ポテチ袋がおしゃれ文具に ゴミ再生ベンチャー・ビジネスが日本上陸
ポテチ袋がおしゃれ文具に ゴミ再生ベンチャー・ビジネスが日本上陸
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The Push for Bioplastics and the Myth of Biodegradability
This is the first of a three-part series by TerraCycle CEO Tom Szaky that examines the benefits, risks, misconceptions and long-term viability of bioplastics.
Since the relatively recent rise in conscious consumerism, bioplastics — plastics made from biomass such as plants and algae – have been receiving significant attention. With the bioplastic market projected to grow in the next few years, many are pointing to plant-derived plastic alternatives as the ultimate solution to our unsustainable dependence on fossil fuel-based plastics.
Recicle mais, pague menos
O programa “Recicle Mais, Pague Menos” e o projeto piloto “Elimine a Ideia do Lixo” nasceram de uma parceria entre AES Sul e TerraCycle, líder global no segmento de gestão de resíduos de difícil reciclabilidade.
Cashless Classroom Fundraising
Many eco-fundraising programs pay participants to collect and recycle such things as chip bags, beauty care waste and drink pouches. The Drink Pouch Brigade—offered by Capri Sun and TerraCycle—rewards participants and their schools with points and cash donations for collecting drink pouches. Hazelwood Elementary School in Washington did just that, using money generated through collecting drink pouches to help counteract school-wide funding cuts.
Happy New Year & Terracycle Collection beginning at The Coop!!!
Today, TerraCycle is a highly-awarded, international upcycling and recycling company that collects difficult-to-recycle packaging and products and repurposes the material into affordable, innovative products. TerraCycle is widely considered the world’s leader in the collection and reuse of non-recyclable, post-consumer waste. The Environmental Committee is creating opportunities for Park Slope Coop members to be a part of this great opportunity to RECYCLE even more products.
Play charity finds a way to turn coffee pods into cash
Nottingham among first cities to recycle capsules from coffee pod machines
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