Posts with term TerraCycle X

Check it Out: Garbage Moguls

I mentioned last week about a company called TerraCycle and how they will buy trash and use it to produce new products to sell. If you wanna see more - there is a new reality show that will be airing on the National Geographic Channel called Garbage Moguls.  This program will shine some light on the work that TerraCycle is doing with their creative and environmentally conscious business of reusing garbage!

TerraCycle: una compañía que convierte nuestra basura en cosas útiles

Hace algunos días atrás leí un post en uno de mis blogs ecológicos favoritos (Mommy is Green) acerca de TerraCycle. Ya sabía de su existencia y vagamente conocía a lo que se dedicaban, pero como en esa época no estaba familiarizada con Twitter, decidí aprovechar que ahora si lo estoy y seguirlos, para mi sorpresa me siguieron y algo en mi interior me impulsó a contactarlos.
No es la primera vez que contactó compañías para trabajar con ellos, pero me sorprendió la respuesta tan rápida y sobretodo el interés que mostraron al saber que mi blog era en español (cosa que no siempre pasa), así que imagínense mi emoción al saber que trabajaría junto a ellos para ayudarlos a correr la voz.

Garbage Moguls! Airing this Saturday!

Hi there friends of RePlayGround! If you're friends of us, chances are you're friends of TerraCycle, too! I'm excited to announce that TerraCycle's trashy reality show, Garbage Moguls <http://replayground.blogspot.com/2010/08/www.natgeotv.com/garbage> , is  airing this Saturday. And it's not just one episode. It's four trash-packed episodes airing in a eco-marathon. You can catch me in the shows along with the rest of the TerraCycle <http://replayground.blogspot.com/2010/08/www.terracycle.net>  crew.


TerraCycle is an excellent fundraising program that non-profit organizations can sign up to participate in.  If your school is interested in participating log onto http://www.terracycle.net/ there you will find out how to sign up for the program and how to join the different brigades (items you can collect).  TerraCycle pays out $.02 (a few brigades are higher valued but more difficult to collect) for each piece collected, your non-profit sends in their collected items free of charge!  All they need to do is log into their account and print off a shipping label, tape up the box and take it to their local UPS shipping store!  TerraCycle will send out checks in December and June.

Coolest Pencil Cases and Wallets

Item: TerraCycle Drink Pouch Pencil Case (Large) Price: $3.59 Why we love it: Reuse rocks. Where to buy it: Dwell Smart TerraCycle collects tons of used juice pouches annually and turns them into cool eco products like this generously-sized pencil case. Two cents go to charity for every pouch they collect, so this case helps do good while looking great.

TerraCycle Eco-Friendly Back To School Products- Review & Giveaway

Did you know that billions of drink pouches are thrown out each year, filling up landfills and dumpsters across the country? TerraCycle represents a new generation of company, putting as much emphasis on its social and environmental impact as its profits. In 2001, college freshman Tom Szaky founded TerraCycle in hopes of building a new, more responsible way of doing business, by creating an eco-capitalist company built on waste. Since then, TerraCycle has revolutionized the industry by making eco-friendly and affordable products from waste materials. Seven years later, TerraCycle’s eco-friendly products have received a myriad of social and environmental accolades and are available at major retail stores.

TerraCycle reality show to air new episodes

TRENTON -- Three new episodes of "Garbage Moguls," a National Geographic Channel reality show about the Trenton recycling firm TerraCycle, will be broadcast on Saturday night. The program features TerraCycle founder Tom Szaky and other employees of the New York Avenue company as they take different waste streams and work to convert them into new products.

Going Back To School The Green Way

Today’s the first day of school for Dylan, Tyler actually started last week, crazy I know. I still have a hard time with school starting in August.  When I was a kid school didn’t start until after Labor Day.  Oh my heck, did I really just say, “When I was kid”?  Ugh, I think that officially makes me old. Ok, moving on.  Being the green loving family that I force us to be we are, I tried to keep our purchases down or at least pretty green.