三菱地所・サイモン株式会社(本社:東京都千代田区、代表取締役社長:山中拓郎)は、CSR活動の一環として、サンタフェ ナチュラルタバコ ジャパン株式会社とTerraCycle Japan合同会社(以下、TerraCycle)が実施している「吸い殻ブリゲード」に商業施設として初めて参加いたします。
<内 容>
<対象施設> プレミアム・アウトレット全9施設
<開始⽇> 2015年11⽉1⽇(⽇)より
ライオン 事業開発部部長の和田啓二氏は2015年9月30日、東京ビッグサイトで開催中の「
Audubon Elementary School students in Foster City helped keep garbage out of local landfills by participating in a program which encouraged recycling their lunchtime waste.
Local students recycled 1,441 empty apple sauce pouches through participation in a corporate partnership between garbage company TerraCycle and GoGoSqueez, which encourages environmentally conscious consumption.
Since signing up for the program, Audubon Elementary School students have recycled 3,278 pouches, which can be redeemed for charity gifts or cash donations.
Une leçon de choses du tri alimentaire dispensée aux élèves de Gassendi qui prennent part par ailleurs à une opération de solidarité passant par une collecte de stylo
Dans le cadre de la politique du Conseil Départemental 04 qui souhaite mettre en place des plate-formes de compostage dans tous les collèges du département, une opération exemplaire est menée au collège Gassendi de Digne-les-Bains. En étroit partenariat avec le Conseil départemental qui s’occupe de la commande du matériel (plate-forme de compostage) et du financement, le SYDEVOM a investi le collège Gassendi pour une leçon de choses actives concernant la réduction et le retraitement des déchets alimentaires. Sensibilisation des élèves et du personnel, affiche et communication, évaluation des besoins de la plate-forme et du volume des déchets.
Toutes les classes (6ème à 3ème) du collège ont reçu des informations sur la pollution des déchets et l’impact sur la faune, le tri, les ordures ménagères et le compostage. Egalement, tous les collégiens ont dû trier leur plateau repas avec d’un côté ce qui va au compostage et de l’autre ce qui n’est pas compostable.
En attendant la plate-forme de compostage, le collège dispose également d’un petit composteur bois. Enfin, des boîtes pour récolter le marc de café ont été mises en place dans différents espaces du collège (administration, intendance, vie scolaire, cuisine etc…).
Le marc sera collecté à part des ordures ménagères pour être acheminé dans ce composteur bois.
EAST PEORIA — The Thinkinators are thinking again.
The FIRST LEGO League Robotics team — consisting of teammates from Bolin School, Central Junior High School and East Peoria Community High School — presented its five-minute skit to teachers, parents and classmates Dec. 9 at CJHS.
First Lego League is a robotics program for 9 to 14 year olds that is “designed to get children excited about science and technology, and team them valuable employment and life skills.”
The Thinkinators decided to focus on the issue of smokers who throw their cigarette butts on the ground, causing excessive amounts of litter.
“The invention we created solves the problem of cigarette butt litter. We’re not saying we support smoking. We’re just trying to find a way to eliminate waste. I think we all can agree that a cigarette butt on the ground is not a pretty sight to see,” said team member Mariah Tippet.
The team’s skit revolved around three high school students, one of whom threw a cigarette butt on the ground. His friend questioned him about his action, and they soon learn about the repercussions and harmful environmental impacts of throwing the butts on the ground.
Some may not realize it is illegal to throw a cigarette butt on the ground in Illinois, and offenders can receive hefty fines for throwing butts out of cars. Yet the Thinkinators said 45 percent of all littered trash are cigarette butts.
The Thinkinators’ solution to cigarette butt litter is called the Aluminator, a cigarette pack with a built-in, aluminum, fire-resistant strip that smokers push to the side, creating an area inside the pack to store the butts inside. After the pack is full of butts, the box can be transformed into a postage-paid package that can be sealed and mailed to a company called TerraCycle, which transforms waste into products.
A founding member of Partners in Project Green,
The International Centrehas established a well-deserved reputation as a sustainable business leader in the Pearson Eco-Business Zone. And today brought welcome word of recognition for these efforts: theHotel Association of Canada(HAC) has named The International Centre the2015 winnerof its Green Key Meetings Hall of Fame Award of Excellence.
The Green Key Meetings award recognizes hotels, convention centres, resorts and other properties that have undertaken initiatives to minimize their environmental footprint. It is the latest in a long series of awards and certifications for
social responsibility and sustainabilitythat The International Centre — one of Canada’s leading trade and consumer show and conference facilities — has received since 2011.
In September, The International Centre released its first-ever
Corporate Social Responsibility Year in Review, profiling major initiatives and milestones over the previous 12 months. The highlights include:
- Becoming the first Canadian property to earn a 4 Green Key rating from theGreen Key Meetingscertification program for accomplishments in corporate social responsibility.
- Reducing water use by nearly 490,000 litres through the installation of low-flow faucets, toilets and urinals in its largest hall washrooms.
- Saving more than 23,000 kilowatt hours by replacing the Halogen lamps in the Aviation Ballroom withdimmable LEDs.
- Recycling nearly 500 kilograms of electronic waste.
- Diverting more than 4,000 coffee bags from landfill through TerraCycle’s Coffee Bag Brigade® program.