Iroquois recycling program earns cash

An item that Iroquois Middle School students packed in their lunches and properly disposed of last school year earned the school almost $2,000. Iroquois Middle School students earned money for their school by recycling Capri Sun drink pouches used at home or in the school cafeteria. TerraCycle, a Trenton, N.J.-based recycling company, recently announced that Iroquois students reached the second level of TerraCycle and Capri Sun’s Drink Pouch Brigade Milestone Contest by collecting over 18,000 drink pouches. The students have earned approximately $2,000 for their school by recycling the Capri Sun drink pouches.

Nightengale Elementary School students collect 18,000 drink pouches for TerraCycle milestone contest

For the past 18 months, some elementary school students in Massena have guzzled down thousands of Capri Sun drink pouches and raised over $800 for their school in the process. Moving past the 18,000 mark pushes the group into level two of the recycling contest. The school joined TerraCycle, a private business in Trenton, N.J., that makes consumer products from pre-consumer and post-consumer waste, in February 2013.

TerraCycle: Kippen-Recycling erobert Deutschland

Das Recycling von Zigarettenstummeln ist in Deutschland nun flächendeckend möglich. Dank einer nationalen Umweltinitiative des Recycling-Unternehmens TerraCycle kann der Zigarettenabfall zu 100 Prozent recycelt werden. Während Papier sowie Tabak kompostiert werden, dienen die Filter der Erzeugung von anderen Plastikprodukten. An diesem kostenlosen Programm teilnehmen können Vereine, Diskotheken, Restaurants, Hotels, Schwimmbäder und alle, die sich für die Umwelt einsetzen wollen.  

Lake Carolina Elementary School earns money by recycling drink pouches

Lake Carolina students earn money and prizes for their school by collecting and recycling the drink pouches they use at home and in the lunchroom. Lake Carolina students have just reached the second level of TerraCycle and Capri Sun’s Drink Pouch Brigade® milestone contest by collecting more than 18,000 drink pouches. The students have earned almost $3,700 for their school by collecting the drink pouches.

Robinson really recycles

One local school's recycling efforts has placed them among the top recyclers in the state. Instead of pitching plastic lunch kits into garbage cans, Robinson Elementary school has collected them as part of the Lunch Kit Brigade program by TerraCycle and Lunchables Lunch Combinations.