das Sammelprogramm gemäss einer Mitteilung durch die Firmen Elmex, Meridol, Colgate und das Unternehmen TerraCycle, das sich auf die Wiederverwertung von schwer recycelbaren Abfällen spezialisiert hat. Ziel des Programms ist, Ressourcen zu schonen und die umweltfreundliche Entsorgung von Zahnpflegeprodukten zu ermöglichen. Nicht nur die Kinder in der Stadt, sondern alle Interessierten können mitmachen. Für jedes Produkt, das sie zum Recycling an «TerraCycle» schicken, erhalten sie zwei Rappen, die sie an eine gemeinnützige Organisation ihrer Wahl spenden können.

Long Hill schools offer several ways to raise funds

The K-8 Long Hill Township School District has many fundraising activities throughout the year at no cost to families. With the new school year revving up, getting into the school spirit may also have some thinking of ways to support the district’s three schools: Gillette, Millington and Central. Programs offered include: • Glue stick recycling: TerraCycle is a company that recycles empty glue sticks, glue bottles, tape dispensers and diaper packaging. Bins to collect these items are located in the school libraries.

Tassimo recycle et fait de toi un jardinier (Concours) - See more at: http://misschocoreve.blogspot.co.uk/2014/08/tassimo-recycle-et-fait-de-toi-un.html#sthash.cylbXAYY.dpuf

Cette année Tassimo fête ses 10 ans et souhaite encore plus de recyclage. En effet, la marque a créé un partenariat en 2012 avec Terracycle pour son programme de recyclage. Cette société transforme et revalorise les "dosettes" usagées (TDICS) considérées comme nous recyclables en objet du quotidien. A partir de ces TDICS, il est possible de créer par exemple des arrosoirs, du mobilier urbain (banc) ou des sacs réutilisables.  - See more at: http://misschocoreve.blogspot.co.uk/2014/08/tassimo-recycle-et-fait-de-toi-un.html#sthash.cylbXAYY.dpuf