Posts with term TerraCycle X

Beauty recycling isn't as simple as you think, so here's what you need to know this Global Recycling Day

Of all the bonkers commemorative dates in the calendar (looking at you, Hug Your Cat Day), one that deserves all the airtime it can get, is Global Recycling Day, which happens every year on 18th March. Both Garnier and L’Occitane have partnered up with recycling company TerraCycle to ensure that our empty beauty products are being dealt with accordingly. Simply drop of your bottles (from any brand) at a local drop off point and they’ll sort, separate and recycle to ensure the absolute minimum ends up in landfill.

How to recycle beauty products – the handy bookmark and keep guide

Happy Global Recycling Day. First introduced back in 2018, today is all about educating people on the importance of recycling for preserving our planet.
‘Beauty product packaging is often composed of a variety of types of material,’ explains Stephen Clarke, Head of Communications at TerraCycle Europe. ‘For example — mirrored glass, cardboard sleeves, paper inserts, expanded plastic foam and more have been known to be used in cosmetics packaging– sometimes all in one item.’ This makes recycling them incredibly difficult. However, TerraCycle has partnered with Garnier to create a free recycling programme for beauty packaging, and these can be taken to one of their allocated drop-off locations. Find your nearest one here.

Reading woman saves 5 million pieces of waste from landfill

A woman from Reading has saved five million pieces of waste from landfill and incineration. Ali Chaney, from Three Miles Cross, has collected Marigold gloves, sweet wrappers and beauty products over nine years which can’t be recycled by the council.
She sends to TerraCycle to be processed and turned into picnic tables, outdoor furniture, and lumber for use in construction.

Gillette, L'Oréal, Signal et Terracycle installent chez Monoprix des kiosques pour recycler les produits de beauté [exclusif]

Terracycle avec le concours des marques Gillette (Procter & Gamble), Signal (Unilever) et du groupe L'Oréal installent des bornes pour collecter et recycler les emballages des produits de beauté dans les 140 magasins Monoprix.

En 2018 et 2019, Terrracycle, avec le concours du groupe Procter & Gamble, avait mené des campagnes pour collecter et recycler les emballages de produits de beauté chez Monoprix. En 2022, l'opération prend de l'ampleur.

Larga vida a la escritura: reciclado de bolígrafos y más

Dentro del marco del Plan municipal de Economía Circular se inserta el nuevo programa de recogida y reciclaje de material de escritura, iniciativa en la que Rivamadrid y el Ayuntamiento han involucrado a los centros escolares de la ciudad. Así, se ha firmado un convenio de colaboración con las compañías BIC y Terracycle para impulsar el reciclaje de este material, evitando que termine en el vertedero y avanzando hacia el objetivo de ‘residuo cero’.


In honour of World Recycling Day 2022, BRITA has shared 5 recycling tips to help people on the way to reducing landfill waste. [...]

4. Snack responsibly

You can drop your Pringles tubes at over 330 Bring Banks across the UK, and your KP popcorn, crisps, nuts and pretzels can be collected by TerraCycle at selected locations, and are then made into watering cans, storage boxes or even outdoor furniture.

Tuffalun. Une collecte au profit de l’école Notre-Dame

Marielle, habitante de Tuffalun, organise une collecte de brosses à dents et d’emballages cosmétiques, au profit de l’Association des parents d’élèves de l’école Notre-Dame de Tuffalun.   Marielle, habitante de Tuffalun, organise une collecte de brosses à dents et d’emballages cosmétiques, au profit de l’Association des parents d’élèves de l’école Notre-Dame de Tuffalun. Les déchets, non acceptés par les filières traditionnelles de tri, sont recyclés par TerraCycle.

Campaigning mum transforms old crisp packets into £12,000 for stillbirth charity

A Co Londonderry woman has raised £12,000 for a stillbirth awareness charity by collecting rubbish that would have normally gone to landfill. Her group takes material not readily recycled, such as crisp and sweet packets, biscuit wrappers, bread bags and disposable gloves, and turns it into cash. Ms Seviour-Crockett signed up with Terracycle, a recycling company that processes hard-to-handle materials.