プレミアム・アウトレットの新しい環境保護活動 吸い殻を、肥料やプラスチック製品に再生出来るリサイクルプログラム「吸い殻ブリゲード」に商業施設として初参加 2015年11⽉1⽇(⽇)より全ての施設で実施

三菱地所・サイモン株式会社(本社:東京都千代田区、代表取締役社長:山中拓郎)は、CSR活動の一環として、サンタフェ ナチュラルタバコ ジャパン株式会社とTerraCycle Japan合同会社(以下、TerraCycle)が実施している「吸い殻ブリゲード」に商業施設として初めて参加いたします。 今後、全国9ヵ所のプレミアム・アウトレットでは、指定の灰皿で回収されたタバコの吸い殻は、「吸い殻ブリゲード」を通じ、リサイクルされ、携帯灰皿やたい肥、公園のベンチ、プランター等、様々な新しい製品に生まれ変わります。 「吸い殻ブリゲード」とは  「吸い殻ブリゲード」とは、吸い殻を肥料やプラスチック製品に再生出来るリサイクルプログラムです。 2014年4月に始まり、これまで日本全国から3,000万本以上の吸い殻を回収し、吸い殻を再利用した携帯灰皿などを生み出してきました。個人から団体まで様々な規模でどなたでも参加可能なプログラムで、登録や吸殻の送付費用は全て無料です。送付した吸い殻の量に応じ参加者へはポイントが付与され、ポイントはNPO等への寄付金として使用できます。 今後もプレミアム・アウトレットは、様々な活動を通して⾃然環境に優しい施設づくりを⽬指して参ります。 【プレミアム・アウトレット「吸い殻ブリゲード」参加概要】 <内  容> 指定の灰皿で回収された吸い殻のリサイクルを実施いたします。また、回収した吸い殻の量に応じて付与されるポイントは、全て【地球環境基金】へ寄付いたします。 (http://www.erca.go.jp/jfge/) <対象施設>  プレミアム・アウトレット全9施設 <開始⽇>  2015年11⽉1⽇(⽇)より


ライオン 事業開発部部長の和田啓二氏は2015年9月30日、東京ビッグサイトで開催中の「デジタルヘルスDAYS」(主催:日経BP社、協力:日経デジタルヘルス)のオープンシアターに登壇、「ヘルスケア事業を通じた社会への貢献~生活者の意識改革と口腔ケアによる健康の実」と題して、オーラルケアや機能性食品といったライオンのヘルスケアビジネスへの取り組みを解説した。 ライオンのオーラルケア事業は、1896年発売の「ライオン歯磨」から120年近い歴史を持つ。30年ほど前には、スポンサーしていた当時の人気番組「8時だよ全員集合」の最後で、コメディアンの加藤茶に「歯磨けよ!」と毎週呼びかけさせて、子供たちに歯磨きの習慣を定着させたこともあるという。 2015年には、歯と口の健康を高めるために使用済み歯ブラシのリサイクル事業も開始した。消耗品である歯ブラシは本来、1カ月に1本は交換することが望ましい。だが、実際は「年間3本ほどしか使われていない」(和田氏)。そこで、歯ブラシの交換頻度を上げるために、回収した使用済み歯ブラシの重量に応じて参加者にポイントを付与。そのポイント数に応じて、歯ブラシをリサイクルしたプランターなどのプラスチック製品と交換したり、教育支援・地域支援プログラムに寄付したりできるようにした。 オーラルケアに長年取り組んできたライオンだが、国民皆保険制度を前提に健康にお金をかける意識が少ない日本では、難しい面もあるという。病気は自分がかかるまでは他人事であり、かかる前に生活習慣を改善しようとはなかなかしないためだ。そこで、各種の啓発活動や「LDH(ライオン歯科衛生研究所)産業歯科健診」の集団歯科健診の活動を通じて、「予防歯科」の環境整備に取り組んでいるという。 最近では、歯の齲(う)蝕、歯周病、口腔清潔度などを唾液を使って短時間で判定する「多項目唾液検査システム」も開発した。痛みなどの自覚症状が出る前の歯の治療は、患者にその必要性を納得してもらうことが難しい。だが、このシステムの検査結果を患者に見せれば、口腔内の健康度を客観的に理解してもらえる。大手薬局チェーンのマツモトキヨシが一部の店舗で、同システムを使った唾液検査サービスを近々開始する予定だという。

Class Notes

Audubon Elementary School students in Foster City helped keep garbage out of local landfills by participating in a program which encouraged recycling their lunchtime waste. Local students recycled 1,441 empty apple sauce pouches through participation in a corporate partnership between garbage company TerraCycle and GoGoSqueez, which encourages environmentally conscious consumption. Since signing up for the program, Audubon Elementary School students have recycled 3,278 pouches, which can be redeemed for charity gifts or cash donations.

TerraCycle ‘Chief Design Junkie’ Shares Tips for DIY Sustainable Gifts

As Chief Design Junkie at TerraCycle, Tiffany Threadgould has a unique job description: transform trash into treasure. “TerraCycle runs programs where we collect hard-to-recycle materials. So, things that don’t go into your regular municipal recycling,” she explained. Items like toothbrushes, granola bar wrappers, and drink pouches, that may contain a blend of various plastics or have multiple layers. “We have two solutions for the waste that comes in,” Threadgould said. “One is upcycling and one is recycling.” Threadgould is one of the creative minds behind the upcycling efforts. She helps develop items for sale like Capri Sun pouch backpacks, circuit board coasters and bicycle chain picture frames. I stopped by for easy-to-make holiday gift ideas, and her thoughts on where to start with sustainable materials. “Look to the potential of what you’re getting rid of,” said Threadgould. “Like something that you would normally throw away, take a look at it again, and think about the qualities that it has and preserve those qualities in the next life.” For example, turn wine corks into a cork board. “Would you take an old frame that you have lying around the house, and paint something like this?” I ask. “Yeah, you can use one type of spray paint to go around the outside edge, that’s really easy, and then a whole bunch of wine corks,” said Threadgould. “You want to make sure they’re a similar thickness, and then you can use an industrial glue like you can get at a craft store or a hardware store.” “What was this originally?” I ask picking up a tray. “So, this was an old picture frame and old hardware from a dresser that I had,” she said. “So that’s what the handles are on the outside edge. I put some colorful cardboard on the inside and arranged it in a way that I liked, and then you’ve got this new serving tray.” She adds, “The glass goes back on, and that’s what protects the cardboard underneath, and then you can use it for the holidays.” “This is a project you can make out of an old glassware that you were going to recycle, but it has some kind of a memento quality still to it,” Threadgould says about a glass lantern. “So basically just taping it off and adding an acrylic frosted spray paint to it, and then you take that off and you have this luminary, where you take a wick that you can also get at a craft store, an old hardware washer, you put oil inside, and you can light it.” Threadgould says it’s actually gift wrapping where she most enjoys showing off the art of upcycling. “Why buy new gift wrap? You can reuse things from around your house,” she said. “I cut this out from an old cereal bag. Basically, you just need a paper fastener, and some scissors. I have the holes all pre-punched, so you have holes punched on each end and in the center, an then you can spread it out and you have a little gift bow.” Tutorials for this and other do-it-yourself projects are available on the TerraCycle website. Threadgould says anyone can be a designer. When it comes to upcycling projects, there are no such things as mistakes — only opportunities for something old to be transformed into something new.

Des plate-formes de compostage dans tous les collèges des Alpes de Haute Provence

Une leçon de choses du tri alimentaire dispensée aux élèves de Gassendi qui prennent part par ailleurs à une opération de solidarité passant par une collecte de stylo

Dans le cadre de la politique du Conseil Départemental 04 qui souhaite mettre en place des plate-formes de compostage dans tous les collèges du département, une opération exemplaire est  menée au collège Gassendi de Digne-les-Bains. En étroit partenariat avec le Conseil départemental qui s’occupe de la commande du matériel (plate-forme de compostage) et du financement, le SYDEVOM a investi le collège Gassendi pour une leçon de choses actives concernant la réduction et le retraitement des déchets alimentaires. Sensibilisation des élèves et du personnel, affiche et communication, évaluation des besoins de la plate-forme et du volume des déchets. Toutes les classes (6ème à 3ème) du collège ont reçu des informations sur la pollution des déchets et l’impact sur la faune, le tri, les ordures ménagères et le compostage. Egalement, tous les collégiens ont dû trier leur plateau repas avec d’un côté ce qui va au compostage et de l’autre ce qui n’est pas compostable. En attendant la plate-forme de compostage, le collège dispose également d’un petit composteur bois. Enfin, des boîtes pour récolter le marc de café ont été mises en place dans différents espaces du collège (administration, intendance, vie scolaire, cuisine etc…). Le marc sera collecté à part des ordures ménagères pour être acheminé dans ce composteur bois.

East Peoria Lego Robotics team presents skit

EAST PEORIA — The Thinkinators are thinking again. The FIRST LEGO League Robotics team — consisting of teammates from Bolin School, Central Junior High School and East Peoria Community High School — presented its five-minute skit to teachers, parents and classmates Dec. 9 at CJHS. First Lego League is a robotics program for 9 to 14 year olds that is “designed to get children excited about science and technology, and team them valuable employment and life skills.”   The Thinkinators decided to focus on the issue of smokers who throw their cigarette butts on the ground, causing excessive amounts of litter.   “The invention we created solves the problem of cigarette butt litter. We’re not saying we support smoking. We’re just trying to find a way to eliminate waste. I think we all can agree that a cigarette butt on the ground is not a pretty sight to see,” said team member Mariah Tippet.   The team’s skit revolved around three high school students, one of whom threw a cigarette butt on the ground. His friend questioned him about his action, and they soon learn about the repercussions and harmful environmental impacts of throwing the butts on the ground.   Some may not realize it is illegal to throw a cigarette butt on the ground in Illinois, and offenders can receive hefty fines for throwing butts out of cars. Yet the Thinkinators said 45 percent of all littered trash are cigarette butts.   The Thinkinators’ solution to cigarette butt litter is called the Aluminator, a cigarette pack with a built-in, aluminum, fire-resistant strip that smokers push to the side, creating an area inside the pack to store the butts inside. After the pack is full of butts, the box can be transformed into a postage-paid package that can be sealed and mailed to a company called TerraCycle, which transforms waste into products.

International Centre Earns Hotel Association Award for Sustainable Practices

A founding member of Partners in Project Green,The International Centrehas established a well-deserved reputation as a sustainable business leader in the Pearson Eco-Business Zone. And today brought welcome word of recognition for these efforts: theHotel Association of Canada(HAC) has named The International Centre the2015 winnerof its Green Key Meetings Hall of Fame Award of Excellence. The Green Key Meetings award recognizes hotels, convention centres, resorts and other properties that have undertaken initiatives to minimize their environmental footprint. It is the latest in a long series of awards and certifications forsocial responsibility and sustainabilitythat The International Centre — one of Canada’s leading trade and consumer show and conference facilities — has received since 2011. In September, The International Centre released its first-everCorporate Social Responsibility Year in Review, profiling major initiatives and milestones over the previous 12 months. The highlights include:
  • Becoming the first Canadian property to earn a 4 Green Key rating from theGreen Key Meetingscertification program for accomplishments in corporate social responsibility.
  • Reducing water use by nearly 490,000 litres through the installation of low-flow faucets, toilets and urinals in its largest hall washrooms.
  • Saving more than 23,000 kilowatt hours by replacing the Halogen lamps in the Aviation Ballroom withdimmable LEDs.
  • Recycling nearly 500 kilograms of electronic waste.
  • Diverting more than 4,000 coffee bags from landfill through TerraCycle’s Coffee Bag Brigade® program.

Open Farm Dry Dog Food Review

Open Farm is the first ethically raised and sourced dog food on the market. The company is based in Canada and says it is rooted in the belief that the best ingredients are grown and raised by farmers who respect the land and the animals under their care. Its recipes are prepared with ocean caught fish, locally grown vegetables and meat that is 100 percent certified by the Humane Farm Animal Care Program, a nonprofit dedicated to improving the lives of farm animals.Open Farm wanted to give people a humane option for buying pet food.
  • The company’s meat and poultry is 100 percent certified by the Humane Farm Animal Care Program.
  • The company uses ocean caught, seasonally sourced fish.
  • 90 percent of its fruits and vegetables are grown locally.
  • It set up a recycling program for its dog food bags with TerraCycle.