Posts with term TerraCycle X

New Water Filtration System Certified to Reduce More Contaminants Than any Other Brand, Launches in Canada on World Water Day, With Event Featuring Dr. David Suzuki & TerraCycle

PUR Water Filter Systems, from Helen of Troy Health and Home, officially launches in Canada today at an event featuring Dr. David Suzuki discussing the individual responsibility each Canadian has to the environment, and more specifically, water quality. PUR also launches its environmental stewardship and recycling program in conjunction with TerraCycle.   The next generation of PUR water filtration systems are certified to remove 99% of lead from drinking water. PUR launches two categories today as follows:   PUR Ultimate Pitcher Filtration System with Lead Reduction in 7-cup and 11-cup formats, plus respective filters. PUR pitchers are certified by WQA (Water Quality Association) to remove 14 contaminants including 99% of lead, 96% of mercury and 92% of certain pesticides, more than any other brand. 1 PUR Advanced Faucet Filtration System, plus respective filter. PUR faucet filters are certified to remove over 70 contaminants including 99% of lead, 96% of mercury and 92% of certain pesticides, more than any other brand. 1 PUR pitcher and faucet water filtration systems feature MAXION® Filter Technology; PUR's unique formulation approach for blending carbon and ion exchange materials for maximum contaminant reduction. PUR's water filtration systems are certified by both the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) and WQA to remove 99% of lead in drinking water.   "Drinking water takes a long journey when it leaves local treatment facilities and it's often not as clean once it gets to home faucets," advises Mr. Michael Mitchell, Director of Advanced Technologies for Helen of Troy Health and Home. According to Health Canada, Canadian Water Network and Canadian Water Quality Association, a majority of water infrastructures are aging and that increases the risk for contaminants such as lead, mercury, chlorine, pollutants, pesticides, and microbial cysts. 2,3,4   Kevin Wong, Executive Director of Canadian Water Quality Association confirms traces of these contaminants are found in regular municipal drinking water. "CWQA has been championing testing and establishing guidelines for safe drinking water with all levels of government for many years," said Mr. Wong.   MAXION® Filter Technology, empowers consumers to care for their water with an affordable solution (pitchers and faucet filtration systems) to provide healthier, great-tasting water and peace of mind. However, when it comes to the PUR Advanced Faucet Filtration system, it features PUR MineralClear®, which filters water over natural minerals for a crisp, refreshing taste, plus it removes 10x more contaminants than the leading brand water pitcher. 5   Mr. Mitchell concludes, "The MAXION filtration system is an industry leading technology that reduces contaminants that may be found in drinking water. For example, PUR's pitchers reduce 14 contaminants, and the faucet filtration systems reduce over 70 contaminants. Both the pitcher and faucet filter systems are certified to remove 99% of lead, plus the taste and odour of chlorine".   According to Dr. David Suzuki, it's becoming more important for the individual to care not only for the environment, but to take action on a personal level. Dr. Suzuki's latest research and work dedicated to the challenge of the 21st century and setting the bottom-line in the anthropocene, reveals that humans have a dependence on clean air and water, and that the web of all of life on earth is responsible for cleansing, replenishing and creating air and water amongst other factors.   PUR takes environmental stewardship very seriously, and in addition to creating an industry leading water filtration system, has gone one step further by partnering with TerraCylce, with a national recycling program, to help consumers reduce the impact of the water filtration system and product packaging on the environment. The PUR Recycling Program is open to any interested individual, school, office, or community organization. Participation is as easy as signing up on the TerraCylce website (www.terracycle.ca). Upon registering, TerraCycle then sends pre-paid shipping labels to the end user to send back waste, and uses it to up-cycle, recycle, and even creates art with it!

Surfrider tackles cigarette pollution in Tofino and Ucluelet

Careless smokers are covering the West Coast’s serene landscape with cigarette butts and local ocean lovers have launched a campaign to convince them to cut it out. Surfrider Pacific Rim is installing canisters throughout Tofino and Ucluelet as part of a ‘Hold onto Your Butts’ campaign designed to keep beaches and streets clean while raising awareness of cigarette pollution. “The Hold onto Your Butt campaign is a fun and proactive approach to stopping the flow of cigarette litter from sidewalks to storm drains and eventually out to the ocean,” Surfrider Pacific Rim chair Michelle Hall told the Westerly News. “The campaign aims to raise awareness about the environmental impact of cigarette butt litter on our oceans, waves and beaches...We are asking you to hold onto your butt until you see a canister to put it in; it’s easy.” Roughly 12 canisters have been installed so far on district-owned land in Tofino and Ucluelet as well as outside participating businesses like Wolf in the Fog, Wickaninnish Inn and Howlers Restaurant. “We will be working very closely with public works and businesses to monitor the cigarettes collected in the canisters, and celebrate together the prevention of butts from reaching the ocean, and instead being recycled,” Hall said. “Surfrider Pacific Rim will champion the use of these canisters and launch the HOTYB campaign to ensure that the community gets involved, and becomes part of the solution not the pollution. Continuing our work in the schools, to provide education to our youth is vital.” She explained canisters are emptied regularly and the butts shipped to the mainland to be recycled. “With the help of volunteers, public works and this amazing community of people, we will collect those butts, and get them recycled into other plastic products through a company called TerraCycle,” she said. “TerraCycle have formed an amazing relationship with the Surfrider Foundation in the US, and so we reached out to their Canadian branch and they were stoked to start working with us too. They also offer recycle services for items that may be hard to recycle here on the Pacific Rim, and that’s something we will be looking at for the future too.” Local Surfrider volunteers have picked roughly 3,073 cigarette butts off local beaches in the past year, according to the foundation’s cleanup records, making butts the third most frequently found debris behind plastics and styrofoam. “This problem isn’t exclusive to the Pacific Rim here on the West Coast,” Hall said. “The California Coastal Commission reports that 36% of debris removed as part of its annual California Coastal Cleanup Day are cigarette butts and other smoking related items.” She said roughly 4.95 trillion cigarette butts are tossed into the environment each year and these butts can take up to 25 years to decompose and leach toxins that threaten marine life. “We would like to make the general public more aware of their actions when it comes to throwing butts out the window of a car or on a beach, but also provide the solutions to enable people to dispose of butts in the canisters,” she said. Hall has been thrilled so see local excitement surround the young campaign. “Locals are already excited for this initiative, not just because this means cleaner streets, but locals are now able to take part in the solution to end butt pollution,” she said. “Having the canisters and the education, means that we can help others dispose of their butts properly, and let them know that they are awesome because their butts get recycled into other products. Thats a win-win.” Anyone interested in installing a canister at their business is encouraged to contact Surfrider at chair@pacificrim.surfrider.org and anyone interested in volunteering for the campaign can reach out to volunteercoordinator@pacificrim.surfrider.org. “Surfrider is looking for volunteers to help champion this campaign, whether that’s becoming a volunteer for the HOTYB team, helping to collect butts, or being part of informing the community to dispose of butts in the canisters,” Hall said. “Got some fun slogans about holding onto your butt? Have a fun idea for a spoof campaign video on keeping butts of the street? Let us know.”

牙具回收 | 关爱口腔,关爱环境,更关心你 :)(满满干货!)

此次活动是由泰瑞环保与清华大学学生绿色协会共同合作,发起的一个免费回收任何口腔护理产品包装的活动。活动旨在共同支持并参与由高露洁棕榄(中国)有限公司赞助的口腔护理用品废弃物(含包装)回收循环利用活动,并在此过程中向参与的师生宣传并提高其垃圾分类、循环利用等环保意识,以带动全社会的生态环保进步。 公司承诺,回收回来后,1%-5%的废品会制作成产品重新使用(upcycle),比如牙膏皮做成的购物袋;其余会清洗造粒,再用粒子制作成其他的产品(recycle)。保证100%无填埋和焚烧。


Formas de reciclar botellas

La mayoría de nosotros creo, que no sabemos mucho sobre reciclar botellas. Podríamos limpiar botellas y frascos, aplastar los cartones y romper cajas,ayudariamos a reciclar botellas. Podríamos clasificar estos elementos en los contenedores designados o bolsas, pero una vez que perdemos de vista los materiales reciclables, el resto del proceso es una abstracción . El reciclaje hace que nos siente bien, pero pocos de nosotros saben lo que realmente sucede a una botella de plástico,a la hora de reciclar botellas.Lo sabes??Todo esto seria bueno para reciclar botellas

Lo que pasa es que la botella entra un elaborado sistema global dentro del cual su plástico es vendido, enviado, derretido, revendido y enviado otra vez — a veces zigzagueando el mundo antes de convertirse en una alfombra, ropa, o repetir la vida de una botella. Este proceso es posible porque el plástico es una sustancia obstinada, que resiste la descomposición. Con una supuesta vida útil de más de 500 años, es seguro decir que cada botella de plástico que ha utilizado existe en algún lugar de este planeta, de alguna forma u otra.

reciclar botellas

Aqui veis lo importante que es reciclar botellas.

En la ciudad de Nueva York, una vez por semana el Departamento de saneamiento (DSNY). Después de ser sacudido en la parte trasera del camión de combustible diesel, cada carga hace a su manera a la instalación de recuperación de Material de la ciudad de Nueva York o MRF (pronunciado“murf”), que es funcionada por Sims Recycling Municipal, una empresa propiedad de Sims Metal Management.Aqui empieza la maquinaria para reciclar botellas

Aunque este tipo de instalaciones se refiere comúnmente como una planta de reciclaje, sólo controla parte del proceso de reciclaje. En cambio, clasifica, se recupera y descartes. Un MRF tamiza a través de materiales reciclables para recuperar elementos que pueden ser revendidos en el post-consumo (término de la industria del reciclaje para tirar por los consumidores de artículos) los mercados de productos básicos. En este caso, el material tamizado incluye vidrio, metal, cajas de cartón y algunos plásticos. Descarta el resto.

“Normalmente, el 50% de lo que has puesto en tu papelera de reciclaje no es reciclado. Ha clasificado y lanzados hacia fuera,”dijo Tom Szaky, CEO de TerraCycle, una empresa de reciclaje. Esto es en parte debido a un error de usuario, un problema común que ocurre cuando la gente pone los mareriales donde no corresponden.

En lo MRF, reciclables cambian de manos de la ciudad en el mundo de residuos, más a menudo a empresas del sector privado. Mientras que los Estados y ciudades mandato y mercado de reciclaje con símbolos verdes y variaciones de pegadizas líneas de etiquetas de ‘reutilizar-reducir-reciclar’, no es raro para ellos pagar a empresas externas para manejar el proceso. Ciudad de Nueva York, por ejemplo, paga a los Sims aproximadamente $70 a $75 por tonelada para tomar los materiales reciclables. Sims, a su vez, paga a la ciudad un porcentaje de las ventas basado en tarifas nacionales mensuales. En diciembre de 2013, Sims reveló un elegante nuevo diseño Selldorf arquitecto, $ 110 millones Sunset Park, centro de Brooklyn. Ciudad de Nueva York contribuyó $ 60 millones para el nuevo cava, que es lo suficientemente grande como para acomodar el flujo anual de los materiales reciclables de los cinco condados, más de 250.000 toneladas.

“Esto es donde artículos reciclados comienzan su viaje,” dijo Educación de Sims Coordinador, Eadaoin Quinn durante un recorrido por la planta. “El reciclaje puede ser un proceso bastante largo. No es como pones en la papelera y de repente es algo nuevo.” La primera parada de la gira, llamada la “planta volteo”, es donde los camiones DSNY dejar sus cargas en un balón de futbol campo tamaño cuarto lleno con cerca de 1 mil toneladas de materiales reciclables.hay se separan para reciclar botellas.

reciclar botellas

Una grúa gigante, empequeñecida por las montañas de material desechado en la enorme sala, recoge la basura, lanzando sobre una banda transportadora. “Bolsas reciclables vienen en camiones y barcazas y se cargan en la banda transportadora, y luego se rasgan abierto por una máquina que rebana cada bolso abierto,” dijo Quinn.“Lamentablemente no se pueden recicladar las bolsas, son sucias, por lo que terminará en un vertedero de basura.” Artículos de plástico reciclables incluso son difíciles de proceso si no han sido limpiadas correctamente — por lo tanto, los prospectos para que “aclare nuestros reciclables.” Es de una botella de plástico más limpio, más fácil es reencarnar como algo nuevo,asi es mas facil de reciclar botellas. Del vasto suelo,el reciclaje aspira a moverse a lo largo de una línea de montaje automatizada intrincada de transportadores, vasos, detectores de metales y algunos clasificadores humanos, con el fin de ser categorizado por productos básicos. El sistema de banda transportadora tipo cristal en primer lugar,tarda dos minutos. Luego se extraen metales por imanes o por otros medios. Plásticos gruesos y rebeldes , como polietileno de alta densidad HDPE, un nombre de fantasia para tus envases de detergente de lavandería, compactado en fajos abultados de color, luego refrenado enbaladas por cuerda. Y por último, botellas de bebidas de plástico usadas se agregan en una secuencia. De principio a fin, una botella de plástico pasa a menos de 30minutos en una banda transportadora de Sims. Una botella desechada ayer, muy posiblemente ya este aquí, será a través del sistema de recuperación en un día. Como podeis ver es muy importante reciclar botellas y otros producos.

牙具回收进社区 以旧换新环保行


DIY workshop gets south Auckland kids to upcycle creatively

The national winners of a recycling competition have now advanced to the next stage in saving the planet - upcycling. Mountain View School in Mangere Bridge took the first place in Fonterra's Milk for Schools recycling excellence competition this year. Their prize for being the best in the country was a DIY workshop held by TerraCycle. The winner last year was Miramar Central Primary in Wellington. To enter the competition, the students created a video showcasing how they minimise waste and increase recycling at their school. Their submission was judged as the most impressive. In an interactive session, the kids had a crash course in recycling, and how to reuse waste in functional ways. They learnt how to make bags, tic-tac-toe sets and coin pouches out of Fonterra yoghurt pouches. Deputy principal Joy Fraser says the school has always stressed the importance of recycling and minimising waste. "They're our future leaders. They are the ones we have to rely on," she says. The workshop has helped them grasp a whole new side to reusing waste. "It has given them an insight into how you can recycle and what other things you can make with it [waste]. They've been shown a dress made from a tent," she says. "They've learnt that it's worth recycling, not just to planet clean, but to make things for their own use." Evarose Inamata, one of the students participating in the workshop, says this is the first time she's made a bag from waste. She plans to put her money in the pouch she made. Ten-year-old Tevita Manu learnt that "you don't always have to put rubbish in the bin, but you could actually use it". And he plans on passing this knowledge to his family and friends. "I'm going to tell them don't chuck things straight in the bin. Think of what you can turn them into," he says. TerraCycle has been working with schools in partnership with Fonterra to encourage recycling at a young age. Schools that are interested in joining the programme can find more information at www.fonterramilkforschools.com.

Office Rubbish Removal Sydney: Really Easy When You Know How

Office Rubbish Removal Sydney: many offices do not produce a great deal of waste, especially for smaller office spaces with less than 10 workers. In some instances, the council bin provision may be suitable for your needs. However, it is pretty simple to organise low cost and effective waste management and recycling services for your office – and achieve very high levels of recycling to help the environment. Of course, as with everything else, a little bit of effort by your staff in separating waste and recyclables can really help to increase recycling percentages. Waster offers low cost and flexible waste, recycling and office rubbish removal Sydney services through flexible 30 day agreements. Check out our online shop for all options and services: By putting in place a simple waste management plan, you can pretty easily achieve very high recycling rates for your business – this can help keep your staff engaged and also lead to a better work atmosphere. We list from top to bottom – the easiest and cheapest recycling options to put in place to reduce any waste ending up in landfill. Cardboard and Paper recycling – most offices produce lots of paper and some cardboard. The cheapest way (and most environmentally friendly way to get rid of it is to have a cardboard bin collection. If some of your paperwork is confidential – you can organise a shredding bin. Confidential document shredding: a confidential shredding bin ensures your private docs are not simply thrown in the garbage. The bin is kept and collected by a security cleared driver from inside your office space. Commingled recycling: if your office has items like drinks cans, plastic bottle etc – a commingled recycling bin ( a yellow mixed recycling bin) could be a good move and will let you reduce any general waste going to landfill. Organic food waste: if you produce reasonable amounts of food waste, their may be an organic food waste collection service in your area. Alternatively, if you have a garden you could think about a composter. Recycling boxes: it is good to know also that pretty much anything can be recycled using TerraCycle recycling boxes – such as cigarettes, coffee pods, rubber gloves or hairnets – pretty much anything.