Posts with term TerraCycle X

The Business of Waste management

Any school in the country can reduce waste and earn money by partnering with organizations such as TerraCycle, a nationwide recycling company based in New Jersey. Through a company fundraiser, schools can earn 2 cents per recycled item—such as drink pouches, glue bottles, pens and markers. And schools can make about $200 a month for collecting just drink pouches, says Albe Zakes, vice president of communications for TerraCycle, which also sells products made from recycled materials.

Students learn value of King's message

Students also collect hard-to-recycle items and donate them to a company called TerraCycle, which repurposes them. Through the donations, the school earns points that can be used to send items to people in need, said club member Zachary Rodier, a fifth-grader from Berwick.

Griggs Elementary recognized for recycling efforts

TerraCycle operates free national programs to recycle waste items that recycling centers do not accept — everything from single-serving drink pouches to empty tape dispensers, to cell phones and toothpaste tubes. “The students of Dr. W.T. Griggs Elementary School are an excellent example of a group of people that is truly making an impact on how our society approaches the issue of waste,” TerraCycle CEO Tom Szaky said in a November press release.

Bevetésen a Chips Brigád: újraszületnek a csipszes zacskók!

Húszezer sós chipses zacskót gyűjtöttek össze fél év alatt a Chio termékeket gyártó Intersnack Magyarország és a TerraCycle közös programjának résztvevői. A Takarítás Világnapján útjára indított, Európában elsőként és egyelőre kizárólag Magyarországon megvalósuló iskolai hulladékgyűjtő versenybe az általános iskolásoktól kezdve az egyetemistákig bármely oktatási intézmény diákjai bekapcsolódhatnak

What Goes Around How can we shift to the circular economy, and why it needs to happen

Tom Szaky is the Founder and CEO of TerraCycle, a worldwide leader in the collection and repurposing of hard-to-recycle post-consumer waste, from used chip bags to used cigarette butts. The waste is collected via various methods from free, national, brand funded platforms, called Brigades, to various consumer and government funded models. The collected waste is then repurposed via recycling, upcycling and/or reuse into sustainable, affordable consumer products, industrial applications and building materials.

Skyers recognized as Top Merchant

Skyers’ team worked this year with Colgate and recycling company TerraCycle Inc. on a contest promoted in ShopRite stores giving schools a chance to win a playground made of recycled oral care materials. More than 100 schools participated, earning credits by sending in used oral care products. The winning school, BelovED Community Charter School in Jersey City, N.J., received its new playground in ­November.