Desvres : ramenez vos stylos et piles usagés au collège

L’établissement a décidé de participer au programme de collecte des stylos usagés mis sur pied par Terracycle qui est devenu le partenaire de Bic dans cette opération. Le personnel technique de l’établissement a confectionné un collecteur en forme de marqueur. Ce dernier invite l’ensemble des 750 collégiens et collégiennes à y déposer les stylos dont ils n’ont plus usage. De même, un autre conteneur est installé afin de récupérer les piles usagées. Régulièrement, un transporteur agréé par l’opération récolte le tout, et les bénéfices financiers ainsi retirés de cette opération (outre les bénéfices écologiques) iront directement alimenter la caisse du Foyer socio-éducatif de l’établissement.

Support Conservation Volunteers and recycle with TerraCycle

You can now recycle your unwanted goods and support the work of Conservation Volunteers all at the same time! TerraCycle’s goal is to eliminate the idea of waste by engaging consumers in the collection of non- recyclable product and packaging waste. For every piece of waste collected you can donate two cents to Conservation Volunteers. In addition to diverting waste from landfills and engaging consumers, the waste is either recycled or upcycled in to new products. These products include garden beds, park benches or walkways, all of which can be used in Conservation Volunteer projects across the country.

Huge grin for students after winning recycling challenge

With help from international upcycling and recycling company TerraCycle, the national recycling challenge encouraged residents to recycle their used oral care items and support their local school, sporting club or community group to raise funds. Tahuna School, near Hamilton, was one of the top collectors across the country. The prize money that the group has received will be used for local school projects. TerraCycle general manager Anna Minns said the results were fantastic."Tahuna Primary School has diverted 604 oral care items from landfill so far," she said.

Prairie Winds Elementary students again tops in wrapper recycling

Students at Prairie Winds Elementary School in Monument have done it again. The school in Lewis-Palmer School District 38 is a top collector of energy bar wrappers for TerraCycle. The Trenton, N.J.-based company repurposes hard-to-reuse waste, such as potato chip bags, coffee capsules and cigarette butts, into office supplies, cleaning products, purses and other products. Prairie Winds students recycled 10,700 foil-lined wrappers from energy bars. TerraCycle and contest sponsor Larabar recently recognized the school for its efforts. TerraCycle offers free recycling programs for schools, organizations and individuals. For every piece of waste sent to TerraCycle, collectors earn points that can be redeemed as a donation to the nonprofit or school of their choice. Parent Barb Sailer helped start the recycling program at Prairie Winds three years ago. Everyone in the school is encouraged to recycle all kinds of discarded items, using bins set up at key locations. Last spring, the school was a regional contest winner for collecting 2,579 Entenmann's Little Bites muffin bags. In the past, students donated their points to support a Yellowstone National Park project and an organization that helps fight hunger. This year, the students' work will benefit an organization that educates people about climate change and how to reduce their carbon footprint. "This recycling program allows us to help others and starts the conversation for why that matters," Sailer said.

Resolution 2016: Kicking it old school For growing companies, hiring business veterans can be a valuable source of experience, wisdom

 Albert Zakes, 63, is the proud beneficiary of reverse nepotism. He owes his job as general counsel at Terracycle, an international upcycling and recycling company based in Trenton, to his 30-year-old son, Albe Zakes, the company’s global vice president of communications. After a successful legal career and an 18-year stint as a general counsel at Natixis Bank, the elder Zakes retired in 2008.