Febreze and TerraCycle launch recycling fundraising initiative
Febreze and TerraCycle launch recycling fundraising initiative
A playground made from toothbrushes
Students at BelovEd Community Charter School of Jersey City learned about recycling and about the power of the vote two weeks ago, after accumulating 178,303 playground credits to win the Recycled Playground Challenge, a contest put on by Colgate, ShopRite, and TerraCycle recycling.
Gjenvinner kapsler
Air and Home Care Brigade to Save Previously Non Recyclable Waste from Landfill
Aitkenbar Primary School is taking part in the BIC Back To School Collection Contest and need the community's help
Artisan Dental Promotes New Recycling Program
WKOW 27 broadcaster and Dr. Nicole Anderson with Artisan Dental explain TerraCycle's Tom's of Maine Natural Care Brigade and Colgate Oral Care Brigade.
Have you heard of TerraCycle?
TerraCycle is an international upcycling and recycling company that collects difficult-to-recycle packaging and products and repurposes the material into affordable, innovative products. TerraCycle is widely considered the world’s leader in the collection and reuse of non-recyclable, post-consumer waste. TerraCycle works with more than 100 major brands in the U.S. and 22 countries overseas to collect used packaging and products that would otherwise be destined for landfills. It repurposes that waste into new, innovative materials and products that are available online and through major retailers.
Rezyklierte Zahnbürsten für einen guten Zweck
Durch eine Kooperation zwischen dem Mundhygienespezialisten Colgate und dem Recyclingexperten TerraCycle Germany GmbH, Berlin, können seit 2013 Zahnpflegeprodukte erstmals nachhaltig entsorgt werden. Über das Sammelprogramm sind Schulen, Zahnärzte, Büros, etc. aufgefordert, ihre Zahnpflegeprodukte zu sammeln und kostenlos an TerraCycle zu schicken. Pro eingesandten Artikel erhalten die Sammelteams 2 Cent, die sie für einen gemeinnützigen Zweck ihrer Wahl spenden können. Mittlerweile wurden 100.000 Zahnbürsten in Deutschland fürs Recycling gesammelt und so über 2.600 Euro an Spendengeldern generiert.