日本ロレアルでは、ニューヨークのアポセカリー(調剤薬)発祥のスキンケアブランド「キールズ」の店頭で、リサイクルボックスを置くほか、世界100 カ国以上で展開しているメイクアップブランド「メイベリンニューヨーク」を扱う店舗でもリサイクルボックスを設置する予定だ。
Hallottál már a Chio és a TerraCycle közös programjáról? Európában először és kizárólag Magyarországon indította útjának újrahasznosítási kezdeményezését a két vállalat, amelyben most Te és az iskolád is részt vehettek!
Recycling wird am Flughafen Stuttgart großgeschrieben. Jetzt werden auch gerauchte Zigaretten gesammelt. Sie sollen weiterverarbeitet werden.
Trata-se de uma ação alinhada com a Brigada de Instrumentos de escrita Faber-Castell, programa contínuo de coleta e reciclagem de materiais de escrita, firmado desde setembro de 2012 com a TerraCycle.
A key component of the initiative is the butt's final destination. A New Jersey company, TerraCycle, accepts the waste and composts the unburned tobacco and paper and recycles the plastic in the filters into pellets used to make products like park benches and shipping pallets, Lakeman said.
Roylos hopes other cities in Maine and beyond will install Buttlers, and he has a plan to offer manufacturing and installation work to military veterans.
To conclude this series about bioplastics and the biodegradability (
or lack thereof) of plastic products and packaging, I want to discuss the future of what I consider to be one of the only viable alternatives to plastics derived from non-renewable resources: durable bioplastics.
The key word here is
durable, because biodegradable plastics of any composition
are not the long-term sustainable solution we need. When you compost a biodegradable plastic cup, that polymer can no longer be reused and maintained, meaning all of the energy and material inputs are lost in the soil.
Fra den 1. januar til den 19. april 2015 kan du aflevere dine mælke- og yoghurtlåg i Bilka, og samtidig være med i konkurrencen om et gavekort på 2.000 kroner til varehuset. For hvert indsamlet låg donerer Bilka og Arla Harmonie® 5 øre til Danmarks Naturfredningsforenings Affaldsindsamling.