Posts with term TerraCycle X

Do the write thing in Wellesley… recycle your plastic pens, mechanical pencils, and markers

The Natural Resources Commission is partnering with the Department of Public Works on a zero waste solution for old pens, pencils, and markers. Throw items into the specially-marked TerraCycle recycling box in the Town Hall Lobby and in the Library Children’s Room. The collection will continue until the boxes are full. TerraCycle will separate the components, smelting the metal and molding the plastic into new plastic products.

Los Altos启动专案:烟蒂变公园长椅

Los Altos与新泽西一家公司合作,将吸完烟的废物转化成公园长椅、塑胶椅和其他有用产品。 这一回圈回收专案是这样工作的:Los Altos首先敦促吸烟者把烟蒂扔进最近安装在市中心10个城市停车场的12个容器中任一个。一旦这些容器满了,烟蒂就会被运送到TerraCycle,接着,这家公司将过滤嘴与纸和烟草分开。 纸和烟草将被堆肥。包含合成纤维的过滤嘴将被转换成塑胶颗粒,然后用来生产塑胶板材,进而可用来制造公园长椅和座椅、运输托盘、烟灰缸和其他工业产品。 Los Altos官员希望该专案鼓励吸烟者以恰当方式扔掉他们的烟蒂,而不是简单地往人行道上扔。 Los Altos市的Sarah Henricks说,全球每年有16.9亿磅烟蒂最终成为到处可见的垃圾。 「它可能在地面上,」她说。 「它可以在你走过的灌木丛中。你知道,人们可能只是在某处扔掉烟蒂。所以我们真得想改变一下。」

How to Plant a Pet Friendly Garden This Spring

TerraCycle is an innovative recycling company that has become a global leader in recycling hard-to-recycle waste. Wellness Natural Pet Food is the first U.S.-based pet food brand to make its packaging nationally recyclable through a partnership with TerraCycle. So far, the partnership has resulted in 80,000 pet food bags diverted from landfills.  That said here are some great tips on planting a pet friendly garden this summer.