Hutchinson Middle School is one of the top collectors in the contest, hosted by TerraCycle ® and Capri Sun ®, and they are nearing the final level to win a new playground made from recycled drink pouches. The school has already collected 97,378 units with the hopes of being the first one to reach the 200,000 mark to be awarded the playground. The Capri Sun Milestone Program has five levels, rewarding collectors for reaching cumulative achievements in their collection, from 10,000 pouches to 200,000 pouches.
The Capri Sun Milestone Program is an extension of The Drink Pouch Brigade, a free national recycling program sponsored by TerraCycle and Capri Sun. Since 2007, thousands of Drink Pouch Brigade participants have kept almost 235 million drink pouches out of landfills and raised more than $4.5 million for charity. One of the fastest-growing green companies in the world, TerraCycle is an upcycling and recycling company that collects difficult-to-recycle packaging and products and repurposes the material into affordable, innovative products.
The contest is hosted by TerraCycle, a New Jersey company dedicated to recycling and environmental awareness. TerraCycle offers a program called the Drink Pouch Brigade, in which schools or other groups collect Capri Sun or Honest Kids drink pouches and ship them to TerraCycle, which then up-cycles the pouches into various products, such as pencil cases and backpacks. Keene’s Crossing joined the Drink Pouch Brigade in fall of 2012, long before there even was the potential for a new playground.
An Eastern Carolina elementary school is in the running to win a brand new playground. Dixon Elementary School in Onslow County is now ranked fifth in the country for the TerraCycle Milestone Program. If Dixon collects 200,000 recycled juice pouches, they will win the playground.
D'Ippolito Elementary students in Vineland have earned money and prizes for their school by collecting and recycling the drink pouches used at home and in the lunchroom.
D'Ippolito students recently reached the second level of TerraCycle and Capri Sun's Drink Pouch Brigade® milestone contest by collecting more than 18,000 drink pouches.