Posts with term TerraCycle X

Green is the New Black: Franchisee Finds Benefits in Green Building

The Barnetts and their 25 employees are inviting their guests to be part of the eco-friendly process. Dunkin’ Brands has partnered with TerraCycle to help recycle some of the brand's packaging. There is a program under development where guests at the Edgewater restaurant can return their empty one-pound coffee bags in exchange for a discount off their purchase of a new bag. Going forward, the program may be expanded to include other brand packaging.

Packaging waste: Creating value by doing good

We’ve been trying to get around this economic impasse for years at TerraCycle. When your business model is dependent on new and innovative recycling systems for previously non-recyclable waste streams, you start to notice what gets people excited to start collecting. If you make it easy to do and show that they can benefit their community in the process, many consumers will opt to recycle.

Cincinnati parish program gives trash second life ‘Beyond the Bin’

At the national level, organizations like TerraCycle, Inc., make new recyclable products from things that don’t start out that way, providing free collection programs for such hard-to-recycle materials. Spatz shared this information with the small St. Anthony community. Though its two weekend liturgies draw at most 200 people, the parish has a long history of addressing social justice issues, she said, including the environment.

The Push for Bioplastics and the Myth of Biodegradability

This is the first of a three-part series by TerraCycle CEO Tom Szaky that examines the benefits, risks, misconceptions and long-term viability of bioplastics. Since the relatively recent rise in conscious consumerism, bioplastics — plastics made from biomass such as plants and algae – have been receiving significant attention. With the bioplastic market projected to grow in the next few years, many are pointing to plant-derived plastic alternatives as the ultimate solution to our unsustainable dependence on fossil fuel-based plastics.

Cashless Classroom Fundraising

Many eco-fundraising programs pay participants to collect and recycle such things as chip bags, beauty care waste and drink pouches. The Drink Pouch Brigade—offered by Capri Sun and TerraCycle—rewards participants and their schools with points and cash donations for collecting drink pouches. Hazelwood Elementary School in Washington did just that, using money generated through collecting drink pouches to help counteract school-wide funding cuts.