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Michael Waas

Vicepresidente Global, Desarrollo de Negocios y Servicios al Cliente Michael es responsable de la gestión y la ampliación de más de 100 programas nacionales de reciclado en TerraCycle. Los programas de reciclaje de desechos que tradicionalmente no reciclables se ejecutan en conjunto con los principales socios y marcas (incluyendo L'Oreal, Bimbo, Kraft Foods, PepsiCo, Mondelez, P & G, y muchos más). TerraCycle opera en 20 países y ha sido pionero en soluciones para el reciclaje de algunos de los flujos de residuos más difíciles en el mundo, incluyendo las bolsas de patatas, filtros de agua, colillas de cigarrillos, envases de cosméticos y mucho más. TerraCycle ha sido ganador de múltiples premios, en la recolección participar decenas de millones de consumidores, desviando miles de millones de desechos; desde el año 2007 la compañía ha donado más de $10 millones de dólares a las escuelas y asociaciones sin fines de lucro a cambio de los residuos recogidos a través de los programas. Michael se unió a TerraCycle en 2008 después de un encuentro casual con el fundador de Tom Szaky a través de la comunión StartingBloc. Posee una licenciatura en Música y Ciencias Políticas y un M. A. en Ciencias Políticas de la Universidad Central de Michigan. Hola Michael, Muchas gracias por permitirnos realizar esta entrevista, es un gusto tenerte aquí en México y esperamos que tengas una excelente visita.  TerraCycle es conocido en todo el mundo, puede que un poco menos en México, ¿Qué es TerraCycle, que ámbito de actuación tiene y cómo funciona? TerraCycle es una empresa global conocida por reciclar materiales considerados típicamente como no reciclables. Su objetivo es eliminar la idea de los residuos, lo que significa que no queremos que exista el concepto de residuo, sino más bien que la gente piense acerca de las cosas siendo reutilizadas o recicladas. La empresa cuenta con varias maneras de recibir los materiales que reciclamos. En México, tenemos programas de recolección libres que son patrocinados por las empresas que quieren asumir la responsabilidad de sus productos o envolturas. Cualquier persona puede registrarse para esto en nuestra página web.  ¿Qué tipo de basura es más interesante recolectar para TerraCycle? Creemos que todo tipo de basura es interesante para recolectar, realmente nos gusta lo que es más difíciles de reciclar, como los artículos que ocupan mucho espacio en los vertederos.  ¿Qué diferentes tipos de productos se pueden crear a partir de las recolecciones? Reciclamos los materiales en un plástico que se puede utilizar en cualquier producto que los fabricantes desean utilizar como plástico reciclado. Eso significa que el plástico se puede utilizar para bancas de parque, cubos de basura, bastidores de bicicletas, mesas de picnic, y mucho, mucho más.  Actualmente TerraCycle tiene más de 100 programas de recolección, respecto a estos programa, ¿Qué implicaciones se tienen al trabajar con diferentes culturas y tradiciones alrededor del mundo? Puede implicar un reto, pero es genial. Nos aseguramos de tener una buena comprensión de las culturas y tradiciones antes de lanzar un programa en cualquier país. Nuestros empleados son a menudo nativos de este lo cual ayuda bastante.  ¿Hasta el día de hoy que programa de recolección crees que ha significado un mayor reto? ¿Por qué? Cada uno de los envases o envolturas de productos tienen sus propios desafíos, pero los hechos de múltiples materiales o capas tienen el potencial de ser más aún más difíciles y costoso, porque idealmente se desea separar los materiales y reciclar de forma individual.    

Five Environmental Intentions To Set For The New Year

When it comes to being a steward for Mother Earth, doing your part to change some long sown habits and influence the behavior of your neighbors can seem intimidating, but focusing on the big picture brings personal goals within reach. Instead of simply writing down “recycle more” or “live more green,” make a resolution to do what makes sense for a sustainable planet, and live with the intention to do right by it. Walk down a greener path in 2017 and consider these 5 environmental intentions to get started: Read up on environmental news If today’s most pressing issues don’t directly affect your day to day lifestyle, sustainability can be a topic that feels very out of sight, out of mind. Being more cognizant of the scope and scale of the world’s environmental challenges by reading up and creating dialogues within your community will help you set intentions. Connect with your food The demand for perfect-looking produce, pre-packaged items and inexpensive meats creates food waste, excess packaging waste, greenhouse emissions, damage to farming ecosystems, and a general disconnect between us and what we put in our bodies. Being more mindful of what food is for (sustenance and keeping us healthy) may inspire you to shop local, buy less at a time and learn to cook from scratch. Give your time and/or money to a cause With the resources, anything is possible. Donating your time or your money to a cause you believe in has an immediate impact and raises awareness of the issues to the people around you. TerraCycle’s recycling programs present a unique opportunity to dedicate your time to recycling and raise money for the charity of your choice.  Focus on investing in items with maximum reuse potential The post-holiday clearance sales are a popular time for people to update their wardrobe or stock up on housewares for the New Year, but be wary of trends. Reuse is one of the first steps in reducing your carbon footprint, and investing in quality items you enjoy and plan on using for long time is a way to streamline your consumption. Learn how to recycle right Recycling more does not equal throwing all of your household plastics in one bin and hoping for the best. Many municipalities have resources available that will tell you exactly what is accepted through curbside recycling, and any guidelines for recycling them correctly. For items that fall outside this scope, there are private recycling companies, TerraCycle’s free recycling programs and custom Zero Waste Box solutions, which enable you to recycle hundreds of different waste streams that are not accepted municipally.


Bausch + Lomb (B+L) has announced the launch of the B+L #ONEbyONE recycling program, encouraging consumers to help preserve the environment by taking one action at a time to one day achieve a greener future in which even their contact lenses can play a role. Patients can now recycle their used Biotrue Oneday contact lenses and other B+L contact lenses and blister packs through a free program, developed by B+L, in partnership with TerraCycle, a leader in the collection and repurposing of hard-to-recycle post-consumer waste. B+L launched the program with a consumer event at the Marshall B. Ketchum University’s Southern California College of Optometry located in Anaheim, CA on Nov. 15, which was America Recycles Day. Visit www.BauschRecycles.com to learn more about the program.

What's New In Contact Lenses And Solutions

Bausch + Lomb Launches Unique Contact Lens Recycling Program November 2016 — Did you know? Normally, used blister packs, top foil and contact lenses are not recyclable locally. Usually they are filtered out and sent to landfills instead. But if you use Bausch + Lomb Biotrue Oneday lenses, there's great news: The new Bausch + Lomb #OneByOne recycling program lets you recycle the used lenses, blister packs and top foil, free of charge. The program was developed in partnership with TerraCycle, a company that collects and repurposes hard-to-recycle post-consumer waste. How does it work? Simply place your used blister packs, top foil and contact lenses into a small cardboard box. When the box is full, print a free One by One shipping label, available at BauschRecycles.com. Take the box to a UPS location or ship it from your home or office. That's all you have to do! (Note: Don't include the outer boxes of your contact lens packaging. These can be placed with other cardboard that you normally recycle locally.)

Coffee culture becoming more ESG aware

Australians drink more than a million and a half cups of coffee a day – which equates to around 2.4kg of coffee grounds per person each year (according to Australian Bureau of Statistics research). We rarely consider it, but that coffee is accompanied by tonnes of packaging. Nestlé, producer of Nescafé, has overcome this challenge and partnered with TerraCycle to develop a process to collects used capsules, shreds them and re-uses the various components.

TerraCycle celebrates seven years of operations in Mexico.

TerraCycle: 7 years of recycling the non-recyclable!

Each year 5 billion tons of waste are generated worldwide, of which only 20% is recyclable. The remaining 80% ends up in dumpsites as happens most of the time in Mexico or are burned and used as fuel in the case of some European countries. Two major difficulties face recycling as it is now conceived: excessive waste is generated and it is composed of materials that are too complex. Some food wrappings contain up to 20 different types of plastic. So, despite the good faith we have as citizens, most of what is recycled cannot be used again, even though we believe opposite. The initiative of a young Canadian has given a turn to this dynamic in recent years. Tom Szaky, a student at Princeton University, founded TerraCycle, Inc. and began producing organic fertilizers by bottling “liquefied earthworm excrement” in used soda bottles. From this unpromising start, TerraCycle has become one of the fastest growing green companies in the world. terracycle-1 Today, TerraCycle is a well-known international company of supra recycling and recycling that collects wrappings and products difficult to recycle and transforms them into innovative and economic products. TerraCycle is widely recognized as a world leader in the collection and reuse of non-recyclable postconsumer waste. In September 2016, TerraCycle Mexico celebrated its 7th anniversary by collecting and recycling waste around the Mexican Republic; Having said this we left a reminder of how we can become collectors within the country and not only contribute to the best of our environment but also reward other nonprofit association. How does it work? The operation is organized into programs, each focusing on a particular difficult-to-recycle product such as soap wrappers, bread bags, cookie packs, snack bags, oral care products, and sweet bread wraps. These wastes can be collected in boxes of any size for collection. TerraCycle pays all shipping costs, once the waste is shipped to the company, the collector adds money to an individual account ($ 0.25 per pack), which is donated to philanthropic organizations, schools, and community programs. Garbage collected (wrappers, envelopes, tubes, etc.) is converted into wallets, purses, backpacks or bags, which are manufactured by third parties and marketed by the company. terracycle-2 How to become a Collector? Several waste collection teams have been put to work in the different programs of TerraCycle (26,862 people around Mexico). The dynamics to start is very simple; you should go to www.terracycle.com.mx and choose the collection programs that go from snack bags to oral care products, once this step is started with the collection, the collectors can see through the Page the points that are accumulating and in this way turn them into money for the organization of your choice. A great advantage of these programs is that collectors can register any non-profit association, school or church in their community to directly witness the benefits of their donation. The most recent donation amounted to $409,936.74 pesos ($20,ooo USD), and some of the associations that have benefited are the following: 1. APANICAL (Association of Parents of Children with Cancer and Leukemia) – Located in Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, has received $135,360 pesos. 2. High School 20 Juan F. Escamilla– Received $ 22,999 pesos, this school is located in Monterrey, Nuevo León. 3. Francisco I. Madero School– In Mezquitic, Jalisco received $20,029 pesos. 4. Operation Smile-In Zapopan, Jalisco received $ 16,185 pesos. terracycle-process 1) Register on our webiste 2) Choose your recollection program 3) Organize your recollection team 4) Start recollection work 5) Send you recyclable material to Terracycle 6) Obtain points and turn them into donations (Image: Terracycle) And you… do you dare to do something for the environment? TerraCycle began as an organic fertilizer company and has become one of the strongest organic products in the world. Tom had the dream of finding a new way to be responsible with the environment, to benefit the planet, the people and his own business. The new generations have greater awareness and concern about the use and future of natural resources, however there is still a long way to go, and it becomes necessary for the Mexican population to do its part to make the planet a more sustainable place. If we do not start a change today, who will? TerraCycle México
  • 01 800 681 15 89
  • Las Limas 131, Colonia Los Naranjos Monterrey, Nuevo León,MX 64858
  •  Tel: +52 81 81853084

TerraCycle: 7 years of recycling the non-recyclable!

TerraCycle celebrate seven years of operations in Mexico. Each year 5 billion tons of waste are generated worldwide, of which only 20% is recyclable. The remaining 80% ends up in dumpsites as happens most of the time in Mexico or are burned and used as fuel in the case of some European countries. Two major difficulties face recycling as it is now conceived: excessive waste is generated and it is composed of materials that are too complex. Some food wrappings contain up to 20 different types of plastic. So, despite the good faith we have as citizens, most of what is recycled cannot be used again, even though we believe opposite. The initiative of a young Canadian has given a turn to this dynamic in recent years. Tom Szaky, a student at Princeton University, founded TerraCycle, Inc. and began producing organic fertilizers by bottling “liquefied earthworm excrement” in used soda bottles. From this unpromising start, TerraCycle has become one of the fastest growing green companies in the world. terracycle-1 Today, TerraCycle is a well-known international company of supra recycling and recycling that collects wrappings and products difficult to recycle and transforms them into innovative and economic products. TerraCycle is widely recognized as a world leader in the collection and reuse of non-recyclable postconsumer waste. In September 2016, TerraCycle Mexico celebrated its 7th anniversary by collecting and recycling waste around the Mexican Republic; Having said this we left a reminder of how we can become collectors within the country and not only contribute to the best of our environment but also reward other nonprofit association. How does it work? The operation is organized into programs, each focusing on a particular difficult-to-recycle product such as soap wrappers, bread bags, cookie packs, snack bags, oral care products, and sweet bread wraps. These wastes can be collected in boxes of any size for collection. TerraCycle pays all shipping costs, once the waste is shipped to the company, the collector adds money to an individual account ($ 0.25 per pack), which is donated to philanthropic organizations, schools, and community programs. Garbage collected (wrappers, envelopes, tubes, etc.) is converted into wallets, purses, backpacks or bags, which are manufactured by third parties and marketed by the company. terracycle-2 How to become a Collector? Several waste collection teams have been put to work in the different programs of TerraCycle (26,862 people around Mexico). The dynamics to start is very simple; you should go to www.terracycle.com.mx and choose the collection programs that go from snack bags to oral care products, once this step is started with the collection, the collectors can see through the Page the points that are accumulating and in this way turn them into money for the organization of your choice. A great advantage of these programs is that collectors can register any non-profit association, school or church in their community to directly witness the benefits of their donation. The most recent donation amounted to $409,936.74 pesos ($20,ooo USD), and some of the associations that have benefited are the following: 1. APANICAL (Association of Parents of Children with Cancer and Leukemia) – Located in Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, has received $135,360 pesos. 2. High School 20 Juan F. Escamilla– Received $ 22,999 pesos, this school is located in Monterrey, Nuevo León. 3. Francisco I. Madero School– In Mezquitic, Jalisco received $20,029 pesos. 4. Operation Smile-In Zapopan, Jalisco received $ 16,185 pesos. terracycle-process 1) Register on our webiste 2) Choose your recollection program 3) Organize your recollection team 4) Start recollection work 5) Send you recyclable material to Terracycle 6) Obtain points and turn them into donations (Image: Terracycle) And you… do you dare to do something for the environment? TerraCycle began as an organic fertilizer company and has become one of the strongest organic products in the world. Tom had the dream of finding a new way to be responsible with the environment, to benefit the planet, the people and his own business. The new generations have greater awareness and concern about the use and future of natural resources, however there is still a long way to go, and it becomes necessary for the Mexican population to do its part to make the planet a more sustainable place. If we do not start a change today, who will? TerraCycle México
  • 01 800 681 15 89
  • Las Limas 131, Colonia Los Naranjos Monterrey, Nuevo León,MX 64858
  •  Tel: +52 81 81853084