TerraCycle launches air freshener recycling programme
Pupils are write on!
Julkort av upcyclat skräp
Febreze and Terracycle Launch the Air and Home Care Brigade to Save Previously Non Recyclable Waste From UK Landfill
Procter & Gamble takes fresh approach to recyclin
Nem sikerült? Próbáld újra!
A sikerhez vezető út sok-sok ötlettel, jó és rossz döntésekkel van kikövezve. Jól tudja ezt Tom Szaky, a TerraCycle alapítója is, akivel személyes elköteleződésről, ökokapitalizmusról és a pozitív hozzáállás fontosságáról beszélgettünk.
Week fills with chances to save, recycle
Lipscomb University and Lipscomb Academy elementary school are hosting two household waste collections — one from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Friday at the Lipscomb Academy campus at 4517 Granny White Pike, and one from9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday at the Lipscomb Academy football field at Lealand and Caldwell lanes. In addition to the household items, they will accept quirky, hard-to-recycle items such as potato chip bags, candy wrappers, drink pouches, ink pens, dried-up markers and more to redeem through the Terracycle Brigade. The collection days also will accept aluminum cans, plastic bottles and newspapers.