Desperdício inspira imigrante húngaro em projeto milionário de reciclagem
A experiência fez o húngaro refletir sobre o conceito de lixo. Duas décadas depois, Szaky encabeça uma companhia cuja missão de eliminar lixo evoluiu de um empreendimento de fundo de quintal para tornar-se um negócio milionário: a Terracycle, com sede nos Estados Unidos,
De scholieren van de internationale school United World College gooien hun lege pennen niet meer in de prullenbak. Ze verzamelen de pennen in een speciale recycle bak.
Er zijn inmiddels 8000 pennen ingezameld. Deze milieubewust actie is onderdeel van een speciaal programma van de fabrikant van de bekende blauwe BIC-pennen. Voor elke pen die de school verzamelt krijgt het een kleine financiële bijdrage waarmee een goed doel van eigen keuze kan worden gesteund. UWC doneert haar opbrengst aan 'Spieren voor spieren'.
Leerlingen van het UWC gaan op andere scholen in Maastricht hun mede-scholieren pogen te motiveren hetzelfde te doen.
Ils parient sur l'économie
Cent trente-cinq familles sont engagées dans le défi ÉcoLogis, relevé par la commune. Le but : réaliser des économies d'énergie.
Bibliotecas de Pinda são pontos de coleta de esponjas
Para contribuir com o projeto basta levar as esponjas limpas e secas para uma das bibliotecas municipais. As esponjas coletadas serão enviadas para o Terracycle e este fará
Recycling just got better: TerraCycle at Georgetown
Last year, the GUSA Senate Sustainability Subcommittee started Georgetown’s extension of the initiative, Terracycle, on our campus. Terracycle specializes in recycling objects that aren’t able to be recycled through traditional recycling programs.
Terracycle can recycle objects like Brita filters, ink jet and toner cartridges, cosmetics, toothbrushes, deodorant, shampoo bottles, or almost anything that can be found in the bathroom. Drop-off bins have just recently been expanded to every freshmen dorm and Hilltoss in the Healey Family Student Center.
LAWRENCE: Shock and eeww! Kids amazed by science's different facets
“We want to bring new things to the children. It’s not just science. There’s the exhibit by Terracycle. There are the edible bugs. You can eat bugs. Maybe not in this culture, but in other cultures they eat bugs,” she said.
Together we rewrite environmental history
As simple as that: Pens don't have to end up in the bin no more, instead they can be recycled by an environmental enterprise for a good purpose. Just collect your empty pens in a box of your choice which you can send to TerraCycle for free and in exchange you'll get 2 centimes for each item, that you can donate to the charitable organization of your choice.