Posts with term TerraCycle X

TerraCycle Kid's Herb Growing Kit

Today, I found TerraCycle Kid's Growing Kit and snapped them up! They consist of a three-pack of used Stonyfield Yogurt cups that have been filled with soil. The cardboard packaging that holds the containers is actually embedded with seeds for either tomatoes or basil, depending on which you pick. The best part? They only cost a $1 each. When I got home and started looking at TerraCycle's site, I found that they have a bunch of products that are made from “upcycled” products - a bike pouch made from energy bar wrappers, a bubble kit made from milk bottles, backpacks and totes made from drink pouches. What an innovative and fun company! Check it out to see if there's something you just can't live without. Of course, if you wanted to go one step further, you could save all your own yogurt containers and break a seed packet out among several cups so that the seeds are already planted and watered for the first time when you hand them out, but these were too convenient for me to pass up.

10 Green Gifts for Kids this Christmas under $20

Why not go for something different and give your child a green gift for Christmas instead? Our top 10 green gifts for kids are eco-friendly and good for the planet; they come in minimal packaging and are made from recycled materials and products. They are also great fun for kids and their friends, encourage imagination, and best of all, each one is under $20!
1) Skittles Boombox1) Skittles, Peanut M&M or Starburst Gummie Boomboxes $18.99
Looking for the perfect gift to light up your child’s face this Christmas morning? Look no further! TerraCycle has joined forces with Merkury Innovations to create these fun “upcycled” boombox eco-speakers. Upcycling takes unused rolls of wrapping material that would otherwise go to waste, and turns it into a variety of useful, eco-friendly products. These boombox speakers are universally compatible with all MP3 players and are battery-free, plus the kids absolutely love them! Choose from Skittles, Starburst Gummies or Peanut M&M versions.