Posts with term TerraCycle X

Årets overraskelse under juletræet

Tassimo fra Bosch og Kraft Foods er en let betjent kapselmaskine med et stort udbud af varme drikke til både børn og voksne... Kraft Foods har også tænkt på, hvad der skal ske med de brugte kapsler. Derfor er der indgået et samarbejde med det innovative genbrugssystem TerraCycle. Forbrugerne kan indsamle og indsende brugte kapsler, der herefter bliver genanvendt i andre produkter. For hver kapsel som indsamles, går der desuden 10 øre til et velgørende formål, som forbrugeren selv kan vælge.

The Green Team at Point Road School in Little Silver Outsmarts Waste

Jim Brown, the Assistant Recycling Coordinator of Monmouth County brought along Bill Kerwood from Magical Results to help the kids at PRS learn more about recycling, while having fun. The kids had fun while learning, and got to show off what they have learned. In the lunchroom at PRS, the kids are learning how to sort their trash to benefit their community and school at the same time. PRS is part of the TerraCycle cookie and chip bag brigade. For each cookie or chip bag sent to TerraCycle, the school will receive $.02. With funds already collected, the school has purchased clipboards (made out of recycled circuit boards, how cool) for use in the PRS outdoor classroom.

TerraCycle: Green Machine

When it comes to advertising that highlights green products, no one has gone as far as TerraCycle. TerraCycle is a company that provides free waste collection programs for hard to recycle materials. They then turn the waste into affordable green product in which then you can buy. TerraCycle offers green products for sale ranging in categories from home, office, school, and more. Their goal in mind is to eliminate the idea of waste. TerraCycle was founded in 2001 by Tom Szaky, at the time, a 20-year-old Princeton University freshman. TerraCycle began by producing organic fertilizer, packaging liquid worm poop in used soda bottles. Since then TerraCycle has grown into one of the fastest-growing green companies in the world. In the past couple years, you have seen the dramatic uprising of green advertising and products. At the time, it almost seemed like a movement and a trend of its own. In regarding to its selling ability, as of late I believe that it is successful. Nowadays, I believe more and more people are starting to become more environment conscious. Mass quantities of eco-friendly products are available for purchase such as hybrid cars, energy efficient light bulbs and others for example. Its being shelved everywhere, and this new fad appears to at least make you consider products that benefits the environment. It makes the buyer feel good about themselves. Why buy a product that is rather hurting or not even helping the environment? Even though I think the going green movement seems to specialize and cater to certain groups of people, I envision green products to continue to incline.

Talking Trash with Tom Szaky

A few weeks ago, we asked Bag The Box fans what they’d like to ask TerraCycle CEO Tom Szaky in a no-holds-barred Q&A. “Trash-talk” ensued! Here are Tom’s answers to your trashy questions: When I started TerraCycle ten years ago, I had no idea what I was getting myself into. On an entrepreneurial level, I did have some idea, but on an eco-level, it was not so. As I became more involved in upcycling and recycling, I learned more about trash than I ever realized I would! TerraCycle now processes trash from Logitech electronics to Mars candy wrappers and donates an incredible amount of money to charity every year thanks to our collection Brigade participants. Since we have lots of programs, and lots to recycle, people have lots of questions. The Malt-O-Meal and TerraCycle social networks teamed together to ask you all for your questions, and we did our best to choose some good ones.

Tips for recycling sports gear

Turn your old sports gear into running tracks, tote bags, rugs and more. You may know you can recycle running shoes after you’ve trained hard and run a race in them, but did you know you can recycle the race bib you wore in the competition, too? Cliff Bar, the makers of some of my family’s favorite snacks (like their MoJo bars), sent me these tips on recycling all sorts of sports gear. I thought I’d pass them along. CLIF BAR Wrappers. To keep wrappers out of landfills, CLIF BAR partnered with Terracycle in 2008 to allow consumers to send in used wrappers, which are then made into everything from bike pouches to lunch sacks—and CLIF BAR makes a two-cent donation per wrapper to the school or charity of the sender’s choice. If you’d like to hear more about CLIF BAR’s many recycling, waste reduction and sustainability efforts, please drop me a line!

Proyectos de Reciclaje: "Islas Ecológicas" y BIC

Desde inicio de curso, tal y como aparece en nuestra PGA, el RECICLAJE cobrará especial relevancia en el centro este año. Podemos decir que comenzó con la implantación en el recinto de un "punto de compostaje" hace unos años. Actualmente hemos colocado varias "islas ecológicas" (contenedores pequeños para almacenaje de papel-cartón y plástico dentro del colegio y contenedores grandes para su recogida fuera). Igualmente y en colaboración con la empresa de bolígrafos BIC y la asociación TERRACYCLE, hemos formado una BRIGADA DE RECICLAJE de todo tipo de instrumentos de escritura, contribuyendo de esta manera a proteger y conservar el medioambiente. Cualquier bolígrafo, pluma, rotulador, corrector, marcador fluorescente, etc (sin importar la marca del fabricante o el material del que estén hechos con excepción de la madera -!OJO!) PUEDE SER RECICLADO.