Posts with term TerraCycle X

From Cigarette Butts to Park Benches: Los Altos, New Jersey Company Tackle Recycling Project

Los Altos is partnering with a New Jersey-based company to transform the waste that comes along with used cigarettes into park benches, plastic chairs and other useful products... Los Altos is first encouraging smokers to toss their cigarettes into any of the 12 receptacles that were recently installed in 10 city-owned parking lots throughout downtown. Once those receptacles are full, the cigarette butts will be shipped to TerraCycle.

How to Plant a Pet Friendly Garden This Spring

TerraCycle is an innovative recycling company that has become a global leader in recycling hard-to-recycle waste. Wellness Natural Pet Food is the first U.S.-based pet food brand to make its packaging nationally recyclable through a partnership with TerraCycle. So far, the partnership has resulted in 80,000 pet food bags diverted from landfills.

2018 Halo Awards Honor Top Corporate Social Impact Initiatives

This year’s Halo Award-winning campaigns were: Environmental Category GOLD: Planting Seeds for Haiti’s Future: Timberland & Smallholder Farmers Alliance SILVER: Rinse, Recycle, Repeat: Garnier, TerraCycle & DoSomething.org Nudging For Good (Sponsored by PRS IN VIVO) GOLD: Nudging for Good: Ammunition & UNICEF Kid Power SILVER: Rinse, Recycle, Repeat: Garnier, TerraCycle & DoSomething.org  

From niche to mainstream: Catching up with Once Upon a Farm

"We partner with TerraCycle. Customers can request an envelope, for free, and they can send all their pouches to TerraCycle, where they get upcycled into other products. They could be made into building structures or chairs or toothbrushes. We are always actively working on ways to be more sustainable. Having the first 100 percent recyclable or compostable pouch—we’re still evaluating the available options—is something we’re in conversations on."


Tybee Clean Beach Volunteers is an organization made up of compassionate individuals who walk the beach in search of litter on a regular basis... Tybee Clean Beach Volunteers also recycle most of what they recover, either through municipal recycling or, for hard to recycle items such as cigarettes, straws, bottle caps, bits of broken plastic, and snack wrappers, with their partner Terracycle.